This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2009
BME 128T.01: Maintenance, John A. Walker
BMED 324.01: Medicinal Plants, Rustem S. Medora
BMED 328.01: Antimicrobial Agents, David Freeman
BMED 331.01: Pharmaceutics, Howard Beall
BMED 341.01: Physiological Systems I, Elizabeth Putnam
BMED 347.01: Introduction to Neuroscience, Michael P. Kavanaugh
BMED 361.01: Biomedical / Pharmaceutical Sciences Laboratory, Jerry R. Smith
BMED 362.01: Pharmaceutical Sciences Laboratory, Howard Beall
BMED 421.01: Medicinal Chemistry I, David S. Freeman and Charles M. Thompson
BMED 422.01: Medicinal Chemistry II, David Freeman
BMED 432.01: Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Erica Woodahl and John Gerdes
BMED 444.01: Pharmacology / Toxicology I, Keith Parker
BMED 495.01: Immunopharmacology, David M. Shepherd
BMED 593.01: Current Research Literature, Elizabeth A. Putnam
BMED 605.01: Biomedical Research Ethics, Elizabeth A. Putnam and Mark Perhouse
BMED 610.01: Neuropharmacology, Richard J. Bridges, Darrell Jackson, and Keith Parker
BMED 642.01: Toxicology II, Elizabeth A. Putnam
BMED 643.01: Cellular and Molecular Toxicology, Mark Pershouse
BMED 644.01: Fundamentals of Immunitoxicology, David M. Shepherd
BMED 695.01: Advanced Pharmacokinetics, Erica Woodahl
CHEM 151N.00: General and Inorganic Chemistry, Garon C. Smith
CHMY 121N.00: General & Inorganic Chemistry, Garon C. Smith
C&I 160.03: Learning Strategies for Higher Education, Janet M. Zupan
C&I 160.04: Learning Strategies for Higher Education, Janet M. Zupan
C&I 200.01: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experience, Heather C. Davis
C&I 200.01: Exploring Teaching through Field Experience, Scott R. Hohnstein
C&I 200.02: Exploring Teaching through Field Experience, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 200.02: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experience, Phillip Wittekiend
C&I 200.03: Exploring Teaching through Field Experience, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 200.03: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experience, Phillip Wittekiend
C&I 200.04: Exploring Teaching through Field Experience, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 200.04: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experience, Phillip Wittekiend
C&I 200.05: Exploring Teaching through Field Experience, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 287.01: Business Communication, Nancy K. Clouse
C&I 287.01: Business Communications, Nancy K. Clouse
C&I 300.01: Seminar - Elementary Language Arts Field Experience, William A. Kinderwater
C&I 300.02: Seminar - Elementary Language Arts Field Experience, William A. Kinderwater
C&I 301.01: Field Experience - Middle School, Collier Kaler
C&I 301.01: Professional Field Experience - Grades K-8, Lindsay M. Thompson
C&I 302.01: Field Experience - Grades 9-12, Collier Kaler
C&I 302.01: Professional Field Experiends - Grades 9-12, Lindsay M. Thompson
C&I 303.01: Educational Psychology and Measurement, Scott R. Hohnstein
C&I 303.02: Educational Psychology and Measurement, Scott R. Hohnstein
C&I 303.02: Educational Psychology and Measurement, Scott R. Hohnstein
C&I 303.03: Educational Psychology and Measurement, Scott R. Hohnstein
C&I 306.00: Instructional Media and Computer Applications, Martin Horejsi, Georgia A. Cobbs, and Jeff Crews
C&I 306.01: Instructional Media and Computer Applications, Jeff W. Crews
