This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2013
PSYX 340.02: Abnormal Psychology, Cameo Borntrager
PSYX 345.01: Child/Adolescent Psychological Disorders, Margaret Beebe-Frankenberger
PSYX 345.02: Child and Adolescent Psychological Disorders, Anisa Goforth
PSYX 348.01: Psychology of Family Violence, Cameo Borntrager
PSYX 352.01: Comparative Psychology, Allen Szalda-Petree
PSYX 360.02: Social Psychology, Luke Conway
PSYX 360.02: Social Psychology, Nicole McCray
PSYX 377.80: Personalized Student Instruction / Returning Proctors, Luke Conway
PSYX 378.01: Introduction to Clinical Psychology, David Schuldberg
PSYX 385.01: Psychology of Personality - Methodology, Theories, and Application, William Meyer
PSYX 392.03: Returning Proctors, Luke Conway
PSYX 400.01: History and Systems of Psychology, Lois Muir
PSYX 491.01B: Counseling Theories and Techniques, Sidney L. Shaw
PSYX 501.01: Teaching of Psychology, Luke Conway
PSYX 510.01: Trends in Psychological Research, Daniel J. Denis
PSYX 511.01: Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology, Bryan Cochran
PSYX 520.01: Advanced Psychological Statistics I, Daniel J. Denis
PSYX 522.01: Multivariate Statistics, Daniel J. Denis
PSYX 524.01: Tests & Measurement (Psychometrics), Daniel J. Denis
PSYX 525.01: Psychological Evaluation I, Greg Machek
PSYX 530.01: Clinical Interviewing, Craig P. McFarland
PSYX 531.01: Principles of Psychological Intervention, Laura Kirsch
PSYX 532.01: Advanced Psychopathology, Bryan Cochran
PSYX 534.01: Applied Clinical Methods, Duncan G. Campbell
PSYX 534.02: Applied Clinical Methodology, Paul Silverman
PSYX 534.03: Applied Clinical Methods, Jennifer Waltz
PSYX 551.01: Advanced Personality, Duncan G. Campbell
PSYX 580.01: Principles and Practices of Professional School Psychology, Margaret Beebe-Frankenberger
PSYX 582.01: Behavioral Assessment and Intervention, Greg Machek
PSYX 587.01: School Psychology Methods, Anisa Goforth
PSYX 587.02: School Psychology Methods, Anisa Goforth
PSYX 594.01: Program Development and Grant Writing, Tom Seekins
PSYX 595.02: Clinical Assessment, Craig P. McFarland
PSYX 631.02: Interventions - Multicultural Psychology, Gyda Swaney
PSYX 631.03: Neuropsychological Assessment, Stuart Hall
PUBH 510.50: Introduction to Epidemiology, Curtis W. Noonan
PUBH 511.50: History and Theory of Epidemiology, Craig A. Molgaard and Julie M. Stevens
PUBH 511.50: History and Theory of Epidemiology I, Craig A. Molgaard and Julie M. Stevens
PUBH 512.50: Neuroepidemiology, Craig A. Molgaard and Kathryn A. Fox
PUBH 520.50: Biostatistics, Marcia A. Ciol
PUBH 530.50: Public Health Administration and Management, Amanda L. Golbeck
PUBH 535.50: Health Policy, Craig A. Molgaard and Kathryn A. Fox
PUBH 540.50: Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health, Kari Harris
PUBH 550.50: Program Evaluation and Research Methods, Annie Belcourt and Jean T. Carter
PUBH 560.50: Environmental and Rural Health, Tony Ward
PUBH 570.50: Ethical issues in Public Health, Ann Freeman Cook
PUBH 580.50: Rural Health Issues in Global Context, Peter Koehn
PUBH 580.80: Rural Issues in Global Context, Peter Koehn
PUBH 595.50: Issues in Maternal and Child Health, Julie M. Stevens
PUBH 595.50: Multicultural and Native American Public Health, Annie Belcourt
