This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2018
NRSG 237.01: Health and Illness of Maternal Nursing Clinical, Wendy Barker
NRSG 244.01: Adult Nursing II, Pamela Boyd
NRSG 245.01: Adult Nursing II Clinical, Pamela Boyd, Cynthia K. Coutinho, and Heidi M. Etter
NRSG 247.01: Health and Illness of Child and Family Nursing Clinical, Ginger M. Sillars
NRSG 254.01: Mental Health Concepts, Shannon Scally
NRSG 255.01: Mental Health Concepts Clinical, Shannon Scally
NRSG 259.01: Adult Nursing III, Pamela Boyd
NRSG 260.01: Adult Nursing III Lab, Pamela Boyd and Ann McCloud Sneath
NRSG 261.01: Adult Nursing III Clinical, Pamela Boyd and Shannon Scally
NRSG 266.01: Managing Client Care for the Registered Nurse, Shannon Scally
NRSG 267.01: Managing Client Care for the Registered Nurse Clinical, Shannon Scally
NUTR 221N.01C: Basic Human Nutrition, Mary Jeanne Doyle
NUTR 221N.50C: Basic Human Nutrition, Mary Jeanne Doyle
PHL 101Y.01: Introduction to Philosophy, Paul Muench
PHL 110E.01: Introduction to Ethics, Melodie Velasco Stenger
PHL 110E.01: Introduction to Ethics, Melodie Velasco Stenger
PHL 110E.02: Introduction to Ethics, Bridget Clarke
PHL 110E.02: Introduction to Ethics, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 110E.03: Introduction to Ethics, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 112E.01: Introduction to Ethics and Environment, Christopher J. Preston
PHL 112E.80: Introduction to Ethics & Environment, Mark J. Hanson
PHL 210E.80: Moral Philosophy, Deborah Slicer
PHL 233.01: Intro to Logic: Deduction, Bridget Clarke
PHL 241N.01: History and Philosophy of Science, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 261Y.01: History of Ancient Philosophy, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 262Y.01: History of Modern Philosophy, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 317E.01: Law and Morality, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 391.01: ST: Applied Logic, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 408.01: Philosophy of Mind, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 429.01: Philosophy in Literature, Deborah Slicer
PHL 464.01: Kant, Albert Borgmann
PHL 492.01: Philosophy of Law, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 499.01:Senior Seminar, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 501.01: Philosophy of Technology, Albert Borgmann
PHL 505.01: Issues in Antropocene, Christopher J. Preston
PHL 510.01: Philosophy Forum Colloquium, Albert Borgmann
PHL 510.01: Philosophy Forum Colloquium, Albert Borgmann
PHSX 101.01: Freshman Physics Experience, Andrew S. Ware
PHSX 141N.80: Einstein's Relativity, Andrew Ware
PHSX 205N.01: College Physics I, Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 205N.02: College Physics I, Alexander P. Bulmahn
PHSX 205N.02: College Physics I, Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 206N.00 College Physics I Laboratory, Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 206N.04: College Physics I - Laboratory, Paul H. Janzen
PHSX 206N.05: College Physics I Laboratory, Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 207N.01: College Physics II, Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 207N.01: College Physics II, Eijiro Uchimoto
PHSX 208N.00: College Physics II Laboratory, Alexander P. Bulmahn
PHSX 208N.01: College Physcis II Laboratory, Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 208N.02: College Physcis II Laboratory, Alexander P. Bulmahn
PHSX 215N.01: Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus I, David A. Macaluso
PHSX 216N.00: Physics Laboratory I with Calculus, Jaylene R. Naylor
PHSX 216N.03: Physics Laboratory I with Calculus, Alexander P. Bulmahn
PHSX 217N.01: Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus II, Alexander P. Bulmahn
PHSX 218N.00: Physics Lab II w/Calculus, Jaylene R. Naylor
PHSX 225N.00: General Science: Physics and Chemical Science, Rebecca O. Bendick Kier and Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 301.01: Introduction to Theoretical Physics, Eijiro Uchimoto
PHSX 311.01: Oscillations and Waves, Eijiro Uchimoto
PHSX 320.01: Classical Mechanics, Alexander P. Bulmahn
PHSX 323.01: Intermediate Physics Laboratory, Paul H. Janzen
PHSX 327.01: Optics, David A. Macaluso
PHSX 330.01: Communicating Physics, David A. Macaluso
PHSX 343.01: Modern Physics, David A. Macaluso
PHSX 423.01: Electricity & Magnetism, Eijiro Uchimoto
PHSX 425.01: Electricity and Magnetism II, Eijiro Uchimoto
PHSX 446.01: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Andrew S. Ware
PHSX 461.01: Quantum Mechanics I, Alexander P. Bulmahn
PHSX 462.01: Quantum Mechanics II, Daniel B. Reisenfeld
PHSX 499.01: Senior Capstone Seminar, Paul H. Janzen
PSCI 191.01: Global Public Health, Peter Koehn
PSCI 210S.01: Introduction to American Government, Adam Mark Brewer
PSCI 210S.01: Introduction to American Government, Ray Curtis
PSCI 210S.02: Introduction to American Government, Robert P. Saldin
PSCI 220S.01: Introduction to Comparative Government, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 227.01: Global Health Issures, Peter Koehn
PSCI 230X.01: Introduction to International Relations, Karen Ruth Adams
PSCI 230X.01: Introduction to International Relations, Paul Haber
PSCI 250E.01: Introduction to Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSCI 320.01: Exp Off: Comparative Legal Systems, Anna C. Conley
PSCI 322.01M: Politics of Europe, Eva-Maria Maggi
PSCI 328.01: Politics of China, Eric T. Schluessel
PSCI 330.01: Transnational Competence for Global Leadership, Peter Koehn
PSCI 334.01: International Security, Karen Ruth Adams
PSCI 335.01: American Foreign Policy, Eva-Maria Maggi
PSCI 337.01: Model United Nations, Eva-Maria Maggi
PSCI 337.80: Model United Nations, Eva-Maria Maggi
PSCI 340.01: Exp Off: MT Government and Politics, Robert P. Saldin
PSCI 344.01: State and Local Government, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 352.01: American Political Thought, Ramona Grey
PSCI 361.01: Public Administration, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 370.01: Courts and Judicial Politics, William P. McLauchlan
PSCI 381.01: State Formation, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 431.01: Politics of Global Migration, Peter Koehn
PSCI 433.01: International Law and Organization, Anna C. Conley
PSCI 443.01: Politics of Social Movements, Paul L. Haber
PSCI 453.01: Modern Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSCI 462.01: Human Resource Management, Adam Mark Brewer
PSCI 466.80: Nonprof Admin/PubSERV, Keri A. McWilliams
PSCI 467.80: Advanced Nonprofit Administration, Keri A. McWilliams
PSCI 469.00: Ethics and Public Policy, Noel Dane Scott