This collection includes 12309 University of Montana graduate student theses, dissertations, and professional papers (ETDs) from 1899-present. Use the following links to search discipline-specific ETDs:
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- Speech, Language, Hearing, and Occupational Sciences
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- World Languages and Cultures
Protestant ethic effort and competitveness, Christine Marian Wolff
Sir Richard Fanshawe, British ambassador to Spain and Portugal, 1662-1666, Joe Sanford Wolff
Butterfly Effect, John B. Wolff
Notes for a primer, Beth Wolfson
Redeye Waking| [Poems], Caeli R. Wolfson
Effect of alkaline phosphatase on the function of purified reverse transcriptase in reconstructed reverse transcription, Michael J. Wolkowicz
Antoine de Saint Exupery and the quest for truth, Owen Ardell Wollam
Adult judgments of the adoptability of children as a function of psychopathology label and sex, Danette Marie Wollersheim
Austrian federation of trade unions, Ingeborg Leopoldine Wollmerstorfer
Ceramic glazes, Fredrick Charles Wollschlager
El Milagro De Almeria, Espana: A Political Ecology of Landscape Change and Greenhouse Agriculture, Robert Tyrell Wolosin
Survey of teaching methods of physics in the third class high schools of Montana, Joseph Robert Wolpert
Attitudes of residents toward wolves in a rural community in northwestern Montana, Rachel C. Wolstenholme
Evaluation of Montana's HIV prevention community planning process, Megan Marie Woltring
Staying on the land: The search for cultural and economic sustainability in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Mick Womersley
From Cotton Curtain to Iron Curtain| Black Americans' reaction to the Hungarian Crisis of 1956 and 1957, Rachel A. Wonder
The ecology of Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus ) in the lowland tropical rainforest of Sabah Malaysian Borneo, Siew Te. Wong
Height| Diameter ratio and tree stability relationships for four northern Rocky Mountain tree species, Hagan T. Wonn
Evaluating the growth basal area method as a tool for estimating site productivity in uneven-aged ponderosa pine stands, Christopher W. Woodall
Toward a Comprehensive Worldview Measure, Shailee R. Woodard
Closing of Anaconda Company's zinc operations in Great Falls, Montana| Expected impact upon the economy of Great Falls, Montana, Donald Lee Woodcock
Assessment of the University of Montana Master of Public Administration Program., Donald M. Wood
Mine spoil reclamation in the Contrary Creek watershed in Louisa County Virginia, Eddie Lewis Wood
Empty promises: An evaluation of the Bureau of Land Management's areas of Critical Environmental Concern Program in Utah, Edward A. Wood
Study of plant development coincident with some phases of ring-necked pheasant breeding behavior, Wesley Ryland Woodgerd
Comparison of Silica Polyamine Composites and Crosslinked Polystyrene Resins, Jessica Lee Wood
Condoms and corporations: Perspectives and action on population among environmental organizations at the national level and in Montana, Karen Elizabeth Wood
American historians and the diplomacy of the American Revolution| An historiographical study, Laurie Joy Wood
Surveillance of the Lake Mary Ronan watershed, Montana, Donald Ralph Woodley
Exploration of the Pikuni world view| Pikuni water rights in the Ceded Strip, Michael D. Wood
Information systems plan for the University of Montana Office of Research Administration., Rohn Wood
Amount and distribution of isozyme variation in ponderosa pine from eastern Montana, John Herbert Woods
Christian monasticism in the West from the mid-fourth through the early sixth century: The tendency toward community, Larry O. Woods
Tornadoes and other quarrels, Sandy Woodson
2/4 Being, Riley R. Woods
Geology of central part of the Flathead Range Montana, Lee A. Woodward
Adobe Sugar, Liana Espey Woodward
Basic principles of counseling in athletic training| An educational guide and assessment of ability, Wesley Wood
Comparing the time efficiency of several timber inventory designs, William L. Wood
Depression-Era Coloma: A World-Systems Study of Mining and Daily Life Experiences in a Reoccupied Montana Ghost Town, Benjamin Woody
Consumer preferences for mental health professionals: The effects of being informed, Dennis J. Woody
Forest Fire Risk Assessment Using Point Process Modeling & Monte Carlo Fire Simulation: A Case Study in Gyeongju, South Korea, Hyeyoung Woo
Effects of thinning and prescribed burning on birds and small mammals, Jennifer C. Woolf
The Genesis of Ribosome Structure: A Tale of Two Proteins, Christopher James Woolstenhulme
