This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2018
THTR 120.06: Introduction to Acting I, Jadd Davis
THTR 120A.01: Introduction to Acting I, Jane A. Best
THTR 120A.02: Introduction to Acting I, Elisha T. Caterisano
THTR 120A.04: Introduction to Acting I, Elijah J. Fisher
THTR 120A.05C: Introduction to Acting I, Louis M. Lutz
THTR 194.01: Seminar - First Year, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 202.01: Stagecraft I, Mary C. Woll
THTR 202.02: Stagecraft I, Alan M. Hanson
THTR 202.03: Stagecraft I, Brian Gregoire
THTR 206.01: Theatre Production II - Run Crew, Jason McDaniel
THTR 207.02: Theatre Production II - Costume Construction, Paula Niccum
THTR 207.05: Theatre Production II - Costume Construction, Paula Niccum
THTR 210.01: Voice and Speech I, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 220A.01: Acting I, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 220A.02: Acting I, Pamyla Stiehl
THTR 239A.01: Creative Drama/Dance - K-8, Teresa M. Waldorf and Laurel J. Sears
THTR 294.01: Seminar - Professional Skills, Michael T. Legg
THTR 307.01: Production Construction I - Scenery, Brian Gregoire
THTR 307.02: Production Construction I - Costumes, Paula Niccum
THTR 308.01: Production Team I, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 309.01 Production Design I, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 315.01 - Physical Performance Skills I, Matthew T. McDaniel
THTR 320.01: Acting III, Pamyla Stiehl
THTR 320.02: Acting III, Michael T. Legg
THTR 330H.01: Theatre History I, Bernadette Sweeney
THTR 340.01: Costume Design I, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 345.01: Flat pattern Design & Drafting, Mary C. Woll
THTR 346.01: Textile Selection & Manipulation, Mary C. Woll
THTR 350.01: Scene Design I, Michael Monsos
THTR 355.01: Computer Aided Drafting and Application, Alan M. Hanson
THTR 355.02: Computer Aided Drafting & Application, Michael Monsos
THTR 360.01: Theatre Lighting I, Alan M. Hanson
THTR 370.01: Stage Management I, Jason McDaniel
THTR 380.01: Playwriting, Randy Bolton
THTR 391.01: ST - Properties Management, Michael Monsos
THTR 391.50: ST - Production Design for Film/TV, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 392.01: Independent Study, Michael Monsos
THTR 395.01: Practicum - Summer & Smoke, Bernadette Sweeney
THTR 395.02: Practicum - White Christmas, Pamyla Stiehl
THTR 395.03: Practicum - Voice Studies, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 408.01 - Production Team II, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 409.01: Production Design II, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 420.01: Acting V, Randy Bolton
THTR 425.01: Acting VII, Bernadette Sweeney
THTR 475.01: Directing II, Pamyla Stiehl
THTR 481.01: Advanced Acting - Personal Performance, Randy Bolton
THTR 492.01: Independent Study, Michael Monsos
THTR 499.01: Senior Project, Bernadette Sweeney
THTR 501.01: Intro to Grad Studies, Bernadette Sweeney
THTR 513.01: Grad Voice and Speech I, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 520.01: Graduate Acting I, John Kenneth DeBoer
THTR 531.01: Grad Seminar - Theatre History, Bernadette Sweeney
THTR 539.80: Graduate Methods of Teaching Theatre, Randy Bolton
THTR 591.01: ST - Graduate Architectural History, Michael Monsos
THTR 591.02: ST - Textile Selection/Manipulation, Mary C. Woll
THTR 592.01: Independent Study, Michael Monsos
THTR 595.01: Practicum - Summer & Smoke, Bernadette Sweeney
THTR 595.02: Practicum - White Christmas, Pamyla Stiehl
THTR 609.01: Graduate Design Project, Michael Monsos
THTR 645.01: Graduate Design Seminar III, Alessia Carpoca
WGSS 379.01: Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth Century English Fiction, Ruth Vanita
WLDG 101.01: Welding/Diesel, Philip M. Patrick
WLDG 150.01: Welding Layout Techniques, Bradley A. Platts
WLDG 180.01: SMAW and Oxyacetylene Welding, Zachary W. Reddig
WLDG 205.01M: Applied Metallurgy, Bradley A. Platts
WLDG 210.01: Pipe Welding - Integrated Lab, Zachary W. Reddig
WLDG 215.01: GTAW (integrated lab), Bradley A. Platts
WRIT 095.01: Developmental Writing, Jennifer A. Corbin
WRIT 101.01: College Writing I, Sydney Jo Bollinger
WRIT 101.01: College Writing I, Jensen A. Lillquist
WRIT 101.02C: College Writing I, Bridget Carson
WRIT 101.02: College Writing I, Elizabeth M. Pellegrino
WRIT 101.03C: College Writing I, Bridget Carson
WRIT 101.03: College Writing I, Kylie M. Westerlind
WRIT 101.04: College Writing I, Jessie A. Hampton
WRIT 101.05: College Writing I, Natalie Elliot
WRIT 101.05: College Writing I, Miranda R. Morgan
WRIT 101.06C: College Writing I, Dave Barrett
WRIT 101.06: College Writing I, Kelly R. Schirmann
WRIT 101.07C: College Writing I, Dave Barrett
WRIT 101.07: College Writing I, Jackie Bussjaeger
WRIT 101.07: College Writing I, Thomas J. D'Addario
WRIT 101.08C: College Writing I, Bridget Carson
WRIT 101.08: College Writing I, Danielle N. Cooney
WRIT 101.08: College Writing I, Blake M. Sherman
WRIT 101.09: College Writing I, Andrew B. Mendoza
WRIT 101.10: College Writing I, Amelia Morand
WRIT 101.11C: College Writing I, Bridget Carson
WRIT 101.11: College Writing I, Maren C. Schiffer
WRIT 101.12: College Writing I, Dwight L. Curtis
WRIT 101.12: College Writing I, Jonathan D. Pierce
WRIT 101.13C: College Writing I Plus, Jessica M. Dougherty-McMichael
WRIT 101.13: College Writing I, Liam S. Cody
WRIT 101.13: College Writing I, Larissa K. Fitzpatrick
WRIT 101.14C: College Writing I Plus, Dave Barrett
WRIT 101.14: College Writing I, Molly K. Gray
WRIT 101.15: College Writing, Beatrice Garrard
WRIT 101.15: College Writing, Riley R. Woods
WRIT 101.16: College Writing I, Amanda M. McGinnis
WRIT 101.17: College Writing I, Miles Jochem