C&I 306.02: Instructional Media and Computer Applications, Martin G. Horejsi
C&I 316.00: Children’s Literature and Critical Reading, Rhea A. Ashmore
C&I 316.01: Children's Literature and Critical Reading, Rhea A. Ashmore
C&I 318.01: Teaching Language Arts K-8, Collier Kaler
C&I 318.01: Teaching Language Arts P-8, Jan LaBonty
C&I 330.01: Early Childhood Education, Karen Martin and Kristin Horejsi
C&I 341.01: Information Management & Design, Nancy K. Clouse
C&I 355.50: The Child in the Family, Susan Harper-Whalen
C&I 367.01: Field Experience Placement - Learning And Belonging (LAB) Preschool, Karen Martin and Kristin Horejsi
C&I 367.90: Field Experience Placement - Learning And Belonging (LAB) Preschool, Karen Martin and Kristin Horejsi
C&I 403.01: Teaching Elementary Social Studies, Matthew V. Schertz
C&I 403.01: Teaching Elementary Social Studies, Matthew V. Shertz
C&I 403.02: Teaching Elementary Social Studies, Matthew V. Schertz
C&I 403.02: Teaching Elementary Social Studies, Matthew V. Shertz
C&I 404.00: Teaching Science K-8, LIsa M. Blank
C&I 404.01: Teaching Science K-8, Lisa M. Blank
C&I 405.01: Teaching Reading P-8, Janice LaBonty
C&I 407E.03: Ethics and Policy Issues, Lisa M. Blank
C&I 410.01: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 410.01: Exceptionality and Classroon Management, Phillip Wittekiend
C&I 410.02: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 410.02: Exceptionality and Classroon Management, Phillip Wittekiend
C&I 410.03: Exceptionality and Classroon Management, Phillip Wittekiend
C&I 429.50: Methods of Teaching Business Subjects, Sandra R. Williams and Dennis LaBonty
C&I 433.01: Basic Diagnosis and Correction of Reading and Writing, Rhea A. Ashmore
C&I 433.01: Basic Diagnosis and Correction of Reading and Writing, Rhea A. Ashmore
C&I 444.01: Advanced Technology and Supervision, Sandra Williams
C&I 453.01: Introduction to Special Education Law and Policy, Trent L. Atkins
C&I 470.01: Teaching and Critique of Young Adult Literature, Marian J. KcKenna
C&I 480.01: Collection Development and the Curriculum, Sally Brewer
C&I 483.50: Library Media Technical Processes - Online, Sally Brewer
C&I 484.01: Administration and Assessment of the Library Media Program, Sally Brewer
C&I 494.00: Seminar III- Collaborating to Meet the Needs of Young Children with Severe Disabilities, Ann N. Garfinkle
C&I 495.01: School-wide Assessment and Instruction - Response to Intervention, Trent Atkins
C&I 508.01: Sociology of Education, Matthew V. Schertz
C&I 510.01: Advanced Educational Psychology, Darrell W. Stolle
C&I 510.52: Advanced Educaitonal Psychology, Scott R. Hohnstein
C&I 514.01: Education Across Cultures, Darrell W. Stolle
C&I 514.01: Education Across Cultures, Darrell W. Stolle
C&I 519.01: Authentic Assessment, David R. Erickson
C&I 555.01: Mentoring the Beginning Teacher, Susan Harper-Whalen
C&I 581.01: Planning and Management for Technology in Education, Martin G. Horejsi
C&I 594.01: Introduction to Low-Incidence and Severe Disabilities, Ann N. Garfinkle
DAN 100A.02: Modern Dance I, Nicole Bradley Browning and Linda Parker
DAN 104A.01: Ballet I, Linda Parker
DAN 107A.01: Jazz Dance I, Heather Adams
DAN 195.01: Continuing Tap, Linda Murphy
DAN 195.02: Irish Dance, Jaymie Lewis
DAN 200A.01: Modern Dance II, Heidi Jones Eggert
DAN 201A.01: Beginning Composition, Heidi Jones Eggert
DAN 202A.01: Rehearsal and Performance, Karen A. Kaufmann
DAN 204A.40: Ballet II, Linda Parker
DAN 300.01: Modern Dance III, Nicole Bradley Browning