Internal-external locus of control and impression management among inmates of the Montana State Prison, William Dee Woolston
Landfall| [Poems], Devon Wootten
Inorganic Content of forest Floor Layers Under Ponderosa Pine and Grand Fir Cover Types in the blue Mountains of Northeast Oregon, Thomas A. Wordell
The Effects of weight training on cardiorespiratory endurance, Larry Paul Works
Abundance distribution and sexual segregation of bats in the Pryor Mountains of south central Montana, David J. Worthington
Product line management for hospitals : literature research and feasibility study for St. Patrick Hospital Missoula Montana, Thomas A. Wozniak
Performance appraisal system for the Special Care Unit, Karen Ruth Wraith
So close to falling| The removal of hydroelectric dams on the Elwha and Kennebec Rivers, Rachel D. Wray
Characteristics of adult parole violators, Benjamin Warren Wright
The Beautiful Game as a Soviet Game: Sportsmanship, Style, and Statecraft during the Golden Age of Soviet Soccer, Caleb Wright
Survival, movements, and resource selection of female white-tailed deer in Missouri, Chloe A. Wright
Study of areas and interests in sex education on the high school level, Edward K. Wright
Effects of stimulus similarity and locus of response on simultaneous and successive discrimination learning in children, Elizabeth Smith Wright
Silicone Wristbands as Passive Samplers for Quantitative Measurement of Wood Smoke Exposure, Hannah J. Wright
Potential effects of electric utility industry deregulation on Montana Power Company, Heidi A. Wright
Effect of helium on the extreme ultra-violet spectrum of the hydrogen molecule, James Philip Wright
A director's artistic journey: A personal history on the healing power of art through Dickens' classic Oliver Twist, Jill Stanley Wright
Mormon movement to Montana, Julie A. Wright
The lean years: Lower appropriations for Montana universities in the seventies, Philip Lincoln Wright
Self-concept and interpersonal perception change in basketball teams, Richard Alan Wright
Multi-scale analysis of flammulated owl habitat use : owl distribution habitat management and conservation, Vita Wright
Longitudinal variation in the community metabolism of a lake outlet, William E. Wright
A study of land management and recreational users of the Mission Mountains Primitive Area Montana 1964, William Fred Wright
A study of land management and recreational users of the Mission Mountains Primitive Area Montana, William Fred. Wright
Sinking of Clay City, Illinois, Robert Wrigley
Controlling the cost of health care : An analysis and a proposal., Earl R. Wruck
Comparative study of ten Montana schools' hot lunch practices with recommendations for the East Elementary School Laurel Montana, Elmon Charles Wruck
General ledger system, Chung-Chieh Wu
Implementation of parallel-distributed computation under load balancing and fault tolerance, Gang Wu
Has computer technology brought economies of scope to service oriented businesses?| An analysis of architectural and engineering firms, Carol A. Wulfekuhle
Water use surface water and water rights on the Flathead Indian Reservation Montana: A review, Laura Wunder
Elk-cattle range relationships in the Crazy Mountains Montana, Matthew Wunder
Federal credit unions of Great Falls Montana: will they experience a shortage of funds in the 1970's?, Merrill Lee Wunder
Initiation of the Flathead Rural Schools Communication Disorders Program, Holly L. Wurl
Understanding the food water nexus: Characterizing the impact of climatological anomalies on agrosystems, Patrick M. Wurster Jr.
Collected stories, David L. Wurtzebach
Mechanized wheel in Malcolm Lowry's "Under the Volcano", Michael Wutz
Montana's Profession Monitoring Program, Kimberley Vinso Wyatt
An Investigation into the "facilitative-evaluative" debate regarding mediator styles, Andrew P. Wyckoff
Comparative analysis of some Montana folksongs, Robert C. Wylder
Hydrologic investigation of Durr and McDonald Swamps Teton County Montana, Allan Wylie
Central auditory function in fluent and disfluent normal speakers, Michael K. Wynne
A financial survey of the Missoula city schools including the Missoula County high school, Thomas Delaney Wynn
Demography of the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris ) in the presence or absence of fish in the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Montana, Aimee C. Wyrick
A Fuel Model for Fire Behavior Prediction in Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea maculosa L.) Grasslands in Western Montana, Gavriil Xanthopoulos
A child of China's economic reform special economic zones, Amanda Xu
United States and the Hukuang Railways: A case study in open door diplomacy, Wen-xian Xu