This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2013
THTR 207.03: Theatre Production II - Lighting, Zach Hamersley and Daniel Norton
THTR 207.04: Theatre Production II - Scenery Construction, Brian Gregoire
THTR 207.05: Theatre Production II - Costume Construction, Paula Niccum
THTR 207.06: Theatre Production II - Lighting, Zach Hamersley and Daniel Norton
THTR 210.01: Voice and Speech I, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 220.01: Acting I, Gregory T. Johnson
THTR 220.02: Acting I, Gregory T. Johnson
THTR 229A.01: Production Acting I, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 239.01: Creative Drama and Dance for K-8, Karen A. Kaufmann
THTR 239.02: Creative Drama and Dance for K-8, Karen A. Kaufmann
THTR 307.01: Production Construction I, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 307.02: Prodution Construction I, Paula Niccum
THTR 308.01: Production Team I, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 309.01: Production Design I, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 310.01: Voice and Speech III, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 315.01: Physical Performance Skills I, Jillian Campana
THTR 320.01: Acting III, Gregory T. Johnson
THTR 330H.01: Theatre History I, Jillian Campana
THTR 335H.01A: Architectural History - Pre-History to 1850, Michael Monsos
THTR 340.01: Costume Design I, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 345.01: Flat Pattern Design & Drafting, Laura Alvarez
THTR 350.01: Scenic Design I, Michael Monsos
THTR 355.01: Computer Aided Drafting & Applications for Theatre, Mark Dean
THTR 356.01: Scenic Painting, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 360.01: Theatre Lighting I, Mark Dean and Daniel Norton
THTR 370.01: Stage Management I, Jason McDaniel
THTR 371.02: Stage Management Practicum I - Dance, Michele C. Antonioli
THTR 375.01: Directing I, Jere Hodgin
THTR 380.01: Playwriting, Randy Bolton
THTR 391.01: Special Topics - Problems in Scenic Painting, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 391.02: Special Topics - Rigging for the Stage, Michael Monsos
THTR 391.03: Special Topics - Corsetry, Laura Alvarez
THTR 407.01: Production Construction II, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 408.01: Production Team II, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 409.01: Production Design II, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 415.01: Physical Performance Skills III - Stage Combat, Jillian Campana
THTR 420.01: Acting V - Studio - Shakespeare, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 425.01: Acting VII - Studio, Randy Bolton
THTR 429.01: Production Acting III, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 439.01: Methods of Teaching Theatre, Randy Bolton
THTR 447.01: Tailoring, Laura Alvarez
THTR 481.01: Advanced Acting - Personal Performance, Randy Bolton
THTR 499.01: Senior Project, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 507.01: Technical Production Assignment, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 508.01: Design Production Assignment - Production Team, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 514.01: Graduate Voice and Speech II, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 517.01: Problems in Movement - Stage Combat, Jillian Campana
THTR 528.01: Studio Training III, Randy Bolton
THTR 531.01: Graduate Seminar - Theatre History, Jillian Campana
THTR 540.01: Graduate Costume Design, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 545.01: Graduate Design Seminar I, Alessia Carpoca and Jere Hodgin
THTR 570.01: Graduate Stage Management, Jason McDaniel
THTR 580.01: Problems in Playwriting, Randy Bolton
THTR 595.01: Special Topics - Graduate Scenic Painting, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 595.02: Special Topics - Graduate Rigging for the Stage, Michael Monsos
THTR 595.04: Special Topics - Graduate Corsetry, Laura Alvarez
THTR 595.06: Speical Topics - Graduate Architectural History - Pre-History to 1850, Michael Monsos
THTR 677.01: Problems in Directing, Jere Hodgin
WGS 295.01: Special Topics - Love in Bombay Cinema, Ruth Vanita
WGSS 291.02B: Intimate Relationships, Alissa Engel
WILD 564.01: Scientific Writing for Publication, Paul R. Krausman
WRIT 101.00: College Composition, Unknown
Submissions from 2012
AAS 141H.01A: Introduction to African-American Studies, Tobin Shearer
AAS 417.01: Prayer and Civil Rights, Tobin Shearer
AHST 250.01: Surgical Clinical I, Debbie S. Fillmore
BIOB 272.60: Genetics and Evolution, Cerisse E. Allen
COMM 311.01: Family Communication, Christina M. Yoshimura
COMM 321.50: Introduction to Public Relations, Kathryn D. Hubbell
COMM 322.50: Public Relations Writing, Kathryn D. Hubbell
COMM 421.01: Communications in Non-Profit Organizations, Joel O. Iverson
COMM 455.01: Rhetorical Criticism and Theory, Sara E. Hayden
COMM 481.01: The Rhetoric of U.S. Women’s Public Activism, 1960-1982, Sara E. Hayden
EDLD 544.50: The College Curriculum, Frances L. O'Reilly
EDLD 552.01: The Supervision and Evaluation of Public School Educators, William P. McCaw
EDLD 662.50: History of Higher Education, Frances L. O'Reilly
ENSC 105N.01: Environmental Science, Vicki J. Watson
ENSC 360.01: Applied Ecology, Vicki J. Watson
ENSC 501.01: Scientific Approaches to Environmental Problems, Leonard Broberg
ENSC 540.01: Watershed Conservation Ecology, Vicki J. Watson
ENST 201.01: Environmental Information Resources, Rosalyn R. LaPier and Barry N. Brown
ENT 440.01: Teaching Writing and Justice, Heather E. Bruce
HSTA 141H.01B: Introduction to African-American Studies, Tobin Shearer
HSTA 417.01: Prayer and Civil Rights, Tobin Shearer
HSTR 400.02: Historical Research Seminar, Linda S. Frey
LS 202X.01B: Introduction to South Asia, Ruth Vanita
LS 234X.01B: Hinduism, Bradley S. Clough
NRSM 424.01: Community Forestry and Conservation, Jill M. Belsky
NRSM 475.01: Environment and Development, Jill M. Belsky
NRSM 524.01: Community Forestry and Conservation, Jill M. Belsky
NRSM 575.01: Environment and Development, Jill M. Belsky
NUTR 411.01: Nutrition for Sports and Exercise, Charles L. Dumke
PHL 110E.01: Introduction to Ethics, Fred F. McGlynn
PHL 110E.02: Introduction to Ethics, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 110E.03: Introduction to Ethics, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 110E.04: Introduction to Ethics, Patrick Maurice Burke
PHL 112E.00: Introduction to Ethics and the Environment, Christopher J. Preston
PHL 114.01: Introduction to Political Ethics, Albert Borgmann
PHL 210E.01: Moral Philosophy, Bridget Clarke
PHL 233.01: Introduction to Logic - Deduction, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 262Y.01: History of Modern Philosophy, Soazig Le Bihan