This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2013
PHAR 101.01: Pharmacy Calculations, Mary McHugh
PHAR 104.01: Pharmacy Dispensing Lab, Mary McHugh and Kathy Brauer
PHAR 191.01C: Special topics - Pharmacology for Techs, Mary McHugh
PHL 101.01: Introduction to Philosophy, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 102.01: Introduction to Existentialism, Paul Muench
PHL 110E.02: Introduction to Ethics - The Pursuit of Happiness, Albert Borgmann
PHL 110E.03: Introduction to Ethics, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 110E.03: Introduction to Ethics - The Conduct and the Context of the Good Life, Albert Borgmann
PHL 112E.01: Introduction to Ethics and Environment, Christopher J. Preston
PHL 114E.02: Introduction to Political Ethics, Thomas P. Huff
PHL 210E.01: Moral Philosophy, Patrick Maurice Burke
PHL 210E.01: Moral Philosophy, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 261Y.01: History of Ancient Philosophy, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 262Y.01: History of Modern Philosophy, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 311.01: Scepticism & the Good Life - "Not Knowing and Well-Being", Bridget Clarke
PHL 391.01: Special Topics - The Art of Living, Paul Muench
PHL 391.02: Special Topics - Darwin & Design, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 395.01: Environmental Ethics and Global Climate Change, Patrick Burke
PHL 395.01: Prelaw Seminar, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 395.80: Environmental Ethics and Global Climate Change - Honors, Patrick Burke
PHL 406.01: Epistemology, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 427.01: Problems in Aesthetics, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 445.01: Central Issues in the Philosophy of Science, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 464.01: Kant, Albert Borgmann
PHL 466.01: Aristotle, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 467.01: Kierkegaard, Paul Muench
PHL 501.01: Philosophical Foundations of Ecology, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 504.01A: Environmental Philosophy, Christopher J. Preston
PHL 504.01: Topics in Environmental Philosophy, Deborah Slicer
PHL 510.01L Philosophy Forum Colloquium, Albert Borgmann
PHL 510.01: Philosophy Forum Colloquium, Albert Borgmann
PSCI 210S.01: Introduction to American Government, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 210S.01: Introduction to American Government, James J. Lopach
PSCI 210S.01: Introduction to American Government, James J. Lopach
PSCI 220S.01: Introduction to Comparative Government, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 220S.01: Introduction to Comparative Government, Christopher P. Muste
PSCI 227.01: Issues in Global Public Health, Peter Koehn
PSCI 230X.01: Introduction to International Relations, Paul Haber
PSCI 230X.01: Introduction to International Relations, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 250E.01: Introduction to Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSCI 322.01: Politics of Europe, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 330.02: East Asian Strategic Enviroment, Terry M. Weidner
PSCI 332.01: Global Environmental Politics, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 334.01: International Security, Karen R. Adams
PSCI 335.01: American Foreign Policy, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 336.50: European Union, Eric H. Hines
PSCI 340.01: American Political Institutions, Robert P. Saldin
PSCI 342.01: Media, Public Opinion, Polling, Christopher P. Muste
PSCI 343.01: Politics of Social Movements, Paul L. Haber
PSCI 344.01: State and Local Government, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 352.01: American Political Thought, Ramona Grey
PSCI 352.01: American Political Thought, Patrick Peel
PSCI 361.01: Public Administration, Peter Koehn
PSCI 365.01: Public Policy Issues and Analysis, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 370.01: Courts and Judicial Politics, James J. Lopach
PSCI 391.01: International Political Economy, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 422.01A: Revolution and Reform in China, Terry M. Weidner
PSCI 422.01B: Revolution and Reform in China, Terry M. Weidner
PSCI 430.01: East Asian Strategic Enviroment, Terry M. Weidner
PSCI 445.01: Political Psychology, Christopher P. Muste
PSCI 448.50: Health Care Policy, Laura Dimmler
PSCI 449.50: Environmental Health Policy, Laura Dimmler
PSCI 453E.01: Modern Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSCI 463.01: Development Administration, Peter Koehn
PSCI 467.80: Advance Nonprofit Administration - Honors, Fran M. Albrecht
PSCI 471.01: American Constitutional Law, Patrick Peel
PSCI 474.01: Civil Rights Seminar, James J. Lopach
PSCI 475X.01: Native American Sovereignty, David Beck
PSCI 491.01A: Political Research Goals and Strategies, Christopher P. Muste
PSCI 501.01: Public Administration, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 503.01: Policy Analysis, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 503.50: Policy Analysis - Online, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 505.01: Budgeting and Finance, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 505.50: Public Budgeting and Finance, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 520.01: Comparative Government / Politics, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 524.01: Management Skills, Peter Koehn
PSCI 526.50: Issues in State and Local Government - Online, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 540.01: Seminar in American Politics, Christopher P. Muste
PSCI 550.01: Political Theory Seminar - Approaches to Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSYX 100S.00: Introduction to Psychology, Hillary Gleason
PSYX 100S.07: Introduction to Psychology, Priya Loess
PSYX 100S.50: Introduction to Psychology Online, Lia Harrington
PSYX 100S.51: Introduction to Psychology Online, Jennie Fretts
PSYX 120.01: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods, David Schuldberg
PSYX 120.02: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods, Paul Silverman
PSYX 120.50: Introduction to Research Methods - Online, Brandon Rennie
PSYX 222.01: Psychological Statistics, Yoohee Jang
PSYX 230.01: Developmental Psychology, Nicole McCray
PSYX 230.02: Developmental Psychology, Lois Muir
PSYX 230.50: Developmental Psychology Online, Robert Enoch
PSYX 233.01: Fundamentals of the Psychology of Aging, Nicole McCray
PSYX 233.50: The Fundamentals of the Psychology of Aging - Online, Jessica Kumm
PSYX 250N.01: Fundamentals of Biological Psychology, Stuart Hall
PSYX 270S.01: Fundamentals of Learning, Allen Szalda-Petree
PSYX 270S.02: Fundamentals of Learning and Behavior, Erin Yosai
PSYX 270S.50: Fundamentals of the Psychology of Learning, Kathryn Lamp
PSYX 280.01: Fundamentals of Memory and Cognition, Yoohee Jang
PSYX 291.01B: Intimate Relationships, Sara Polanchek
PSYX 291.02B: Intimate Relationships, Alissa Engel
PSYX 320.01: Research Methods III, Nabil Haddad