This collection includes 12288 University of Montana graduate student theses, dissertations, and professional papers (ETDs) from 1899-present. Use the following links to search discipline-specific ETDs:
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- Speech, Language, Hearing, and Occupational Sciences
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- World Languages and Cultures
"This Blessed Plot": Negotiating Britishness in Sam Selvon's The Lonely Londoners, Hanif Kureishi's The Buddha of Suburbia, and Zadie Smith's White Teeth, Kathleen Vickers
Acquisition of drive-eliciting power by originally neutral cues, Odin C. Vick
Violence, Catastrophe, and Agency in Nepal: A Deeper Understanding of the 2015 Earthquakes and Border Blockade, Kassandra D. Viers
Identification and partial characterization of glycoproteins in the serum of Biomphalaria glabrata and on the surface of Schistosoma mansoni, Nicholas John Vietri
Custer's Last Drag: An Examination of Tobacco Use Among the Seventh Cavalry During the Nineteenth Century, Shannon Marjorie Vihlene
Certain taxonomic considerations of the genus Cytophaga, Victor Joseph Vilk
Independent Internationalism and Nationalistic Pragmatism: The United States and Mexico Relations during the 1920s, Rodolfo Villarreal-Rios
Importance of agricultural border strips in the conservation of North American migratory landbirds in western Mexico, Jose Fernando Villasenor
Rangeland classification system based on vegetative structure, Brad Villnow
Montana high school dance bands| A survey of student dance bands in sixty-three high schools in Montana, Dean Lewis Vinal
Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park visitors| Their interests, satisfactions, opinions and preferences, Daniel Patrick Vincent
The Reorganization of the Polson High School library, Catherine Vines
A comparison of four protocols for maximal treadmill graded exercise testing in endurance athletes, Eric E. Vinje
An evaluation of fisher (Martes pennanti) introductions in Montana, Ray S. Vinkey
Effects of recreational activities on declining Anuran species in the John Muir Wilderness CA, Meg Vinson
A Qualitative Examination of Teacher's Perspectives of Social-Emotional Learning and Spirituality in the Public School Setting, Amy E. Violante
Management plan for wild ungulates in Balochistan Pakistan, Amjad Tahir Virk
Factors controlling the formation of mineral precipitates lining the channel in Rabbit Creek Yellowstone National Park Wyoming, Matthew V. Vitale
The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi II "Summer" as Arranged for Multiple-Part Festival Orchestra, Antonio Vivaldi
Translation of twelve Argentine gaucho short stories, with an introduction on the Argentine gaucho in life and literature, Lido Joseph Vizzutti
The Kite and the String: Why Philosophy Needs More Storytellers, Mason James Voehl
Performing America: Walt Whitman Erasure and the Politics of Textual Inclusion, Carey R. Voeller
Delivery and attention| An experimental investigation, John L. Vohs
Sterility| A study of theme in three plays by Federico Garcia Lorca, Don Lyle Volk
Development of School District Number One Missoula County Montana 1911-1955, Maud S. Volk
Sacred Zones: Examing Wilderness in Yellowstone, Maine and Russia, Lily S. Vonderheide
Noninvasive fecal monitoring of glucocorticoids in Alaskan brown bears (Ursus arctos horribilis), Christina G. Von der Ohe
The inactivation of endotoxin by serum: A phylogenetic and ontogenetic study, Kenneth Brooks Von Eschen
An Assessment of the Health Needs of the Transgender Community in Montana, Anna Grace von Gohren
Pronghorn fawn mortality on the National Bison Range, Barbara L. Von Gunten
Components of armed forces basic training and a correctional boot camp: An analysis, Lara B. Von Tersch
Using multiple environmental tracers to investigate the relative role of soil and deep groundwater in stream water generation for a snow-dominated headwater catchment, Isabellah V. von Trapp
Estimating Site Productivity from Non-Site Trees: A Site Index Based Approach, Charles Edward Vopicka
Remote Sensing of Avalanche Paths in Glacier National Park, Montana, Morgan Voss
Object-oriented design and implementation of Ecosystem Information System (EIS) using Java, Petr Votava
Incorporating competition between life forms into the soil water submodel within STAND-BGC a vegetative process model, Ellen P. Voth
Rhetoric and the Restoration Landscape: Forest Restoration in Environmental Debate, Gregory M. Vranizan
Depositional environments of the Cretaceous Thermopolis Muddy and Mowry Formations southern Madison and Gallatin Ranges Montana, Susan M. Vuke-Foster
Regional tectonic systems of the Pacific Northwest delineated from ERTS-1 imagery, Linda Kay Wackwitz
Effects of motivation on rotary pursuit performance, Betty Louise Waddell
Course of study for the teaching of music in the junior high schools of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, Mary Helene Wadden
Response of fire analogs to duff conditions during prescribed fires, Dale D. Wade
