Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Name

Environmental Studies

Department or School/College

Environmental Studies Program

Committee Chair

Neva Hassanein

Commitee Members

Jill Belsky, Laurie Yung


sustainable agriculture, women, farmers, gender, farmer networks, women farmers


Women’s presence in agriculture as farmers, consumers, advocates, and activists has become ever more apparent over the last two decades as census data, popular media, and academic literature increasingly reflect their work. Many of the farmers in western Montana practicing sustainable agriculture are women and have built relationships with other women farmers in the region through existing agriculture-focused organizations like Homegrown and the Western Montana Growers’ Cooperative. Even with the strong presence of these organizations, some women farmers feel there is potential for the formalization of a women farmer network in western Montana that would increase the opportunities for socialization among farmers and provide space to discuss gender-specific experiences of farming. This project describes interviewees’ experiences as women in agriculture, existing communication among women farmers, and explores the potential for a women farmer network in western Montana.



© Copyright 2014 Eva Kathryn Rocke