This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2017
ARTZ 371A.01: Printmaking II - Advanced Relief, James Bailey
ARTZ 403.01: Teaching Art II - K 12, Jennifer K. Combe
ARTZ 494.01: Professional Practices, Cathryn Mallory
ARTZ 501.01: Graduate Critique Seminar, James Bailey
ASTR 132.01: Stars, Galaxies and the Universe, Nathan T. McCrady
ASTR 132N.Y1: Stars, Galaxies and the Universe, Nathan T. McCrady
ASTR 135N.00: Stars, Galaxies and the Universe Lab, Diane P. Friend
ASTR 142N.80: The Evolving Universe/Honors, Diane P. Friend
ASTR 353.01: Galactic Astrophysics and Cosmology, Daniel B. Reisenfeld
BCH 110.01: Intro Biology for Biochemists, D. Scott Samuels
BCH 111.01: Intro Biology for Biochemists Lab, D. Scott Samuels
BCH 482.01: Advanced Biochemistry II, J. Stephen Lodmell
BCH 561.01: RNA Structure and Function, J. Stephen Lodmell and Jean-Marc Lanchy
BGEN 105(S).00: Introduction to Business, Jerry L. Furniss
BGEN 220E.00: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Robert D. Walsh
BGEN 220E.0: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Robert D. Walsh
BGEN 220E.50: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Robert D. Walsh
BGEN 220E.50: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Robert D. Walsh
BGEN 360.03: International Business, Sherry L. Liikala
BGEN 360.50: International Business, Nader H. Shooshtari
BGEN 361.00: Business Law, Michael V. Harrington
BGEN 499.01: Strategic Management, Sherry L. Liikala
BGEN 499.03: Strategic Management, Suzanne G. Tilleman
BGEN 499.50: Strategic Management, Suzanne G. Tilleman
BIOB 160N.01: Principles of Living Systems, Erick Greene
BIOB 170N.01: Principles of Biological Diversity, Kevin J. Murray
BIOB 171N.01: Principles of Biological Diversity Lab, Kevin J. Murray
BIOB 226N.00: General Sceince - Earth and Life Science, Kevin J. Murray
BIOB 272.00: Genetics and Evolution, Jeffrey M. Good
BIOB 425.01: Advanced Cell & Molecular Biology, Jesse C. Hay
BIOB 480.01: Conservation Genetics, Andrew Robert Whiteley
BIOB 483.01: Phylogenetics and Evolution, Scott R. Miller
BIOB 488.01: Programming for Biology, John McCutcheon
BIOB 491.02: ST - Concepts in Developmental Biology, Ekaterina Voronina
BIOB 595.06: ST- Concepts in Developmental Biology, Ekaterina Voronina
BIOB 595.11: ST - International Conservation, Jedediah Farrell Brodie
BIOE 403.01: Vertebrate Design and Evolution, Bret W. Tobalske
BIOH 370.00: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions II, Laurie A. Minns
BIOH 462.01: Principles of Medical Physiology, Laurie A. Minns
BIOH 481.80: Teaching Anatomy and Physiology II, Laurie A. Minns
BIOL 435.01: Comparative Animal Physiology, H. Arthur Woods Dr.
BIOM 251.01: Microbiology for Health Sciences Laboratory, James D. Driver
BIOM 251.02: Microbiology for Health Sciences Laboratory, James D. Driver
BIOM 251.03: Microbiology for Health Sciences Laboratory, James D. Driver
BIOM 251.04: Microbiology for Health Sciences Laboratory, James D. Driver
BIOM 402.01: Medical Bacteriology and Mycology, Michael F. Minnick
BIOM 403.01: Medical Bacteriology and Mycology Labratory, Michael F. Minnick
BIOM 407.01: Clinical Diagnosis, Pamela K. Shaw
BIOM 408.01: Clinical Diagnosis Lab, Pamela K. Shaw
BIOM 415.01: Microbiology Diversity, William Holben and Matthew Church
BIOO 335.00: Rocky Mountain Flora, Lila Fishman
BIOO 433.01: Plant Physiology, Anna Sala
BIOO 434.02: Plant Physiology Laboratory, Anna Sala
BMGT 275.01: Venue Management, Thomas H. Webster
BMGT 291.02: ST - History of the Music Business, Thomas H. Webster
BMGT 322.01: Operations Management, Gerald Evans
BMGT 322.03: Operations Management, Jason H. Triche
BMGT 340.01: Management and Organization Behavior, Fengru Li
BMGT 340.02: Management & Organizational Behavior, Christina Henderson
BMGT 401.01: Event Management, Michael K. Morelli
BMGT 402.01: Principles of Entertainment Mgmt I, Michael K. Morelli
BMGT 403.01: Principles of Entertainment II, Michael K. Morelli
BMGT 410.01: Sustainable Business Practices, Eva Rocke
BMGT 420.01: Leadership & Motivation, Sherry L. Liikala
BMGT 448.01: Entrepreneurship, Michael R. Braun
BMGT 467.01: Global Operations and Supply Chain Management, Sherry L. Liikala
BMGT 480.01: Cross-Cultural Management, Udo Fluck
BMGT 491.01: ST - Human Resource Management, Theresa M. Floyd
BMGT 491.01: ST - World Trade Center Practicum, Brigitta Kay Miranda-Freer
BMGT 640.01: Organizational Behavior, Theresa M. Floyd
BMGT 640.60: Organizational Behavior, Theresa M. Floyd
BMIS 270.01: Foundations for Business Introduction to MIS, David R. Firth
BMIS 326.01: Introduction to Data Analytics, Jason H. Triche
BMIS 370.01: Managing Data and Information, Laurie L. Toomey
BMIS 471.01: Introduction to Fundamentals of Network Management, Shawn F, Clouse
BMIS 472.01: Advanced Network & Security, Shawn F, Clouse
BMIS 476.01: Integrated Project Management Information Systems, Shawn F, Clouse
BMKT 325.01: Principles of Marketing, Jakki J. Mohr
BMKT 325.02: Principles of Marketing, Justin W. Angle
BMKT 337.01: Consumer Behavior, Carol L. Bruneau
BMKT 342.01: Marketing Researcg, Simona Stan
BMKT 342.02: Marketing Research, Simona Stan
BMKT 343.00: Integrated Marketing Communications, Bejamin Ferencz
BMKT 413.01: Sports Marketing, Carol L. Bruneau
BMKT 420.01: Integrated Online Marketing, Carol L. Bruneau
BMKT 460.01: Marketing of High Technology Products and Innovations, Jakki J. Mohr
BMKT 491.01: ST - Telling the Story with Data, John W. Chandler
BMKT 591.01: Advanced Marketing Analytics, Jakki J. Mohr
BMKT 660.01: Marketing Management, Simona Stan
BMKT 660.60: Marketing Management, Simona Stan
BMKT 660.61: Marketing Management, Simona Stan
BMKT 680.01: Big Data and Innovation, Jakki J. Mohr
CCS 349.01A: Communcation, Consumption, and Climate, Steve Schwarze
CJUS 125.50: Fundamentals of Forensic Science, Randall R. Skelton
CJUS 488.01: Forensic Science the Crime Lab and Beyond, Randall R. Skelton
CLAS 320.01: Women in Antquity, Barbara Weinlich
COMX 202S.01M: Nonverbal Communication, Phyllis B. Ngai
COMX 204X.50: International and Development Communication, Phyllis B. Ngai
COMX 343.01: Persuasive Speaking and Criticism, Steve Schwarze
COMX 349.01A: Communication, Consumption, and Climate, Steve Schwarze