Birth and death processes, Ronald Keith Wade
Daniell integral, Eddward Melvin Wadsworth
Mountain goats in Olympic National Park : fair game or reasonable doubt?, Helen Carolyn Wagenvoord
Phoenix suites| [Poems], Miles Waggener
An examination of the potential of microenterprise development as a tool for social welfare reform, Henry Jay Wagner
Integrated conservation program for the upper elementary grades, Hubert Horatio Wagner
Effects of extended exercise and carbohydrate feedings on substrate oxidation and muscle glycogenolysis, Jamie D. Wagner
CHARCOAL, Jasmine Dreame Wagner
Physiological comparison of racewalking and brisk walking at three submaximal speeds in female recreational racewalkers, Craig A. Wagoner
Bierce and Mencken as critics of their times, Shirley Deane Wagstaff
Decomposition and the Freeze-Thaw Process in Northwestern Montana: A Preliminary Study, Laura Beth Wagster
Evaluation of an alternation design for studying transfer of training, James Lee Wahlberg
California psychological inventory as a variable for predicting success of public school principals in Montana, Calvin Abner Wahl
Biomedical encounters and human adaptability, Christopher Canterbury Wahlfeld
Radar echoes and their relationship to lightning fires in the northern Rocky Mountains, Richard David Wahlfeld
Hue in the Rorschach: An investigation into the relative significance of blue and green versus the red orange and yellow responses, Betty Wahlstedt
Food Web Effects of Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) Invasion in Northwestern Montana, Charles Wainright
Geology and mineralization of the Black Pine Mine Granite County Montana, Dave Waisman
Ahnung und Gegenwart| Eichendorff's early version of the "Vita Poetae", Heidi Magdalena Waitschies
Survey of Missoula's May 1965 new car buyers' attitudes toward their recent new car purchases, Neil Francis Wakley
Survey of Christmas tree production on private lands in western Montana, Thomas A. Walbridge
Silviculture vs. nature: An ecological assessment of forest health alternatives, Bethanie Walder
Can Nonhumans Be Victims of Genocide?, Kirstin Waldkoenig
Role of sequential variables in successive contrast effects, John Edward Walkenbach
Points of disappearance, Stephanie Walkenshaw
Structure use and function of song categories in Brewer's sparrows (Spizella breweri), Brett L. Walker
Historical geography of Sitka, Alaska | 1799-1867, Brian Mercer Walker
Influences of landscape structure on snowshoe hare populations in fragmented forests, Carly Jane Walker
The Montana Defense Procurement Technical Assistance program grant., Chester Walker
Literature as mandala, Craig Weston Walker
Henry James and the anomalous particular case, a study of his technique as revealed in "The Turn of the Screw", David Clarence Walker
Transcendental Idealism, Transcendental Realism, and the Possibility of Objective Reference, Eric Dane Walker
A teacher's handbook of policies and procedures for Emerson elementary school Great Falls Montana, James H. Walker
Dr. Pit show, "One Night Only" and "The balloonman's chair"| Two one act comedies, James J. Walker
Trends in group vocational guidance 1900 to 1952, Kathleen E. Walker
An Interdisciplinary Approach To The Target Elucidation of Novel Antibiotic 31G12, Larissa A. Walker
Techniques to aid the junior high teacher in assisting the slow learner, Paul L. Walker
Environmental and biological factors limiting reproduction recruitment and growth of largemouth bass in Seeley and Echo Lakes Montana, Kathleen Walker-Smith
A comparison study of subadult long bone growth between an Early Archaic population (Windover) and a Late Archaic population (Indian Knoll), Sunday A. Walker
Nature and origin of bentonites and potassium bentonites northwestern Montana, Susan Claire Walker
Submaximal endurance capabilities of men and women, Edward Walkwitz
Exposing the soul, Glenda S. Wallace
Lightbox| [Poems], Joni M. Wallace
Evaluation of the indicators and standards used for the limits of acceptable change process in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, Sarah E. Wallace
Using Airborne Laser Altimetry to Characterize Surface Fuels in Western Montana, Tim E. Wallace
Study of drop-outs in Billings Senior High School for the school year 1953-1954, Willard Roger Wallace
Some cases illustrative of the problem of expatriation in Russo-American relations 1864-1897, William Swilling Wallace
Regeneration of subalpine Nothofagus pumilio in northwestern Patagonia Argentina, Christopher A. Wall
Seasonal habitat use of river otters in northwestern Montana, Amy Johnston Waller
Field manual for applying the universal soil loss equation in Montana, Jerry Jim Waller
Like nothing uphill : ecology and conservation of a northern Minnesota peat bog, Peggy J. Wallgren
Stroke rehabilitation : a counseling approach with families., Thelma Elaine. Wall
Relationship between supraspinatus strength and throwing velocity and accuracy of minor league professional baseball players, David Wallwork