This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2022
JRNL 440.01: Advanced Audio, Jule A. Banville
JRNL 470.01: Campaign Coverage, Lee M. Banville and Dennis L. Swibold
JRNL 473.03: International Reporting - Northern Ireland after Brexit, Lee M. Banville
JRNL 484.01: Daily News (Newsbrief), Denise J. Dowling
JRNL 491.01: Campaign Coverage Lab, Lee M. Banville and Dennis Swibold
JRNL 494.01: T. Anthony Pollner Seminar - The Art of the Profile, Jacob A. Baynham
JRNL 494.03: Pollner Seminar - Documentary Photography and Building a Business, Daniella Zalcman
JRNL 498.02: Supervised Journalism Internship, Denise J. Dowling
JRNL 499.03: Capstone - Lab Audio, Jule A. Banville
JRNL 505.01: Seminar in Environmental Journalism, Nadia D. White
JRNL 567.01: Press and Broadcast Law, Lee M. Banville
JRNL 570.01: Reporting the Environment and Natural Resources, Joseph L. Eaton
JRNL 575.01: Story Lab, Mallory Pickett and Karharine S. Gammon
JRNL 592.01: Independent Study - Intermediate Video Photography, Jeremy J. Lurgio
JRNL 592.04: Independent Study - Intermediate Audio Journalism, Denise J. Dowling
JRNL 620.01: Covering Native American Issues, Jeremy J. Lurgio and Jason D. Begay
KIN 205.01: Foundations of Health and Human Performance, Melanie L. McGrath
KIN 310.01: Strength Training and Conditioning, Melanie L. McGrath
KIN 447.01: Analytical and Communicative Techniques, Melanie L. McGrath
LATN 102.01: Elementary Latin II, Scott Arcenas
LATN 202.01: Intermediate Latin II, Matthew S. Semanoff
LING 270S.50: Introduction to Linguistics, Irene N. Appelbaum
LING 375X.01: Linguistic Ecology and Language Endangerment, Leora A. Bar-el
LING 474,50: Historical Linguistics, Irene N. Appelbaum
LING 477.01: Bilingualism, Mizuki Miyashita
LING 570.01: Seminar - Issues in Language Documentation, Leora A. Bar-el
LING 574.50: Historical Linguistics, Irene N. Appelbaum
LIT 110L.05: Introduction to Literature, Jessica Marabeth Dougherty-McMichael
LIT 110L.50: Introduction to Literature, Jessica Marabeth Dougherty-McMichael
LIT 120L.01: Poetry, Jessica Marabeth Dougherty-McMichael
LIT 236L.01: Modern American Literature, Quan M. Ha
LIT 236L.02: Dylan & His Times, Brady A. Harrison
LIT 300.01: Literary Criticism, Kathleen M. Kane
LIT 319E.01: Talking to God - The Bhagavad-Gita, Ruth Vanita
LIT 327L.01: Shakespeare, Jim R. Browning
LIT 344.01: Asian American Literature, Quan M. Ha
LIT 370.01: Science Fiction - Philip K. Dick & Ursula K. Le Guin, Jim R. Browning
LIT 491.01: Petromodernity and Culture - Art in the Age of Big Oil, Kathleen M. Kane
LIT 491.02: British 19th Century Poetry, Ruth Vanita
LIT 494.01: Capstone - Literature of Death & Dying, Ashby M. Kinch
LSCI 210Y.50: Who Owns Culture? An Introduction to Copyright., Tammy L. Ravas
M 065.01: Prealgebra, Timothy Michael Levandowski
M 090.01: Introductory Algebra, Jeffrey James Arends
M 095.02: Intermediate Algebra, Jeffrey James Arends
M 105.01: Contemporary Mathematics, Richard A. Darnell
M 105.02N: Contemporary Mathematics with Co-Requisite Support, Lauren Sara Fern
M 105.03: Contemporary Mathematics with Co-Requisite Support, Sara Nicole Kileen
M 105.50: Contemporary Mathematics, Shurong Li
M 115.00: Probablility and Linear Mathematics, Richard A. Darnell
M 115.07: Probability and Linear Mathematics, Scott Lindley Davis
M 115.09: Probability and Linear Mathematics with Co-Requisite Support, Ian Russell Gonzales
M 115.50: Probability and Linear Mathematics, Ariel C. Cornelius
M 115.B01: Probability and Linear Mathematics with Co-Requisite Support, Lauren Sara Fern
M 118.01: Mathematics for Music Enthusiasts, Mark Kayll
M 121.01: College Algebra, Howard B. Grotts
M 121.02: College Algebra, Ryan P. Wood
M 121.03: College Algebra, Van M. Magnan
M 121.04: College Algebra with Co-Requisite Support, Scott Lindley Davis
M 121.05: College Algebra with Co-Requisite Support, Sara Nicole Kileen
M 121.50: College Algebra, Sara Nicole Kileen
M 122.01: College Trigonometry, Regina Souza
M 122.02: College Trigonometry, Regina Souza
M 132.02: Numbers and Operations for Elementary School Teachers, Ke Wu
M 133.01: Geometry and Measurement for Elementary School Teachers, Richard A. Darnell
M 133.02: Geometry and Measurement for Elementary School Teachers, Bharath Sriraman
M 151.01: Precalculus, Regina Souza
M 162.00: Applied Calculus, Leonid Kalachev
M 162.50: Applied Calculus, Luke A. Davis
M 171.00: Calculus I, Nikolaus Vonessen
M 171.01: Calculus I, Jakob B. Oetinger
M 171.03: Calculus I, Erik B. Wagner
M 171.50: Calculus I, Ian R. Gonzales
M 172,01: Calculus II, Elizabeth A. Gillaspy
M 172.02: Calculus II, Karel M. Stroethoff
M 210.01: Introduction to Mathematical Software, Leonid Kalachev
M 221.01: Introduction to Linear Algebra, Emily F. Stone
M 234.01: Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, Emily F. Stone
M 234.02: Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, Ke Wu
M 273.01: Multivariable Calculus, Johnathan M. Bardsley
M 307.01: Introduction to Abstract Mathematics, Cory T. Palmer
M 326.01: Number Theory, Bharath Sriraman
M 361.01: Discrete Optimization, Cory T. Palmer
M 414.01: Deterministic Models, Emily F. Stone
M 429.01: History of Mathematics, Matthew B. Roscoe
M 462.01: Theoretical Big Data Analytics, Javier Perez-Alvero
M 467.01: Data Science Projects, Brian M. Steele
M 472.01: Introduction to Complex Analysis, Karel M. Stroethoff
M 491.01: Statistical Learning, Brian M. Steele
M 522.01:Topics in Graduate Algebra - Advanced Algebra II, Kelly L. McKinnie
M 562.01: Advanced Theoretical Data Analytics, Javier Perez-Alvero
M 564.01: Topics in Analysis - Graph C*-Algebras, Elizabeth A. Gillaspy
M 567.01: Advanced Big Data Analytics Projects, Brian M. Steele
M 584.01: Topics in Combinatorics and Optimization - Combinatorics II, Mark Kayll
M 595.01: Special Topics in Topology - Indra's Pearls, Eric B. Chesebro
M 595.02: Special Topics - Statistical Learning, Brian M. Steele
M 595.03: Philosophy of Education and Math Education, Frederick Peck
MART 120.50: Creative Coding I, Michael D. Cassens
MART 201H.50: History of Digital Arts and Culture, Louey Winkler
MART 220.01: Creative Coding II, Michael David Cassens
MART 342.50: The Art and Science of Interactive Games, Justine Evans