This collection includes 12288 University of Montana graduate student theses, dissertations, and professional papers (ETDs) from 1899-present. Use the following links to search discipline-specific ETDs:
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- World Languages and Cultures
Effect of protein-calorie malnutrition and partial social isolation on spatial delayed alternation performance in the developing rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), Susan Paula Yeaton
History of the cattle industry in the Madison Valley, Carl Louis Yeckel
Earnings forecasts and stock prices, Logann Yeh
Proposal for a small business development center on the Fort Belknap Reservation, Eleanor Yellowrobe
Comparison of the bending-moment resistance of wood-plate and dowel joints in particleboard and lodgepole pine lumber, Tsair-Bor Yen
Analysis of the success of public enterprises in Nigeria: An organizational study of the New Nigeria Development Company., Evelyn A. Yeye
Proposed plan for cooperative education in certain Ravalli County communities, Toivo J. Ylinen
Analysis of teaching combinations teaching loads and related preparation of Montana high school teachers 1946-1947, Walter William Ylinen
Development of snowmobile policy in Yellowstone National Park, Michael J. Yochim
An Investigation of the Aesthetic Dimension of Projectile Point Morphology, Jennifer Jo Yoneji
Effectiveness of Mary Ainsworth's Maternal Sensitivity Scale with Four-week-old Infants, Laurel Anne T. Yorgason
A study of the use of selected public schools in Missoula county for community and group activities, Herbert John York
Helping viewers positively identify with local news stations: A focus group study to determine local viewers' preferences, Jo Elizabeth York
Lively Becky Sharp performs as the Queens of Vanity Fair| A study in the mythical & historical allusions and intertexts employed by William Makepeace Thackeray in "Vanity Fair", Kenneth Galen York
Leverage and risky investments, Kosaku Yoshida
Probabilistic qualitative response estimation of the spatial market for Powder River Basin coal, Henry Y. Yoshimura
Deforestation rhetoric and Japan's timber trade., Mari Yoshimura
Dynamics of woodchip trade between Australia and Japan, and need for international cooperation of forest advocates, Mari Yoshimura
Grizzly bear digging in subalpine meadows : influences on nitrogen availability and the physiology of Erythronium grandiflorum, Allison Robin Young
Sheetflood sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Middle Proterozoic Revett Formation Scotchman Peak proposed Wilderness Area Montana, Andrew A. Young
Between two worlds: A case study of the provision of state services to the residents of the Crow Reservation., F. Guy. Youngblood
Group to which people belong, Tommy Youngblood-Petersen
Black bear habitat use at Priest Lake Idaho, Donald D. Young
Economic and Policy Factors Driving the Adoption of Institutional Woody Biomass Heating Systems in the United States, Jesse D. Young
Holistic stress management: A teacher's guide, Jill Ayn Young
Nonlinear bird-habitat relationships in managed forests of the Swan Valley Montana, Jock S. Young
Movements of bald eagles associated with autumn concentrations in Glacier National Park, Leonard S. Young
Petrology and origin of Archean rocks in the Armstead anticline of southwest Montana, Maria Leigh Young
Ecology and status of a wilderness fishery| Westslope cutthroat trout in the South Fork Flathead River, Michael Kenneth Young
DBL RTN, Parris Jon Young
Evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention designed to encourage the adoption of optimistic explanatory styles by individuals with disabilities, Quincy-Robyn Young
Tourism Sector Perceptions of Vulnerability to Environmental Change in Glacier National Park, U.S.A., Nicholas Youngstrom
The development of student religion, William Lindsay Young
Battles of the Mind: The Reaction Against Progressive Education, 1945-1959, Ben Yturri
The study of tRNA-rRNA interactions by attaching Cu(II):phenanthroline to tRNA at position 16, Jing Yuan
Bestiary| [Poems], Matt Yurdana
Wallace Stegner, John Wesley Powell, and the influence of scientific revolutions, Matt Yurdana
Her Slender Dress, Susan Yuzna
Post World War II American civil-military relations: External threats and public support for the military, Craig Z. Zachariasen
Effort shifts and contrast in the running wheel, Georgann Zachary
Ecology and population status of the river otter in southwestern Montana, Hugh Zackheim
The Effects of airborne fluorides on wild lagomorphs, Karen J. Zackheim
