This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2009
MUS 100A.13: Performance Study - Applied Secondary Piano, Steven K. Hesla
MUS 100A.16: Performance Study - Applied Voice, David T. Cody
MUS 100A.19: Performance Study - Applied Viola, Margaret Baldridge
MUS 100A.20: Performance Study - Applied Violin, Margaret Baldridge
MUS 100A.21: Performance Study - Applied Voice, Anne Basinski
MUS 100A.24: Performance Study - Applied Guitar, Luis Millan
MUS 107A.01: Women's Chorus, David T. Cody
MUS 108A.01: Symphony Orchestra, Luis Millan
MUS 110A.01: Symphonic Wind Ensemble, James P. Smart
MUS 110A.02: Concert Band, Steven D. Griggs
MUS 111.01: Music Theory I, Margaret L. Schuberg
MUS 111.02: Music Theory I, Patrick C. Williams
MUS 111.03: Music Theory I, Jennifer L. Cavanaugh
MUS 113A.01: Opera Theatre I, Anne Basinski
MUS 115A.01: Piano in Class I, Unknown
MUS 115A.02: Piano in Class I, Christopher C. Hahn
MUS 115A.03: Piano in Class I, Unknown
MUS 115A.04: Piano in Class I, Unknown
MUS 118A.01: Singing for Non-Majors, Heather Barnes
MUS 124.02: Strings in Class, Margaret Baldridge
MUS 126A.01: Double Reed Class, Jennifer L. Cavanaugh
MUS 130.01: Percussion Instruments in Class, Robert LedBetter
MUS 134L.01: The Art of Western Music, Fern A. Glass
MUS 137.01: Aural Perception I, Margaret L. Schuberg
MUS 137.02: Aural Perception I, Patrick C. Williams
MUS 137.03: Aural Perception I, Jennifer L. Cavanaugh
MUS 147A.01: Group Instruction - Guitar, Luis Millan and Thomas Pertis
MUS 147A.02: Group Instruction - Guitar, Luis Millan and Thomas Pertis
MUS 150A.05: Chamber Ensembles - Percussion Ensemble, Robert LedBetter
MUS 150A.07: Chamber Ensembles - UM Combos, Ulf Johan Eriksson
MUS 150A.08: Chamber Ensembles - Flute Choir, Margaret L. Schuberg
MUS 150A.13: Chamber Ensembles - Vocal Ensembles, Anne Basinski
MUS 150A.17: Chamber Ensembles - World Percussion Ensemble, Robert LedBetter
MUS 150A.18: Chamber Ensembles - Voice Master Class, Anne Basinski
MUS 151.01: Major Performance Area I - Voice, Kimberly G. James
MUS 151.02: Major Performance Area I - Bassoon, Jennifer L. Cavanaugh
MUS 151.03: Major Performance Area I - Cello, Fern A. Glass
MUS 151.04: Major Performance Area I - Trumpet, James P. Smart
MUS 151.05: Major Performance Area I - Voice, Creighton James
MUS 151.07: Major Performance Area I - Oboe, Jennifer L. Cavanaugh
MUS 151.08: Major Performance Area I - French Horn, Roger N. Logan
MUS 151.09: Major Performance Area I - Percussion, Robert LedBetter
MUS 151.10: Major Performance Area I - Piano, Christopher C. Hahn
MUS 151.11: Major Performance Area I - Piano, Steven K. Hesla
MUS 151.12: Major Performance Area I - Saxophone, Ulf Johan Eriksson
MUS 151.13: Major Performance Area I - Flute, Margaret L. Schuberg
MUS 151.17: Major Performance Area I - Viola, Margaret Baldridge
MUS 151.19: Major Performance Area I - Voice, Anne Basinski
MUS 151.20: Major Performance Area I - Voice, David T. Cody
MUS 151.23: Major Performance Area I - Guitar, Luis Millan
MUS 155A.01: Grizzly Marching Band, Kevin D. Griggs
MUS 159.01: Composition I, Charles Nichols
MUS 170.02: Introduction to Music Technology, Charles Nichols
MUS 196.08: Independent Study - Reed Making, Jennifer L. Cavanaugh
MUS 211.01: Music Theory III, Patrick C. Williams
MUS 215.01: Piano in Class II, Steven K. Hesla
MUS 215.02: Piano in Class II, Christopher C. Hahn
MUS 218.01: Piano in Class III, Steven K. Hahn
MUS 219.01: Piano Proficency Assessment, Steven K. Hesla
MUS 237.02: Aural Perception II, Patrick C. Williams
MUS 251.02: Major Performance Area II - Bassoon, Jennifer L. Cavanaugh
MUS 251.03: Major Performance Area II - Cello, Fern A. Glass
MUS 251.04: Major Performance Area II - Trumpet, James P. Smart
MUS 251.07: Major Performance Area II - French Horn, Roger N. Logan
MUS 251.07: Major Performance Area II - Oboe, Jennifer L. Cavanaugh
MUS 251.08: Major Performance Area II - Applied Organ Instruction, Nancy Cooper
MUS 251.09: Major Performance Area II - Percussion, Robert LedBetter
MUS 251.10: Major Performance Area II - Piano, Christopher C. Hahn
MUS 251.11: Major Performance Area II - Piano, Steven K. Hesla
MUS 251.12: Major Performance Area II - Saxophone, Ulf Johan Eriksson
MUS 251.17: Major Performance Area II - Viola, Margaret Baldridge
MUS 251.19: Major Performance Area II - Voice, Anne Basinski
MUS 251.20: Major Performance Area II - Voice, David T. Cody
MUS 251.22: Major Performance Area II - Guitar, Luis Millan
MUS 259.01: Composition II, Patrick C. Williams
MUS 308A.01: Symphony / Orchestra, Luis Millan
MUS 310A.01: Symphonic Wind Ensemble, James P. Smart
MUS 313.01: Opera Theater II, Anne Basinski
MUS 335.01: Music Education in Elementary School, Mary Jane Belz
MUS 335.02: Music Education in Elementary School, Mary Jane Belz
MUS 342.01: Vocal Repertoire I, Anne Basinski
MUS 350.01: Electroacoustic Composers Workshop, Charles Nichols
MUS 350.07: Chamber Ensembles II - UM Combos, Ulf Johan Eriksson
MUS 350.08: Chamber Ensembles II - Flute Choir, Margaret L. Schuberg
MUS 350.13: Chamber Ensembles II - Vocal Ensembles, Anne Basinski
MUS 350.18: Chamber Ensembles II - Voice Master Class, Anne Basinski
MUS 351.01: Major Performance Area III - Flute, Margaret L. Schuberg
MUS 351.02: Major Performance Area III - Bassoon, Jennifer L. Cavanaugh
MUS 351.03: Major Performance Area III - Cello, Fern A. Glass
MUS 351.04: Major Performance Area III - Trumpet, James P. Smart
MUS 351.07: Major Performance Area III - French Horn, Roger N. Logan
MUS 351.08: Major Performance Area III - Applied Organ Instruction, Nancy Cooper
MUS 351.09: Major Performance Area III - Percussion, Robert LedBetter
MUS 351.10: Major Performance Area III - Piano, Christopher C. Hahn
MUS 351.11: Major Performance Area III - Piano, Steven K. Hesla
MUS 351.12: Major Performance Area III - Saxophone, Ulf Johan Eriksson
MUS 351.17: Major Performance Area III - Viola, Margaret Baldridge
MUS 351.19: Major Performance Area - Applied Voice III, Anne Basinski
MUS 351.20: Major Performance Area III - Voice, David T. Cody
MUS 351.23: Major Performance Area III - Guitar, Luis Millan