This collection includes 12288 University of Montana graduate student theses, dissertations, and professional papers (ETDs) from 1899-present. Use the following links to search discipline-specific ETDs:
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- World Languages and Cultures
Wolf conservation in southern Alberta| Innovation beyond regulation, Pamela A. Uihlein
A noninvasive survey method for detecting wolverine, Todd J. Ulizio
“It is a strange thing for us to see water being sold”: Local Perceptions of the Fijian Bottled Water Industry, Jessica Dawn Ulrich
Breaking edge| Poems, Michael Umphrey
Pinus buchananii a new species of petrified seed cone from the Oligocene of the Olympic Peninsula Washington, James Craig Underwood
Environmental education in Kenya : the need for a community-based biology curriculum in the secondary schools, Suanne Unger
Serum leukotriene metabolism and Type I hypersensitivity reactions in different animal species, Thulasi Sarojam Unnitan
Commercial Bank Residential Non Farm Mortgage Activity, Randolph George Urbanec
Federal Reserve discount rate policy actions: 1951-1965, Randolph George Urbanec
Sequence stratigraphy mineralogy and paleogeography of Triassic marginal marine and continental deposits of the Wind River Basin west-central Wyoming, Andrew Olin Urie
More truly and more strange| [Short stories], Elizabeth Urschel
From the invisible coast| Poems and stories, Pamela Uschuk
Bitterroot dreams, Yukari Usuda
Hydrogeology of the Hamilton north and Corvallis quadrangles Bitterroot Valley southwestern Montana, William Uthman
Transpirational drying of limbed and unlimbed lodgepole pine and Douglas-fir with controlled precipitation, Fabian C. Uzoh
Strength in understanding, Neely Vacura
Longitudinal dynamics of seston concentration and composition in a western Montana lake outlet, Yvonne Marie Vadeboncoeur
North Dakota Non-partisan League and the state news-papers; recent activity of the League as reflected by representative papers, Irene Vadnais
The changing status of faculty women in public universities in the northern Rockies and Deep South 1900-1990, Jill McCorkle Vahl
Choosing cremation in Missoula Montana: implications for theories on western individualism, Danielle Valentine
Elemental Stoichiometry of Freshwater Hyporheic Microorganisms, Alejandra Valenzuela
Food quality and Hydropsychid caddisfly density in a lake-outlet stream in Glacier National Park Montana, Herbert Maurice Valett
Presentation and evaluation of the outdoor recreation tourist industry in Montana, Frank Valgenti
Knowledge and Resistance: Feminine Style and Signifyin[g] in Michelle Obama’s Public Address, Tracy Valgento
Results of an archaeological survey along the Montana-Idaho stateline in the northern Bitterroot Range| LoLo Pass to Lookout Pass, Mark Talbot Vallier
Thermodynamic and kinetic studies on RNA dimerization of the HIV-2 leader region, Hector N. Valtierra
Leisure attitudes of single adults, Gerald A. Van Ackeren
Paul van Ostaijen, the poet, Hidde Van Ameyden van Duym
"Over-achievement" and "under-achievement" of college students in relation to their psychological needs for achievement and affiliation, Eugene Beauharnais Van Artsdale
Language Change in Spanish Heritage Speakers: the Interaction Between Lexical and Grammatical Aspect, Jackelyn Kelly Van Buren
Road cut still life| The angle of repose, Christine Vance
A Chip off the Old Rock: An Investigation of Hunter-Gatherer Lithic Behavior at Site 48PA551 Using the FIeld Processing Model, Emma Lydia Vance
The Influence of Ancestry, Sex, and Age on the Morphology of the Frontal Sinus in Black and White Individuals, Hope Annelise Vance
Economics and sociology in the high schools of Montana, James J. Vance
Comparative analysis of compositional styles exemplified in four selected piano works, Marie May Vance
Light reduction and moisture stress effects on growth and water relations of western larch seedlings, Nan C. Vance
Dispersal patterns of juvenile beavers in western Montana, Timothy R. Van Deelen
Vegetative productivity of grizzly bear habitat components in southeastern British Columbia, Anne M. Vandehey
Past and present influences of the grazing animal in relation to spotted knapweed and leafy spurge in Montana, Paul Vandenberg
Big picture under a big sky| Hispanic influences in the Northern Rockies, William J. VandenBos
Economic status education and attribution of responsibility for spouse abuse, Cheryl R. Van Denburg
Selected topics in simultaneous statistical inference, Dorothy Anne Vanderburg
On-site vegetation restoration techniques developed and applied in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, Mark E. Vander Meer
The Effects of Fiscal Decentralization on Health and Education Spending and Outcomes: Evidence from Ethiopia, Brian Philip Vander Naald
Practical non-anthropocentrism: Environmental values formation through intentional community, David VanderPloeg
