UMCUR 2017 Award Winners | 2017 University of Montana Conference on Undergraduate Research

UMCUR 2017 Award Winners


Humanities: Lügenpresse: Media skepticism in contemporary Germany by Ian Strahn (Henriette Lowisch, mentor)

Life Sciences: Glucocorticoids and parental effort in tree swallows by Mackenzie Prichard (Creagh Breuner, mentor)

Life Sciences: EAAT This: How EAAT1 Knockdown in Astrocytes Alters Aggression in Drosophila melanogaster by Haley Shepard (Sarah Certel, mentor)

Physical Sciences: Using Satellite Altimetry to Measure Lake Volume Changes in the Western U.S. by Raphael Hagen (Joel Harper, mentor)

Social Sciences: The Role of Wilderness Orientation Programs: What purpose do they serve? by Reid Hensen (Libby Metcalf, mentor)

Social Sciences: Hillary Rodham Clinton and Shifts in Gendered Rhetorical Style by Mackenzie Lombardi (Sarah Hayden, mentor)

Social Sciences: Protectors of Hegemonic Masculinity: An analysis of masculinity and gun legislation by Claire Michelson (Elizabeth Hubble, mentor)

Visual and Performing Arts (including Creative Writing): A Generation of Katnisses: The New Power of Female Protagonists in Young Adult Dystopian Literature by McKenzie Watterson (Erin Saldin, mentor)


Health and Medical Sciences: Cardiac function in a novel dystrophic mouse model by Kathryn Tiemessen et al. (John Quindry, mentor)

Health and Medical Sciences: Respiratory Function Comparison in Young D2 and D2J Mice by Shannon Ryffel (John Quindry, mentor)

Humanities: Satirical Perspectives: A Cross-Cultural Comparison by Mariah Johnson (Clint Walker, mentor)

Life Sciences: Investigation of Membrane Curvature Dependency on Cytochrome c Binding to Cardiolipin by Ziqing Xie (Bruce Bowler, mentor)

Physical Sciences: Using Thermal Infrared Imaging to Estimate Soil Hydraulic Parameters: A Novel Approach by Matt Thomas (Payton Gardner, mentor)

Social Sciences: Institutional Mapping of Montana Water Law by Jess DellaRossa (Brian Chaffin, mentor)

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