This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2012
PHL 406.01: Metaphysics, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 495.01: Metaphysics, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 499.01: Senior Seminar, Christopher J. Preston
PHL 501.01: Philosophical Foundations of Ecology, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 502.01: Philosophy of Law, Thomas P. Huff
PHL 510.01: Philosophy Forum Colloquium, Albert Borgmann
PSCI 191.01: Global Public Health - Insights from Experience, Peter Koehn
PSCI 191.01: ST - Global Public Health - Insights from Experience, Peter Koehn
PSCI 210S.01: Introduction to American Government, James J. Lopach
PSCI 210S.01: Introduction to American Government, James J. Lopach
PSCI 210S.02: Introduction to American Government, Michael Salamone
PSCI 220S.01: Comparative Government, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 230X.01: Introduction to International Relations, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 230X.01: Intro to International Relations, Paul Haber
PSCI 250E.01: Introduction to Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSCI 250E.01: Introduction to Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSCI 321.01: Post - Communist Politics, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 322.01: Politics of Europe, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 324.01: Sustainable Climate Policies - China and the USA, Peter Koehn
PSCI 326.01: Politics of Africa, Solomon M. Gofie
PSCI 330.02: International Human Rights, Solomon M. Gofie
PSCI 330.02: International Human Rights, Solomon M. Gofie
PSCI 335.01: American Foreign Policy, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 336.01:European Union, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 337.01: Model United Nations, Karen R. Adams
PSCI 337.80: Model United Nations, Karen Adams
PSCI 341.01: Political Parties and Elections, Robert P. Saldin
PSCI 34101: Political Parties and Elections, Michael Salamone
PSCI 344.01: State and Local Government, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 344.01: State and Local Government, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 346.01: The American Presidency, Michael Salamone
PSCI 352.01: American Political Thought, Ramona Grey
PSCI 361.01: Public Administration, Peter Koehn
PSCI 370.01: Courts and Judicial Politics, James J. Lopach
PSCI 391.01: ST - International Political Economy, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 422.01: Revolution and Reform in Modern China, Terry M. Weidner
PSCI 431.01: Politics of Global Migration, Peter Koehn
PSCI 432.01: Inter American Relations, Paul Haber
PSCI 433.01: International Law and Organization, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 440.01: ST - American Government Variable, Michael Salamone
PSCI 451.01: Ancient and Medieval Political Philosophy, Ramona Grey
PSCI 452.01: Utopianism and It's Critics, Ramona Grey
PSCI 461.01: Administrative Law, James J. Lopach
PSCI 466.80: Nonprof Admin/PubSERV, Fran M. Albrecht
PSCI 471.01: American Constitutional Law, James J. Lopach
PSCI 471.01: American Constitutional Law, James J. Lopach
PSCI 474.01: Civil Liberties & Rights Seminar, James J. Lopach
PSCI 488.50: Health Care Policy, Laura Dimmler
PSCI 501.01: Public Administration, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 503.01: Masters of Public Administration Policy Analysis, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 505.01: Budgeting and Finance, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 523.01: Administrative Law, James J. Lopach
PSCI 524.01: Seminar in Management Skills, Peter Koehn
PSCI 530.01: Graduate Seminar in International Relations, Karen R. Adams
PSCI 550.01: Political Theory Graduate Seminar - Negative & Positive Freedom, Ramona Grey
PSYX 100S.00: Introduction to Psychology, Benjamin R. Eisenreich
PTRM 418.90: Winter Wilderness Field Studies Course, Kari I. Gunderson
PUBH 510.50: Introduction to Epidemiology, Curtis W. Noonan
PUBH 560.50: Environmental and Rural Health, Tony J. Ward
PUBH 595.50: History and Theory of Epidemiology, Craig A. Molgaard
PUBH 595.51: Program Development and Accreditation, Amanda L. Golbeck
PUBH 595.52: Public Health and Disability, Rosemary B. Hughes
RLST 232H.01A: Buddhism, Bradley S. Clough
RLST 234X.01A: Hinduism, Bradley S. Clough
SOCI 191S.01: Food and Society in a Globalized World, Teresa R. Sobieszczyk
SOCI 355.01: Population and Society, Teresa R. Sobieszczyk
SOCI 438.01: Rural Crime and Justice, Daniel P. Doyle
SOCI 488.01: Prostitution and Human Trafficking, Teresa R. Sobieszczyk
SPNS 326.01: Contemporary Spanish Literature, Jannine Montauban
SSEA 202X.01A: Introduction to South Asia, Ruth Vanita
SSEA 232H.01B: Buddhism, Bradley S. Clough
SSEA 234X.01B: Hinduism, Bradley S. Clough
Submissions from 2011
BIOL 470.01: Ornithology, Richard L. Hutto
ENCR 295.01: The Oval - Literary Magazine Studio, Robert Stubblefield
ENST 504.01: Topics in Environmental Philosophy - Ethics and Animals, Deborah Slicer
MUSI 102A.05: Performance Study - Clarinet, Christopher H. Kirkpatrick
MUSI 102A.16: Performance Study - Trombone, Lance R. Boyd
MUSI 195.04: Applied Study I - Clarinet, Christopher H. Kirkpatrick
MUSI 295.04: Applied Study II - Clarinet, Christopher H. Kirkpatrick
MUSI 395.04: Applied Study III - Clarinet, Christopher H. Kirkpatrick
MUSI 495.04: Applied Study IV - Clarinet, Christopher H. Kirkpatrick
MUSI 551.04: Major Performance - Clarinet, Christopher H. Kirkpatrick
NRSM 422.01: Natural Resource Policy & Administration, Martin Nie
PHL 110E.01: Introduction to Ethics, Fred F. McGlynn
PHL 110E.01: Introduction to Ethics, Deborah Slicer
PHL 110E.02: Introduction to Ethics, Fred F. McGlynn
PHL 110E.03: Introduction to Ethics, Albert Borgmann
PHL 114E.02: Introduction to Political Ethics, Thomas P. Huff
PHL 210E.01: Moral Philosophy, Deborah Slicer
PHL 233.01: Introduction to Logic - Deduction (Symbolic Logic), David K. Clark
PHL 261Y.01: History of Ancient Philosophy, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 262Y.01: History of Modern Philosophy, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 405.01: 20th Century Analytic Philosophy, David K. Clark
PHL 412.01: Just War Theory, Deborah Slicer
PHL 427.01: Topics in Philosophy of Art - Aesthetics, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 464.01: Kant, Albert Borgmann
PHL 501.01: Seminar - The Duty to Understand Science and Technology, Albert Borgmann
PHL 502.01: Topics in Value Theory - Justice and the Good Society, Albert Borgmann
PHL 504.01: Topics in Environmental Philosophy - Ethics and Animals, Deborah Slicer
PHL 510.01: Philosophy Forum Colloquium, Albert Borgmann