This collection includes syllabi from several UM departments from 2021-2025.
Submissions from 2021
NRSM 370.R01: Collaboration in Natural Resource Decisions, Alexander L. Metcalf
NRSM 385.R01: Watershed Hydrology, Kelsey G. Jencso
NRSM 389E.00: Ethics & Sustainability, N. Dane Scott
NRSM 408.R01: Global Cycles and Climate, Cory C. Cleveland
NRSM 422.01: Natural Resources Policy & Administration, Martin A. Nie
NRSM 422.B01: Natural Resource Policy & Administration, Brian C. Chaffin
NRSM 428.01: Climate Policy, Brian C. Chaffin
NRSM 465.B01: Foundations of Restoration Ecology, Cara R. Nelson
NRSM 494.01: Seminar in Ecosystem Science and Restoration, Cara R. Nelson
NRSM 495.01: Ecological Restoration Practicum, Benjamin P. Coleman
NRSM 500.01: Conservation Social Science Methods, Michael Patterson
NRSM 515.01: Collaborative Skills for Natural Resources, Shawn M. Johnson and Klaus Sitte
NRSM 542.B01: Food-Energy-Water Nexus Seminar - Bridging Science, Policy, and Practice, Laurie A. Yung and Sarah O'Keefe
NRSM 570.03: Political Ecology, Brian C. Chaffin
NRSM 570.B01: Political Ecology, Brian C. Chaffin
NRSM 594.R01: Conservation Social Science Seminar, Laurie A. Yung
NUTR 221N.01: Basic Human Nutrition, Jennifer Kane
NUTR 221N.02: Basic Human Nutrition, Jennifer Kane
PHL 309E.01: The Art of Living, Paul Muench
PHL 309E.80: The Art of Living, Paul Muench
PTRM 141Y.00: National Parks and American Culture, Elena A. Bigart
PTRM 141Y.R01: National Parks and American Culture, Ada P. Smith
PTRM 150.01: First Year Seminar in Parks, Tourism, and Recreation Management, Jennifer Thomsen and William L. Rice
PTRM 210S.R01: Nature Tourism, Jennifer M. Thomsen
PTRM 217S.01: Parks & Outdoor Recreation Management, William L. Rice
PTRM 217S.R01: Parks and Outdoor Recreation Management, Elena A. Bigart
PTRM 300.B01: Recreation Behavior, Elizabeth C. Metcalf
PTRM 310.01: Natural Resource Interpretation and Communication, Elena A. Bigart
PTRM 380.R01: Recreation Administration and Leadership, Jonathan D. Dorman
PTRM 451W.01: Tourism and Sustainability, Keith W. Bosak
PTRM 484.01: PTRM Capstone, Jennifer Thomsen
WILD 105N.01: Wildlife and People, Erim Gomez
WILD 170.00: Fish and Wildlife Interest Group, Erim Gomez
WILD 180.01: Careers in Wildlife Biology, Erim Gomez
WILD 240.80: Introduction to Biostatistics - Honors, Victoria J. Dreitz
WILD 291.00S: Special Topics: Fisheries Techniques, Andrew R. Whiteley
WILD 346.01: Wildlife Physiological Ecology, Creagh W. Breuner
WILD 370.00: Wildlife Habitat Conservation, Marcel P. Huijser
WILD 470.01: Conservation of Wildlife, Angela D. Luis
WILD 485.01: Aquatic Invertibrate Ecology, Diana L. Six
WILD 494.01: Senior Wildlife Seminar, Chad J. Bishop
WILD 594.01: Analysis of Selected Problems in Wildlife Biology and Conservation, Hugh S. Robinson
Submissions from 2020
EDU 331.R01: Literature and Literacy for Children, Charity N. Atteberry
Submissions from 2014
ARTZ 321.01: Painting II - Contemporary Themes, Kevin J. Bell