This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2022
ENST 589.01: Environmental Justice Issues & Solutions, Robin K. Saha
ENST 594.01: Earth Storytelling: Nature, Climate, Resistance, Mark E. Sundeen
ENST 594.02: Environmental Writing Workshop, Latria Graham
ENST 595.02S: Careers in Sustainability, Samuel H. Gilbertson
ENT 440.01: Teaching Writing in Secondary Schools, Beverly A. Chin
ENT 595.01: Advanced Strategies for Teaching Reading and Holocaust/Multicultural Literature, Beverly A. Chin
FILM 103L.H01: Introduction to Film - Hamilton, Matthew Kaler
FILM 308.80: Russian Cinema and Culture, Clint B. Walker
FORS 250.00: Introduction to GIS and Cartography, Kevin G. McManigal
FORS 330.00: Forest Ecology, Tyler J. Hoecker
FORS 333.01: Fire Ecology, Philip Higuera
FORS 335.01: Forest Ecology Field Laboratory, Andrew J. Larson
FORS 440.01: Forest Stand Management / Service Learning, Elizabeth M. Dodson and Carl A. Seielstad
FRCH 102.01: Elementary French II, Anna K. Lokowich
FRCH 102.02: Elementary French I, Rebekah M. Skoog
FRCH 102.02: Elementary French II, Ione Crummy
FRCH 102.50: Elementary French II, Anna K. Lokowich
FRCH 202.01: Intermediate French II, Elizabeth A. Hubble
FRCH 350.01: French Civilization and Culture, Ione Crummy
GBLD 194.07: Seminar: Music, Meaning and Manipulation, James Randall
GEO 101N.01: Introduction to Physical geology, Natalie Bursztyn
GEO 101N.50: Introduction to Physical Geology, Ashley L. Preston
GEO 102N.00: Introduction to Physical Geology Lab, Natalie Bursztyn
GEO 102N.50: Introduction to Physical Geology, Ashley L. Preston
GEO 103N.50: Introduction to Environmental Geology, Natalie Bursztyn
GEO 104N.50: Introduction to Environmental Geology Lab, Natalie Bursztyn
GEO 202.01: The Water Planet, Natalie Bursztyn and William Payton Gardner
GEO 309.01: Sedimentation and Stratigraphy, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 327.01: Geochemistry, Nancy W. Hinman
GEO 391.01: Computational Methods in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, William Payton Gardner
GEO 420.01: Hydrogeology, William Payton Gardner
GEO 439.01: Geophysics, Hilary Martens
GEO 568.01: Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks, Joel T. Harper
GEO 597.00: Advanced Problems (Hydrogeodsy), Alissa White, Hilary Martens, and William Payton Gardner
GPHY 284.00: Introduction to GIS and Cartography, Kevin G. McManigal
GPHY 335.01: Water and Sustainability, Sarah J. Halvorson
GPHY 385.01: Field Techniques in Environmental Science and Society, Ryan P. Rock
GPHY 400.01: Geography Capstone, Sarah J. Halvorson
GPHY 481.01: Advanced Cartographic Design, Kevin G. McManigal
GPHY 487.01: Remote Sensing and Raster GIS & Laboratory, Anna E. Klene
GPHY 525.01: Seminar on Paleoclimate & Global Change, Anna E. Klene
GRMN 102.01: Elementary German II, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 102.03: Elementary German II, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 202.01: Intermediate German II, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 302.01: Studies in German Language, Media, and Culture II, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 317L.01: Introduction to Multicultural Literature in Contemporary Germany, Hiltrudis M. Arens
HSTA 102H.00: American History II, Jeffrey M. Wilste
HSTA 104H.80: American History II - Honors, Jeffrey M. Wilste
HSTA 343H.01: African American History Since 1865, Tobin Miller Shearer
HSTA 371H.50: Women in America - From the Civil War to the Present, Anya Jabour
HSTA 373.01: The History of American Thought to 1865, Claire H.R. Arcenas
HSTA 427.01: Freedom, Slavery, Equality - Early American Perspectives, Claire H.R. Arcenas
HSTR 200.01: Introduction to Historical Methods, Jeffrey M. Wilste
HSTR 231H.01: Modern Latin America, Joann C. Pavilack
HSTR 264H.01: Islamic Civilization - Modern Era, Mehrdad Kia
HSTR 272E.01: Terrorism - Violence in the Modern World, Richard Drake
HSTR 291.80: Seminar for Terrorism in the Modern World - Honors, Richard Drake
HSTR 303.01: Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World, Scott Lawin Arcenas
HSTR 368.01: Iran Between Two Revolutions, Mehrdad Kia
HSTR 370.01: Practicing Oral History, Joann C. Pavilack
HSTR 391.01: Plagues, People, and the Environment, Leif M. Fredrickson
HSTR 391.02: Global Indigenous Struggles Since 1900, Eric S. Zimmer
HSTR 400.01: Historical Research Seminar - U.S. West, Eric S. Zimmer
HSTR 594.01: Graduate Research Seminar, Tobin MIller Shearer
ITS 191.50: Introduction to Cybersecurity Course Syllabus, Dianne Burke
JPNS 202.R01: Intermediate Japanese II, Yuki Moore
JPNS 301.R01: Advanced Japanese, Yuki Moore
JRNL 100H.01: Journalism and American Society, Lee M. Banville
JRNL 100H.50: Journalism and American Society, Ray Fanning
JRNL 105X.01: Global Current Events, Nadia D. White
JRNL 170.01: Writing the News, Dennis L. Swibold
JRNL 170.01: Writing the News, Dennis L. Swibold
JRNL 170.02: Writing the News, Jule A. Banville
JRNL 170.50: Writing the News, Courtney L. Cowgill
JRNL 257A.01: Beginning Video and Photojournalism, G. Keith Graham
JRNL 257A.02: Beginning Video and Photojournalism, Ray Fanning
JRNL 257A.02: Beginning Video and Photojournalism, Ray Fanning
JRNL 270.01: Reporting the News, Nadia D. White
JRNL 270.02: Reporting the News, Joseph L. Eaton
JRNL 270.02: Reporting the News, Nadia D. White
JRNL 300.01: First Amendment and Journalism Law, Lee M. Banville
JRNL 301X.01: Diversity in Media, Christine L. Trudeau
JRNL 328.01: Intermediate Photojournalism, G. Keith Graham
JRNL 328.01: Intermediate Photojournalism, Jeremy J. Lurgio
JRNL 330.03: News Editing, Dennis L. Swibold
JRNL 340.01: Intermediate Audio, Denise J. Dowling
JRNL 342.01: Multimedia Sports Announcing, John P. Twiggs
JRNL 350.01: Intermediate Video Photography, Jeremy J. Lurgio
JRNL 350.01: Intermediate Video Photography, Jeremy J. Lurgio
JRNL 352.01: Intermediate Video Reporting and Producing, Ray Fanning
JRNL 362.01: Feature Writing, Joseph L. Eaton
JRNL 370.01: Beat Reporting, Christine L. Trudeau
JRNL 383L.01: Hollywood and the War Correspondent, Joseph L. Eaton
JRNL 391.01: Special Topics - Documentary Film History, R. Ryan Weibush
JRNL 400.01: Ethics and Trends in News Media, Denise J. Dowling
JRNL 400.01: Ethics and Trends in News Media, Dennis L. Swibold
JRNL 410.80: Native News Honors Project, Jeremy J. Lurgio
JRNL 411.80: Native News Honors Project, Jason D. Begay
JRNL 430.01: Marketing Your Work, Joseph L. Eaton
JRNL 430.01: Print and Web Editing and Design, G. Keith Graham