Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Other Degree Name/Area of Focus

Art History

Department or School/College

School of Art

Committee Chair

H. Rafael Chacon

Commitee Members

Manuela Well-Off-Man, Valerie Hedquist


educational, meloy, MMAC, narrative, portraits, trust


The Montana Museum of Art & Culture (MMAC) exhibited the portraiture of Montana modernist painter Henry Meloy in July and August of 2007. As curatorial intern, I assisted in the mounting of this exhibition and researched the biography of and portraits created by Meloy. The professional paper describes the process of mounting the show from the acquisition of the permanent loan of the Meloy collection by the MMAC through exhibiting and and shipping the work. This description is supplemented with biographical information and critical assessment of the portraits, which show stylistic developments in visual arts in the United States between 1920 and 1950.



© Copyright 2008 Kathryn Lorraine Rodriguez