This collection includes 12288 University of Montana graduate student theses, dissertations, and professional papers (ETDs) from 1899-present. Use the following links to search discipline-specific ETDs:
- Anthropology
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- Biological Sciences
- Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Business Administration
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
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- Environmental Studies
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- Integrative Physiology and Athletic Training
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- Music
- Philosophy
- Physics and Astronomy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Public and Community Health Sciences
- Sociology
- Speech, Language, Hearing, and Occupational Sciences
- Theatre and Dance
- World Languages and Cultures
Pragmatics in second language acquisition in the case of learning Japanese, Hiroko Takada
Development of an environment for testing programming ability using the cloze technique, Kiyoka Takahashi
Japanese women in business: Yesterday today and tomorrow, Yoko Takeuchi
Analysis of the AICPA's required reclassification of the shareholders' equity to liabilities in the balance sheets of credit unions, Belle Marie Talbert
Successful second language learner, Susan A. Talbot
Diagenesis of the Lower Permian Wolfcamp Formation, West Texas: Implications for reservoir quality in the Midland basin, Kory John Talcott
Sources of water captured by municipal supply wells in a highly conductive aquifer western Montana, Amelia A. Tallman
Genetic effects of local extinction, David Tallmon
Subby gets slimed : a role for stories in environmental education, Kirsten Talmage
Proposed school board policies for the Stevensville Montana public schools, Harry M. Tamplin
Sussex School backyard nature area project, Yukiko Maeda Tanaka
Just Leftovers, Sarah Elizabeth Tancred
Grassroots struggle for environmental justice : the need for a new approach to public health in Kern County California, Elizabeth Tan
"First you talk about love and then you talk about wheat": Portrayals of female community on the Western plains, Randi Tanglen
Study on automated dasymetric mapping, Yanbing Tang
Assessment of Public Land Values and a Comparison Amongst Nonresident Outdoor Recreationists in Montana, Megan Michele Tanner
Transfrontier Conservation Areas of southern Africa and international law in the context of community involvement, Randy J. Tanner
Unmasking of latent herpesvirus infection, Surang Tantivanich
Porting MATT from MatrixX to MATLAB, Jing Tao
Multiple use forest management and the possibility of its application in the developing countries, Abdul Rashid Tariq
Radioactive fallout monitoring before and after the 1963 nuclear weapons test ban treaty, Robert E. Tarkalson
TIDE TO CYCLES, David P. Tarullo
Influences on backcountry recreationists' risk of exposure to snow avalanche hazards, Jessica E. Tase
Investigation of the Spanish question before the United Nations, Dale Raymond Tash
Soil contamination at Anaconda Montana: history and influence on plant growth, Ronald David Taskey
Probing a possible tRNA binding site on 23S rRNA of the 50S ribosomal subunit, Anchalee Tassanakajohn
Videofluorography and the assessment of velopharyngeal competence., Kathleen Ruth Tate
The factor analysis of spelling ability, Merle W. Tate
Evaluation of rancher interest and on-farm performance of two indigenous tree species (Albizia guachapele and Samanea saman) in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Robert W. Tawes
Lightning damage to Douglas-fir trees in southwestern Montana, Alan R. Taylor
Under the Bridge: A Qualitative Investigation of Homeless Persons' Perspectives on Substance Abuse and Its Treatment, Amanda Beth Taylor
Survival of Shigellae in foods and biological materials, Barbara Coday Taylor
Cairn Stones: A Mosaic Memoir and Manual, Bethany Mason Taylor
Social organization of recruitment in the Unification Church, David Frank Taylor
Isolation of a new paramyxovirus, Howard G. Taylor
Sociocultural effects of epidemics on the Northern Plains, John F. Taylor
Influence of cell differentiation on arachidonic acid metabolism in stimulated and unstimulated HL-60 cells, Karyn L. Taylor
Fabrication and function of star quilts on Fort Peck Reservation in northeastern Montana, Kim Elise Taylor
Greater Rules are Breaking, Marisa Taylor
Friendship and knowledge in the "Theaetetus", Mary Karol Taylor
Preparing for Japan| A practical guide for navigating the web of culture, communication and history, Matthew A. Taylor
Back to the kitchen?: The effects of sex and occupational stereotyping on clinical evaluation, Meredith Ford Taylor
Characteristics of horn growth in bighorn sheep rams, Robert Alexander Taylor
Renaissance concepts of fortune in the plays of Christopher Marlowe, Robert Thompson Taylor
An Evaluation of in-service training activities in selected western Montana elementary schools, William Joseph Taylor