Creation and performance of music structures, Charles J. Zacky
Role of a tribal college in the academic performance of American Indian students, Hans P. Zaglauer
Kawaiisu of south-central California| Creating a new identity, Leslie Zaglauer
Seasonal movements of the Burdette Creek elk herd, Helmut Max Zahn
Educational survey of the Havre High School Havre Montana, Henry L. Zahn
Effect of protein intake on urine and renal tissue water concentrations in the muskrat, Terrence J. Zahn
Introduction to the poetry of Robert Graves, Howard Zankner
Distribution, Use and Cultural Meanings of Ciprés de Las Guaitecas in the Vicinity of Caleta Tortel, Chile, Kyla Sara Zaret
Genomic Inference of Inbreeding in Alexander Archipelago Wolves (Canis lupus ligoni) on Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska, Katherine Emily Zarn
Communication patterns of marital dyads experiencing the life-threatening crisis of cancer, Mary Zartman-Nelson
When timbers tremored in the Cary Mine, Paul Zarzyski
Superstitious beliefs of basketball players, Maxwell Kay Zaugg
Comparison of substrate utilization patterns in males and eumenorrheic females during submaximal exercise, Theodore Zderic
Petrology structure and tectonic setting of the Hog Heaven volcanics and their relationship to mineralization, Richard E. Zehner
Libretto of The decision a chamber opera for five characters and mime and other works, Ann dePender Zeigler
Chasing the moon to earth and other poems, Paul Stewart Zeigler
Adaptive feature extraction: Exploring the search space with change detection using inductive learners and image processing, Joseph D. Zeiler
The History of Irrigation and the Orchard Industry in the Bitter Root Valley, Dorothy J. Zeisler
Status report on the nation's wetlands, John Marc Zelazny
Mandan Amerindian culture| A study of values transmission, Philip Arthur Zemke
Comic element in Christopher Fry, Frances Therese Zender
The effects of bibliotherapy on depressed behavior in prison inmates, Thomas Ralph Zentner
Montana agriculture| The evolution of an aging industry, Jesse I. Zentz
Propaganda sensation and skepticism: Reports on China business in Beijing Hong Kong and U.S. media, Ariel Zhang
NK fitness functions, Jian Zhang
Reform in China's foreign trade : decentralization and diversification, Jianli Zhang
Model-based path testing, Jie Zhang
Westward, Onward, Willa Zhang
Asymptotically good colorings of plane multigraphs, Yong Zhao
Markov chain models of genetic algorithms, Yong Zhao
Using Markov chain model to compare a steady-state and a generational GA, Cuixiu Zheng
Object-oriented method for graphical user interface design in a distributed system environment, Li Sun Zheng
Partial parallelization of VMEC system, Mei Zhou
Heterogeneous internetworking model with enhanced routing security and management functions, Yan Zhu
Syrian-Lebanese question before the Security council in 1946, Robert William Zibell
Analysis of the data processing requirements of Darigold Farms, Missoula-Ronan, Montana, Jeffrey Lea Zickler
Stratigraphy sedimentology and diagenesis of the Precambrian upper Newland Limestone central Montana, Gerald A. Zieg
Test of detente: Soviet-American relations and the Yom Kippur War, David Zierler
Amtrak multiple passenger train routes crossing Montana: Are they needed?, Angelo Rosario Zigrino
The problems of grading physical education, Joseph A. Zile
Source book for piano pedagogy with suggested syllabus, Dorcas L. Zimmerman
A study of drumlins in the Tobacco Plains/Stillwater Valley and Seeley/Swan Valley in Montana, Eric D. Zimmerman
Meristic characters of the cutthroat trout; Salmo clarki, Gail Dean Zimmerman
Women in the Montana Legislature 1941-1993, Laurie Jerin Zimorino
Camouflage mismatch in seasonal coat color due to decreased snow duration: Will snowshoe hares keep up with climate change?, Marketa Zimova
"Parabola and parable" in the zone of Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow, Brian D. Zindel
Sarah Palin, Conservative Feminism, and the Politics of Family, Jasmine Rose Zink
Politics and institutionalized change: The failure of regional development planning in northeast Brazil 1961-1964, Daniel Gates Zirker
Effects of instructional set on free-speech samples, Elizabeth Maria Zischka
Site productivity and soil conditions on terraced ponderosa pine stands on the Bitterroot National Forest, Elena J. Zlatnik
Convergent and discriminant validity of the Experiential world inventory, Clarence Joseph Zohn
Touch memories in psychiatric and non-psychiatric populations, Andrea Zojourner