Wood Smoke Exposure Analysis using Silicon Wristbands as Passive Samplers

Graduation Year


Graduation Month


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

School or Department

Chemistry and Biochemistry



Faculty Mentor Department

Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of

Faculty Mentor

Christopher P. Palmer

Subject Categories

Analytical Chemistry


The purpose of this experiment is to analyze wood smoke exposure on silicone wristbands to quantify the amount of target chemicals from the exposure. Silicone wristbands can be used as passive samplers. Using headspace, the wristbands can be tested for volatile compounds absorbed onto the wristbands specifically from wood smoke exposure. In this experiment, the target chemicals chosen were BTEX because its specific characterization. Wristbands were cleaned in a heated vacuum oven to rid of any contaminants. A series of spiked stock solutions and spiked wristbands were run on the headspace and flame ionization detector to calibrate for methodology procedures and to target the retention times of BTEX. Running these spiked samples also allowed for minimum detection values to be found. The retention time for Benzene repeatedly occurred around 5.85. Multiple wristbands were exposed to woodsmoke; one group being exposed on day 1 for 2 hours at a concentration of 0.83 mg/m3, a second group being exposed on day 2 for 2 hours at a concentration of 1.1 mg/m3, and a final group being exposed for a total of 4 hours over the 2 days. Again, Benzene was the most evident volatile found on the exposed wristbands. This kind of experimentation is important because using the silicone wristbands as passive samplers, exposure to volatile compounds can be quantified specifically Benzene which is a known carcinogenic. Woodsmoke exposure is a public health concern and prolonged exposure can result in serious health effects.

Honors College Research Project


GLI Capstone Project




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