This collection includes 12288 University of Montana graduate student theses, dissertations, and professional papers (ETDs) from 1899-present. Use the following links to search discipline-specific ETDs:
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Comparison of the additional social cost and the total tax collection from alcoholic beverages in Missoula County 1963, Joseph Hassan Awad
Tertiary sedimentary facies depositional environments and structure Jefferson Basin southwest Montana, Russell B. Axelrod
Response of bitterbrush and Scouler's willow to a shelterwood harvest and prescribed burn in western Montana, Dayna Marie Ayers
Survey of the influence of experimentalism in the field of general speech, Howard Joseph Ayres
Regulating mining in Montana| Stealing the common from the goose, Rasim Babameto
A critical analysis of an introductory core curriculum program, Sidney Daniel Bachelder
Present outdoor recreation pursuits in relation to past outdoor recreation pursuits of older adults, Gerald Lee Bachmann
Bloody contradictions| Difference and identity in Jo Sinclair's "Wasteland", Mona Bachmann
The relationship of health beliefs knowledge of disease and social support to health-related quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, Michael T. Bach
Cognitive/behavior treatment program for use with American Indian alcohol abusers, Paul Jay Bach
Mapping movement : a study of existing and potential methods, Craig C. Bacino
Universal aesthetic structures, Kristine L. Backman
Exploring the potential of geographic information systems to convey the historical geography of battlefields (an Iwo Jima example), Raymond C. Backstrom
Effects of visual-kinesthetic dissociation on anxiety in six phobic clients, Stephen Charles Bacon
Montana Urban Renewal: The Bozeman Experience, Geoffrey T. Badenoch
"Little bit of paradise": Women's search for comfort in late-nineteenth century Montana, Allison Badger
Petrography and chemistry of the East Fork dike swarm Ravalli Co. Montana, Ruth Hall Badley
Effects of organizational identification and perceived organizational innovativeness on the adaptive and innovative behaviors of employees, Gerry T. Baertsch
A citizens' guide to wildland road removal, Earle M. Bagley
Pend d'Oreille kinship, Hushang Bahar
The campaign for prohibition in Montana: Agrarian idealism and liquor reform 1883-1926, Louis J. Bahin
Survey of the leisure time activities of northern Montana public school teachers, John Baier
Concentration of heavy metals in the sediments of a hydroelectric impoundment, Ann Kathleen Bailey
Behavior of the Rattlesnake mule deer on their winter range, Edward D. Bailey
Juvenile delinquency: a comparative and ecological study of agency delinquents in Missoula Montana 1955-1956, Joan Bailey
Effects of Montana taxes on decisions of business firms, John David Bailey
Corpus-based Spanish activities for the first year classroom, Linda C. Bailey
Evaluation of the functions of packaging and their relations to marketing, Frank Leigh Bain
Comparison of three machine learning algorithms for automated feature extraction from digital images, William D. Bain
Venereal fabrications| Sexuality, gender, and society, Joel Baird
Genesis of Mollisols under Douglas-fir, Mark E. Bakeman
Crow song| New and selected stories, John Craig Baken
Relative importance of literary value as a criterion in declamation contests, Arleen Larson Baker
Effects of time factors in paired-associate verbal learning, Blaine Lynnwood Baker
Native Americans anthropologists and NAGPRA: A continuing controversy, Christine C. Baker
Amino acid carbamates as inhibitors and substrates of high-affinity glutamate transport in rat brain synaptosomes, Colleen A. Baker
Exporting nuclear power: Some ethical considerations and economic realities, John A. Baker
Collaborative approaches in natural resource decision-making: A southeast Alaskan perspective, Kimberly S. Baker
Effects of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) restoration treatments on the distribution of bark beetle attacks, Kristen M. Baker
Modeling risk of hunting pressure on large mammals in northwestern Argentina, Loretta Kathleen Baker
Practical student association accounting system, Ray G. Baker
Ribosomal skin test antigens of mycobacteria, Richard Earl Baker
Clif Merritt and wilderness wildlife : Learning how to live in paradise, Robert N. Baker
Predicting Pinus ponderosa site index from soil mineralization rates at Lubrecht Forest, Montana, Stephen Patrick Baker