Sexual Whatever, Madeline Rose Tecmire
Integrating GIS into the management of vegetation along power line corridors, William E. Tedder
George Herbert's The Country Parson| A guide to the poems of the temple, Douglas A. Teddy
Description of opinions and attitudes held toward English usage items by college trained people in the Missoula area, Ruth Ramsay Teel
Combined field testing for provenance and progeny variations for growth of Eucalyptus globulus in central highlands of Ethiopia, Almaz Tekleberhan Tefera
Study of non-liturgical choral music from the romantic period for mixed choirs, Ernest William Teie
Imagining Boundaries: (Post) Humanist Understandings and Ecological Ethics in the Fiction of Margaret Atwood, Megan Kathleen Telligman
Pitch level and pitch range as a function of client-therapist interaction in psychotherapy, Terrel Lee Templeman
Black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla) convey predator-specific information in their "chick-a-dee" vocalizations, Christopher Neal Templeton
Analysis of movement in real and relative wages in the Pacific Northwest from 1977 to 1993, Neil R. Templeton
Who uses our parks?| An evaluation of the application of standards-based recreation planning methods for assessing neighborhood park needs in urban Missoula, Montana, Barbara K. Ten Broeck
The Experimental Silicification of Bacillus subtilis, Aaron Chase Tenesch
Whitewater Ecotourism Development In Bhutan: Opportunities And Challenges for Local Communities, Kira E. Tenney
Design and technical direction of The Barber of Seville, George W. Terhune
Women of the contemporary Militia Movement: Perceptions of ideology through experience identity voice and action, Gina R. Terinoni
Estimation of time since death in humans using mature pigs, Tiffany T. Terneny
Exploration of the concern for dieting factor of the Revised Restraint Scale with an overweight sample, Merna Heinrich Terry
Great Falls urbanized area travel demand forecasting, Ross Tervo
Familia en las novelas de Miguel Delibes, Myrna Sparkman Terzo
Composition and dynamics of the tree strata within an old growth Douglas-fir forest in western Montana, Steven D. Tesch
Field of Play, Lauren Tess
Aerial photographic interpretation of forest stands on Lubrecht Experimental Forest, Montana, Kurt B. Teuber
"Our Loons": Participant Attachments and Motivations within a Community-Based Monitoring Program, Taylor Tewksbury
Software development as applied to Java Create Report project, Giap Thai
The McGurk illusion: A study of bimodal speech perception, Manisha Thakkar-Willms
Root distribution and shoot| Root characteristics of six-year-old ponderosa pine established on reclaimed minesoils at Colstrip, Montana, Karen A. Thamarus
Thomas Francis Meagher| "The acting-one", James L. Thane
Education and fertility: The case of Nepal, Shyam P. Thapa
My Fantastic Bags| [Poems], Christopher D. Theim
Maremoto, the seaquake, Catherine Theis
Heterozygosity and fitness in rainbow trout : marker loci or chromosomal segments?, Giles C. Thelen
Study of the tendency toward centralization in educational administration, Ernst F. Thelin
Status of and suggestions for the animal collections used in teaching biology in Idaho's high schools, Walter John Them
Signal transduction and G-protein incorporation properties of human serotonin 1A receptors, Harish Venkat Thiagaraj
Program evaluation: client satisfaction report: Vocational rehabilitation clients in the State of Montana., Michelle M. Thibodeau
A study to investigate the strength decrement of selected muscle groups during treadmill walking at different grade levels while back-packing a prescribed load, Barton Alfred Thiele
Mineralogical variations in a diabase sill near Nimrod Granite County Montana, Paul Thomas Thiel
Adherence and Uncertainty Management: A Test Of The Theory Of Motivated Information Management, Ryan Thiel
Population characteristics and the effects of hunting on black bears in a portion of northwestern Montana., Timothy J. Thier
Population Characteristics and the Effects of Hunting on BlackBears in a Portion of Northwestern Montana, Timothy Joseph Thier
An Examination of the decision-making process of the Wolf Management Committee negotiations: A case study, Alethea Woelk Thieszen
Pornography hunting and the anxiety of control, Joel Nathan Thomas-Adams
Structural geology of the Badger Pass area southwest Montana, Gerald M. Thomas
Evaluation of Forest Service reserved water rights: A case study of Rock Creek (76E) Montana, Jean A. Thomas
Vision screening and its importance for hearing-impaired students., Kathleen B. Thomas
Survey of the Hutterite groups in Montana and Canada, Kenneth Charles Thomas
Native American mother-infant interactions at nine months: A cross-cultural study of the still-face effect, Linda R. Thomas
"The Lawmen Faced the Outlaws, No Badge Upon a Breast:" Historical Memory and the Legacy of Henry Plummer and the Montana Vigilantes, Melissa Poindexter Thomasma
Death by development| The boreal nations and the boreal forest, Matthew F. Thomas