This collection includes syllabi from several UM departments from 2021-2025.
Submissions from 2022
NRSM 211N.01: Soils and Water, Cory C. Cleveland
NRSM 212N.00: Ecology, Physics and Taxonomy of Soils, Cory C. Cleveland
NRSM 265.01: Elements of Ecological Restoration, Philip Higuera, Lisa A. Eby, and Diana L. Six
NRSM 326.01: Climate and Society, Laurie A. Yung
NRSM 360.00: Rangeland Management, Akasha Faist
NRSM 373.80: Wilderness and Civilization, Andrew J. Larson
NRSM 389E.02: Ethics and Sustainability, Ashley L. Preston
NRSM 422.01: Natural Resources Policy and Administration, Martin A. Nie
NRSM 427.01: Water Policy, Valerie J. Kurth
NRSM 532.01: Integrated Systems Ecology, John S. Kimball
NRSM 595.05: Research Methods in Conservation Social Sciences, Laurie A. Yung
NUTR 221N.02: Basic Human Nutrition, Laura Granlund
NUTR 221N.50: Basic Human Nutrition, MaryJeanne Doyle
PHAR 329.01: Microbes and Medicines, Travis S. Hughes and Jennifer Minto
PHL 102L.01: Introduction to Existentialism, Paul Muench
PHL 110E.02: Introduction to Ethics, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 110E.50: Introduction to Ethics, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 112E.01: Introduction to Ethics and the Environment, Christopher J. Preston
PHL 210E.01: Moral Philosophy, Bridget Clarke
PHL 262Y.01: History of Modern Philosophy, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 262Y.80: History of Modern Philosophy - Honors, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 323.01: Ethics of Climate Change, Patrick M. Burke
PHL 400.02: Advanced Writing in Philosophy, Paul Muench
PHL 400.04: Advanced Writing in Philosophy, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 427.01: Topics in Philosophy of Film - Comedy, Melodrama, Moral Perfectionism, Paul Muench
PHL 427.80: Topics in Philosophy of Film - Comedy, Melodrama, Moral Perfectionism (Honors), Paul Muench
PHL 465.01: Plato, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 491.01: Issues in the Anthropocene, Christopher J. Preston
PHL 505.01: Issues in the Anthropocene, Christopher J. Preston
PHL 510.01: Philosophy Colloquium, Soazig Le Bihan
PHSX 105N.50: Fundamentals of Physical Science, Ashley L. Preston
PHSX 206N.00: College Physics I Lab, Bradford L. Halfpap
PHSX 207N.01: College Physics II, Andrew S. Ware
PHSX 208N.00: College Physics II Lab, Bradford L. Halfpap
PHSX 217N.01: Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus II, David A. Macaluso
PHSX 218N.01: Physics Laboratory II with Calculus, Jaylene R. Naylor
PHSX 330.01: Communicating Physics, David A. Macaluso
PHSX 391.01: Research Initiation, Andrew S. Ware
PHSX 446.01: Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics, Andrew S. Ware
PHSX 462.01: Quantum Mechanics II, Paul H. Janzen
PSCI 210S.01: Introduction to American Government, Nancy Burgoyne
PSCI 210S.50: Introduction to American Government, Matthew T. Jette
PSCI 220S.01: Introduction to Comparative Government, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 230X.R01: Introduction to International Relations, Karen R. Adams
PSCI 250E.01: Introduction to Political Theory, Dillon G. Sarb
PSCI 328.01: Politics of China, Dexter T. Roberts
PSCI 330.R01: Women, Migration and Displacement, Susan F. Martin
PSCI 332.R01: Global Envrionmental Politics, Karen R. Adams
PSCI 334.01: International Security, Karen Ruth Adams
PSCI 337.80: Model United Nations - Honors SERV, Eva Maggi
PSCI 377.R01: Global Health Issues, Peter Koehn
PSCI 428.R01: Sustainable Climate Policies - China and the USA, Peter Koehn
PSCI 443.01: Politics of Social Movements, Paul L. Haber
PSCI 444.R01: American Political Participation, Christopher P. Muste
PSCI 492.02: Independent Study - Model United Nations Leadership, Eva Maggi
PSCI 492.02: Model United Nations Travel Team, Eva Maggi
PSCI 520.01: Comparative Government, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 530.01: International Relations Seminar, Karen Ruth Adams
PSCI 540.01: American Government, Robert P. Saldin
PSYX 100S.01: Introduction to Psychology, Robert Stuart Hall
PSYX 100S.01: Introduction to Psychology, Kara M. Snider
PSYX 100S.02: Introduction to Psychology, Katelyn Melcher
PSYX 100S.02: Introduction to Psychology, Edgar Orozco
PSYX 100S.03: Introduction to Psychology, Chelsey M. Maxson
PSYX 100S.50: Introduction to Psychology, Jessica Kathleen Kumm
PSYX 100S.50: Introduction to Psychology, Genna M. Mashinchi
PSYX 100S.50: Introduction to Psychology - Online, Patrick D. Hanni
PSYX 120.01: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods, Ashlyn M. Kincaid
PSYX 120.01: Introduction to Research Methods, Rachel E.G. Williamson
PSYX 120.50: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods, Jennifer Villa
PSYX 120.50: Introduction to Research Methods – Online, Caitlin A. Martin-Wagar
PSYX 222.00: Psychological Statistics, Rachel L. Severson
PSYX 230.50: Developmental Psychology - Lifespan, Gabriella Ji
PSYX 230.51: Developmental Psychology, Gabriella Ji
PSYX 233.50: Fundamentals of Psychology of Aging - Online, Hannah G. Hall
PSYX 233.50: Fundamentals of the Psychology of Aging, Amy E. Violante
PSYX 240.50: Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, Alison Christine Pepper
PSYX 250N.01: Fundamentals of Biological Psychology, Amber L. Thatcher
PSYX 270.01: Fundamentals of the Psychology of Learning - Online, Kara M. Snider
PSYX 270.50: Fundamentals of the Psychology of Learning, Patrick D. Hanni
PSYX 280.01: Fundamentals of Memory and Cognition, Yoonhee Jang
PSYX 280.01: Fundamentals of Memory and Cognition, Yoonhee Jang
PSYX 320.01: Advanced Psychological Research Methods, Yoonhee Jang
PSYX 330.01: Child Development, Rachel L. Severson
PSYX 330.01: Child Development, Rachel L. Severson
PSYX 330.50: Child Development, Edgar Orozco
PSYX 330.50: Child Development, Jennifer L. Rotzal
PSYX 340.R01: Abnormal Psychology, Kelly Jansen
PSYX 345.01: Child and Adolescent Psychological Disorders, Gregory R. Machek
PSYX 348.01: Psychology of Family Violence, Morgan C. Bowlen
PSYX 348.01: Psychology of Family Violence, Julie M. Olomi
PSYX 352.01: Comparative Psychology, D. Allen Szalda-Petree
PSYX 356.R01: Human Neuropsychology, Robert Stuart Halll
PSYX 360.50: Social Psychology, Lucian C. Conway
PSYX 360.50: Social Psychology - Online, James D. McFarland
PSYX 376.50: Cognitive Behavior Modification - Online, Emily A, Brooke
PSYX 378.01: Introduction to Clinical Psychology, Rachel E.G. Williamson
PSYX 382.01: Forensic Psychology, Laura G. Kirsch
PSYX 385.01: Psychology of Personality - Methodology, Theories, & Application, Duncan G. Campbell
PSYX 385.01: Psychology of Personality - Methodology, Theories, & Application, Duncan G. Campbell