This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2018
PSCI 471.01: American Constitutional Law, William P. McLauchlan
PSCI 474.01: Civil Rights Seminar, William McLauchlan
PSCI 482.01: Politics of the World Economy, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 501.50: Public Administration, Sara R, Rinfret
PSCI 503.01: Policy Analysis, Jeffrey Greene
PSCI 505.50: Budgeting and Finance, Jeffrey Greene
PSCI 520.01: Comparative Government, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 524.01: Management Skills, Peter Koehn
PSCI 525.50: Strategic Planning, Lisa Anne Upson
PSCI 553.01: Modern Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSCI 561.50: Ethics in Public Administration, Adam M. Brewer
PSCI 582.01: Politics of the World Economy, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSYX 100S.01C: Intro to Psychology, Alison C. Pepper
PSYX 100S.01: Introduction to Psychology, Robert S. Hall
PSYX 100S.01: Introduction to Psychology, Nora Grace Uhrich
PSYX 100S.02C: Intro to Psychology, Jessica Kumm
PSYX 100S.02: Introduction to Psychology, Cali Anne Caughie
PSYX 100S.02: Introduction to Psychology, Kristen Pyke
PSYX 100S.03: Introduction to Psychology, Kinsie Jean Dunham
PSYX 100S.03: Introduction to Psychology, James D. McFarland
PSYX 100S.04: Introduction to Psychology, Morgan Christine Bowlen
PSYX 100S.05C: Intro to Psychology, Jessica Kumm
PSYX 100S.50C: Intro to Pyschology, Alison C. Pepper
PSYX 100S.50: Introduction to Psychology, Samantha Cody Russel
PSYX 100S.51C: Intro to Psychology, Alison C. Pepper
PSYX 120.01: Research Methods I, Susan M. Greene
PSYX 120.01: Research Methods I, Nicole Catherine McCray
PSYX 120.02: Research Methods I, Kinsie Jean Dunham
PSYX 120.02: Research Methods I, Paul Silverman
PSYX 120.50: Research Methods I, Susan Greene
PSYX 222.00: Psychological Statistics, Rachel L. Severson
PSYX 222.00: Psychological Statistics, Rachel L. Severson and Susan M. Greene
PSYX 230.01C: Developmental Psychology, Eve M. Lahti
PSYX 230.01: Developmental Psychology, Emily Ann Hattouni
PSYX 230.02: Developmental Psychology, Nicole McCray
PSYX 230.50C: Developmental Psychology, Eve M. Lahti
PSYX 233.01: Fundamentals of the Psychology of Aging, James Michael Brennan
PSYX 233.50: Fundamentals of the Psychology of Aging, Nora Grace Uhrich
PSYX 240.01C: Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, Alison C. Pepper
PSYX 250N.01: Fundamentals of Biological Psychology, Robert S. Hall
PSYX 250N.02: Fundamentals of Biological Psychology, Nathan Insel
PSYX 250N.02: Fundamentals of Biological Psychology, Nathan Insel
PSYX 270.01: Fundamental Psychology of Learning, Alexandra Buscaglia
PSYX 270.01: Fundamental Psychology of Learning, Bethany Grace Gorter
PSYX 270.50: Fundamental Psychology of Learning, Bethany Grace Gorter
PSYX 280.01: Fundamentals of Memory and Cognition, Yoohee Jang
PSYX 298.01: Service Learning Internship, Paul Silverman
PSYX 320.01: Research Methods III, Yoohee Jang
PSYX 320.01: Research Methods III, Yoohee Jang
PSYX 330.01: Child Development, Paul S. Silverman
PSYX 330.02: Child Development, Rachel L. Severson
PSYX 330.50: Child Development, Chelsey Maxson
PSYX 340.01: Abnormal Psychology, Bryan Cochran
PSYX 340.01: Abnormal Psychology, Bryan N. Cochran
PSYX 345.01: Child and Adolescent Psychological Disorders, Olivia G. Holter
PSYX 348.01: Psychology of Family Violence, Jacob H. Bloch
PSYX 352.01: Comparative Psychology, Allen D. Szalda-Petree
PSYX 356.01: Human Neuropsychology, Robert Stuart Hall
PSYX 360.01: Social Psychology, Yin Chan
PSYX 360.01: Social Psychology, Lucian G. Conway
PSYX 362.01: Multicultural Psychology, Diana M. Diakow
PSYX 362.01: Multicultural Psychology, Oakleigh Reed
PSYX 378.01: Introductionto Clinical Psychology, Ari Silverman
PSYX 382.01: Forensic Psychology, Laura Kirsch
PSYX 383.01: Health Psychology, Duncan Campbell
PSYX 385.01: Psychology of Personality, Jennifer Leigh Lippold
PSYX 385.01: Psychology of Personality, Jennifer Leigh Lippold
PSYX 398.01: Service Learning Internship, Paul S. Silverman
PSYX 400.01: History and Systems of Psychology, Daniel Denis
PSYX 400.01: History and Systems of Psychology, Laura G. Kirsch
PSYX 501.01: Teaching of Psychology, Laura G. Kirsch
PSYX 511.01: Professional Issues, Duncan Campbell
PSYX 520.01: Advanced Psychological Statistics I, Daniel J. Denis
PSYX 521.01: Advanced Psychological Statistics II, Daniel Denis
PSYX 522.01: Multivariate Statistics, Daniel J. Denis
PSYX 523.01: Research Design, Nathan Insel
PSYX 524.01: Tests and Measurements, Jacqueline A. Brown
PSYX 525.01: Psych Evaluation I, Gregory R. Machek
PSYX 526.01: Psychological Assessment II - Objective Approaches and Applications, Duncan Campbell
PSYX 530.01: Clinical and Diagnostic Interviewing, Craig P. McFarland
PSYX 531.01: Principles of Psychological Intervention, Christine Fiore
PSYX 532.01: Advanced Psychopathology, Bryan Cochran
PSYX 534.01: Applied Clinical Methods, Christine Fiore
PSYX 534.02: Applied Clinical Methods, Alison M. Cobb
PSYX 534.02: Applied Clinical Methods, Bryan Cochran
PSYX 535.01: Child Interventions, Paul Silverman
PSYX 536.01: Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Camille Barraclough
PSYX 540.01: Advanced Developmental Psychology, Rachel L. Severson
PSYX 565.01: Advanced Cognition, Yoohee Jang
PSYX 571.01: Advanced Physiological Psychology, Nathan Insel
PSYX 580.01: Professional School Psychology, Jacqueline A. Brown
PSYX 582.01: Behavior Assessment and Intervention, Gregory R. Machek
PSYX 583.01: Educational Assessment and Intervention, Camille Barraclough
PSYX 587.01: School Psychology Methods, Anisa Goforth
PSYX 587.01: School Psychology Methods, Linda A. Maass
PSYX 587.02: School Psychology Methods, Jacqueline A. Brown
PSYX 587.02: School Psychology Methods Second Year, Anisa Goforth
PSYX 588.01: School Psychology Internship, Anisa N. Goforth
PSYX 594.01: Seminar: Political Psychology, Lucian G. Conway
PSYX 604.01: Integrated Behavioral Health, Holly E. Schleicher