Year of Award


Document Type

Professional Paper

Degree Type

Master of Arts (MA)

Degree Name

Communication Studies

Department or School/College

Department of Communication Studies

Committee Chair

Greg Larson


assimilation and Opportunity Resources, assimilation process, assimilation program, Opportunity Resources, assimilation, ORI


To assist Opportunity Resources, Inc. (ORI) in lowering its turnover rate, an assimilation program was designed to be implemented within the ogranization to enhance communication difficulties and training deficiencies. Information was collected from 17 current and former employees (management and staff) of Missoula, MT's ORI. Based from the results, a Job Rotation Position (JRP) Assimilation Program was developed and tailored using Myers and Oetzel's (2003) interactive assimilation model.



© Copyright 2009 Amanda N. Stovall