PUBH 595.50: Special Topics Seminar - Tobacco and Public Health, Kari Jo Harris
RLST 204H.01: Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Nathaniel B. Levtow
RLST 221.01: Judaism, Nathaniel B. Levtow
RLST 232H.01A: Buddhism, Bradley S. Clough
RLST 310.01: Topics in Biblical Studies - Prophets and Prophecy, Nathaniel B. Levtow
RLST 335.01: Western Religious Thought - Christian Thought from Augustine to Aquinas, Paul A. Dietrich
RLST 353.01B: Topics in South Asian Religions - The Life and Times of Mahatma Gandhi, Bradley S. Clough
RLST 369.01: Contemplative Traditions of Asia, Bradley S. Clough
SCN 100N.50: Issues in Biology, Gregory Peters
SCN 105N.00: Montana Ecosytems, Gregory Peters
SCN 195.01: Montana Ecosystems Teaching Assistant, Gregory Peters
SCN 260N.01: Biology of Behavior, Gregory Peters
SOCI101S.03: Introduction to Sociology, John L.. Domitrovich
SOCI 270.01: Introduction to Developmental Sociology, Teresa R. Sobieszczyk
SOCI 371.01: Gender and Global Development, Teresa R. Sobieszczyk
SOCI 382.01: Social Psychology and Social Structure, John L.. Domitrovich
SOCI 491.02: Special Topics - Sociology of Religion, John L.. Domitrovich
SPNS 494.01: Poesia Hispanoamericana, Eduardo Chirinos
SPNS 594.01: Literatura E Infancia, Eduardo Chirinos
SSEA 232H.01B: Buddhism, Bradley S. Clough
SSEA 342.01B: Talking to God: the Bhagavad-Gita, Ruth Vanita
SSEA 353.01B: Topics in South Asian Religions - The Life and Times of Mahatma Gandhi, Bradley S. Clough
SSEA 395.01B: Special Topics - Love in Bombay Cinema, Ruth Vanita
STAT 421.01: Probability Theory, Brian M. Steele
STAT 451.01: Statistical Methods I, Jon M. Graham
THTR 101L.01: Introduction to Theatre and Performance, Kate R. Morris
THTR 102A.01: Introduction to Theatre Design, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 102A.02: Introduction to Theatre Design, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 103.01: Introduction to House Management, Bridget Smith
THTR 106A.01: Theatre Production I - Run Crew, Jason McDaniel
THTR 107A.01: Theatre Production - Scenery Construction, Brian Gregoire
THTR 107A.02: Theatre Production - Construction Crew, Paula Niccum
THTR 107A.03: Theatre Production - Lighting, Zach Hamersley and Daniel Norton
THTR 107A.04: Theatre Production - Scenery Construction, Brian Gregoire
THTR 120A.01: Introduction to Acting I, Hillary Bard
THTR 120A.02: Introduction to Acting I, Cohen Ambrose
THTR 120A.03: Introduction to Acting I, Glenn Hodgson
THTR 120A.05: Introduction to Acting I, Hillary Bard
THTR 120A.06: Introduction to Acting I, Kelly Bouma
THTR 120A.07: Introduction to Acting I, Kelly Bouma
THTR 120A.08: Introduction to Acting I, Glenn Hodgson
THTR 120A.09: Introduction to Acting I, Greg Bortz
THTR 120A.10: Introduction to Acting I, Clare Edgerton
THTR 120A.11: Introduction to Acting I, Clare Edgerton
THTR 202.01: Stagecraft I - Lighting & Costume Shop, Laura Alvarez
THTR 202.02: Stagecraft I - Lighting, Zach Hamersley, Daniel Norton, and Mark Dean
THTR 202.03: Stagecraft I - Scenery, Michael Monsos
THTR 206.01: Theatre Production II - Run Crew, Jason McDaniel
THTR 207.01: Theatre Production II - Scenery Construction, Brian Gregoire
THTR 207.02: Theatre Production II - Costume Construction, Paula Niccum