Judicial enforcement of species monitoring requirements in forest plans: Ripeness and agency deference, Trent N. Baker
Guide to musical experiences in Billings junior high school choral music, Ruth V. Bakewell
Assessment of the effectiveness of in-service training regarding the care and maintenance of hearing aids to personnel of health care facilities, Mary Eve Bakula
The life history of the dipper on Rattlesnake Creek Missoula County Montana, Gerald J. Bakus
A Case Study of the Montana Community Development Block Grant Program, Roberta J. Balaz-Davis
Marketing study of the foreign car owner in Great Falls, Montana, Robert S. Baldassano
Myaamia iilaataweenki (the Miami language), Daryl Wade Baldwin
Experiments in printmaking, Douglas Kent Baldwin
Coleridge's theory of art| A study of its source and effect, Grace Davidson Baldwin
The Effects of Forest Fires on Runoff Rates: The Role of Duff Removal and Surface Sealing by Vegetative Ash, Western Montana, Victoria Balfour
Partnership assessment for the proposed Montana Yellowstone Information Center, Amy K. Ballard
Seismic and gravity investigation of the crust and upper mantle in southwestern Montana, James H. Ballard
A comparative study of Negro and white educational opportunities in Richmond Kentucky, John William Ballard
Childhood Suite for Chamber Orchestra, Barbara Ballas
Effects of diagnostic labels and degree of behavioral abnormality on attitudes toward former mental patients, Bernard J. Balleweg
Study of basketball field goal shooting deviations for selected male college students at Montana State University 1961-62, Robert Dale Ballinger
Proactive and retroactive interference in rats: A test of the spontaneous recovery hypothesis with correction and noncorrection discrimination training procedures, Bela Alexander Balogh
The Geraldine public schools building program Geraldine Montana, George Balogh
Rocky Mountain Theatre Conference| An historical narrative, Bruce Michael Bambach
Economic feasibility of domestic scale wind generators for central Montana, John Kenneth Bammesberger
BANSIM.ORG: A computer-aided game, Catherine Marie Banaugh
Population characteristics and habitat use of porcupines in a partially burned landscape in northwestern Wyoming, Anne-Louise Band
Andrew Tate, Matt Walsh, and the Discursive Production and Policing of Gender, Alan J. Bandyk and Alan J. Bandyk
Isolation and characterization of the heat labile toxin of Bordetella pertussis, Amiya Banerjea
The mechanism of photoreactivation of some plant viruses, Kohinoor Banerjee
Archaeological investigations at the Fries Site| An intrasite structural analysis of an upland Piedmont site in North Carolina, Alvin J. Banguilan
Comic potential of "Measure for Measure", Russell John Banham
Examination of Scavenging Associated with Wolves, Jamie Bankaitis
Variation among host species in probability of parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds : the role of everyday host activity, Alison J. Banks
Riparia| [Short stories], Danis Banks
Present and proposed computer uses of Montana CPA firms, Jacob Gregory Banyai
Range analysis of variables within a program, Yuanzhen Bao
Habitat selection and connectivity of mountain lions (Puma concolor) across anthropogenic barriers on the Olympic Peninsula: a multi-method comparison, Thomas R. Barbee
Characterizing the molecular biology of a bacteriophage-like particle from Bartonella bacilliformis, Kent D. Barbian
The sources of jurisdiction of the International Military Tribunal, Albert F. Barbieri
Coyote and the mice: A play for first graders : celebrating a culture collaboration and the arts, Bonnie Halvorson Barger
Montana's cyanide mining experiment| Learning from bitter experience, James Barilla
Application of participatory management in a forestry organization| Literature review and case study, Judith A. Barker
Home Is Where the Food Is: Causes and Consequences of Partial Migration in Elk, Kristin Jennifer Barker
Moral and pedagogical ideas in the works of Madame de Genlis, Arlene Hoiland Barkley
Addresses of the presidents of the American Historical Association, 1946-1960, Roy Vester Barkley
Determinants of public school financing in Montana, Steven Carl Barkley
A reconnaissance investigation of active tectonism in the Bitterroot Valley western Montana, Peter E. Barkmann
Homestead Relief Act: Implications for state budgeting., William Charles Barlet
The formally structured organization and societal change: Adaptation through communication, William Charles Barlet
Petrology of the Mount Shields Formation (Belt Supergroup) western Montana northern Idaho, David A. Barlow