Predicting conflicts between land use and land suitability Rattlesnake Valley Missoula Montana, Candis A. Van der Poel
A reconnaissance of the late Tertiary and Quaternary geology geomorphology and contemporary surface hydrology of the Rattlesnake Creek watershed Missoula County Montana, Washington I. Van der Poel
ROS based inventory methodology for Nordic skiing opportunities, Richard M. Vander Voet
RAFT| An information-cuing device for encoding communication, Nancy Jacobs Vandeventer
Prediction of cycling time trial performance from VOb2max anaerobic threshold and cycling efficiency in sitting and standing bicycle test protocols, Katherine A. Van Dorn
Five or six occasional pieces, Mary Vanek
The recreational patterns and attitudes of active duty military personnel at Malmstrom Air Force Base Great Falls Montana, William James Van Fossen
Shared Consciousness: A Social History of Tourette Syndrome and its Treatments, Nicholas VanHole
Influence of Stauffer Chemical Company on fluoride distribution in the Silverbow Montana area, Charles Van Hook
Riemannian geometry and the general theory of relativity, Marie McBride Vanisko
Application of the Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC) model to structure long-term social and resource management for South Maui Hawaii, Cheryl S. Vann
Kings Hill| A plan for development, James Gifford Vannier
Analyzing change in saline seep development in Montana| A GIS approach, Norma L. Van Nostrand
Effect of birth order upon affiliation with fraternities and sororities, David Whitman Van Nuys
Game farming in Montana| A historical and comparative policy analysis, Laura Van Riper
Changing ideal of manhood in late-nineteenth century America, John Robert Van Slyke
Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Wolbachia-Induced Cytoplasmic Incompatibility, Kelley Van Vaerenberghe
An Alien Place: The Fort Missoula, Montana Detention Camp, 1941-1944, Carol Bulger Van Valkenburg
Variability in flake technology at Tree Frog, a protohistoric site in the Centennial Valley, Montana, Kristin Ann Vanwert
Black Deathways: An African Methodist History, 1829-1916, Christina M. Varney
Problems in preparation of a solo recital, John Phillips Varnum
Assessing the need for a nationwide licensing program for fire protection equipment., Anita Holoubek. Varone
Pleasures of eating fish, Jodi Varon
Influence of water-level regulation on littoral macrozoobenthos of Flathead Lake Montana, Susan K. Varrelman
Wholesale price - retail price relationships : an aspect of price fixing in a retail gasoline market, Mark J. Vasconi
All That Jazz: Federal Cultural Exchanges and Jazz Diplomacy, 1956-1964, James Vaughn
Differential effects of triglycerides on in vitro glucose clearance by sheep aortic endothelial and arterial smooth muscle cells, Daniela Vavra
Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of Linda in a distributed environment, Harish Vedavyasa
Beyond "equal pay for equal work": Comparable worth, Rosalie Veeder
Development of a file transfer protocol and associated programs for the Bridge CS/1 system, Murali Veeramoney
Italo-American relations 1870-1914; A study in American diplomacy, George Howard Veith
Grizzly Bear reintroduction to the Bitterroot ecosystem : perceptions of individuals with land-base occupations, Carlos L. Velado
Evaluation of fitness level and body composition of high school students of the University of Colima in Mexico, Manuel Jaime Velasco
Designs on a classic| [Poetry], William M. Velde
Environmental degradation of Belt Creek, Dennis L. Veleber
Intentional evidence: Its effects on juror perceptions, Robert A. Velin
Effects of effort requirements on video icon choice, Andrew J. Velkey
Plumb Bob Man, George Venn
Great Britain and the Common Market - is there any choice? The economic effects upon Britain of entering the Common Market, Einar Olav Venold
The effects of temporary states on helping behavior, Donna Mary Veraldi
Breeding biology behavior and ecology of the water pipit ( Anthus spinoletta), Nicolaas A. Verbeek
Contributions to potable water contamination from septic system effluent in unsewered areas underlain by coarse sand and gravel substrates| Documentation of treatment by the system and vadose zone and of dispersion by the aquifer, Margaret Elizabeth Ver Hey
Vitellaria paradoxa and the feasibility of a shea butter project in the north of Cameroon, Karin L. Vermilye
Liquid meal enhances balance following exercise in a healthy older population, Leah Paige Versteegen
Wilderness solitude: The sacred will-of-the-land, Jay Hansford Vest
Wild mind primal mind, Jay Hansford Vest
An Investigation of Historic Euro-American Inscriptions at Madison Buffalo Jump, Jay Thomas Vest
Application of 3D visualization software to the proposed Highway 93 expansion corridor between Polson and Evaro in Lake County Montana, William A. Veteto
Influence of various training repetitions and state of physical fitness on the development of cardiorespiratory endurance, Douglas John Vickers