Submissions from 2025
Western Reserve Independent Living Center: Leaders in Disability Advocacy for Eastern Ohio, Lillie Greiman, Luke Santore, and Rayna Sage
Partnering for Research at Your Center for Independent Living: Tips from your peers, Krys Standley, Hannah W. Pepprock, and Rayna Sage
Submissions from 2024
Montana Voices Amplified: My Perspective: Tell People What You Need! We’re All in this Together, Maclaen R. Burningham and University of Montana Rural Institute
Building an Inclusive Disability Community in Rural Idaho: Stories from the Magic Valley, Lillie Greiman, Genna M. Mashinchi, E. Peterson, R. Roberts, Rayna Sage, and Luke Santore
Sharing Your Success: Using Photovoice to Document and Communicate the Impact of Independent Living Services, Lillie Greiman and Rayna Sage
Impacts of CIL Youth Transition Services in Northern Florida: A case study of Ability 1st, Lillie Greiman, Rayna Sage, and Chris Carlberg
Rural Communication Strategies: Disability and the Role of Public Libraries, Jeff Gutierrez and University of Montana Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities
America at a Glance: Rural Transit Funding Through the COVID-19 Pandemic, Andrew Myers and Luke Santore
Elevating Rural Disability Data for Policy Impact, RTC: Rural
America at a Glance: Travel Patterns by Disability and Rurality, Luke Santore, Andrew Myers, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2023
Montana Voices Amplified: My Perspective: How to Help When You Don't Know How to Help, Elizabeth Hill and University of Montana Rural Institute
America at a Glance: Transportation Use During the Covid-19 Pandemic, University of Montana Rural Institute
Creating a Resource Map with Google My Maps, University of Montana Rural Institute
Outcome Measurement Toolkit: A Resource for Centers for Independent Living, University of Montana Rural Institute
Summit Snapshot: Rural Digital Access, University of Montana Rural Institute
Summit Snapshot: Rural Personal Assistance Services, University of Montana Rural Institute
"Patiently Waiting": How Do Non-driving Disabled Adults Get Around in Rural America, RTC: Rural, Krys Standley, and Andrew Myers
Montana Voices Amplified: My Perspective: Living and Grieving in Faith, Briella Wilson and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2022
Montana Voices Amplified: My Perspective: Planning for Crisis – Benefits of a Family Safety Plan, Elizabeth Cummings and University of Montana Rural Institute
Montana Voices Amplified: A Microphone so People with Disabilities and their Families are Heard, Shawna Hanson, Stacey Bliss, and Wisam Raheem
Montana Voices Amplified: My Perspective: I Run My Own IEP; You Can Too!, Heath Montgomery and University of Montana Rural Institute
America at a Glance: An Update on Rural-Urban Difference in Disability Rates, University of Montana Rural Institute
Challenges and Opportunities in Personal Assistance Services in Rural Contexts, Krys Standley, Rayna A. Sage, and Carissa Russell
Montana Voices Amplified: My Perspective: What Just Happened? Audio Description can Answer that, Sara Streeter and University of Montana Rural Institute
Montana Voices Amplified: My Perspective: Can I Pet Your Eyes?, Ed Worrell and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2021
Montana Voices Amplified: My Perspective: Old TV Static: Finding ‘My Way’ Through Medical Trauma, Bee Croyle and University of Montana Rural Institute
Montana Voices Amplified: A Parent’s Perspective: Plexiglass Butterflies – Lessons Learned at the Children’s Hospital, Elizabeth Hill and University of Montana Rural Institute
Montana Voices Amplified: A Parent’s Perspective: Take It from Your New Bestie, You Can’t Do Everything, Elizabeth Hill and University of Montana Rural Institute
Is teaching skills for independent living to disabled adults associated with change in self-determination?, Craig Ravesloot Ph.D., Tannis Mardece Hargrove, Tracy Boehm Barrett, Krys Standley, Mary Willard, and University of Montana Rural Institute
America at a glance: 5310 & 5311 Transportation Funding in Rural Counties, University of Montana Rural Institute
Montana Voices Amplified: My Perspective: Rediscovering Museums with Tactile Tours, Sara Streeter and University of Montana Rural Institute
Montana Voices Amplified: You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup, Mathalia Stroethoff, Jan Stroethoff, Carol Lode, Elizabeth Cummings, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Montana Voices Amplified: My Perspective: Diabetes, Tech and a Series of Beeps, Ed Worrell and University of Montana Rural Institute
Montana Voices Amplified: My Perspective: Help me pick up what you’re putting down. Accessible communication for the blind / low vision community, Ed Worrell and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2020
Montana Voices Amplified: A Parent’s Perspective: Navigating Face Coverings, Elizabeth Cummings and University of Montana Rural Institute
Montana Voices Amplified: A Parent Teacher’s Perspective: Exploring Disability and Navigating a New World, Elizabeth Cummings and University of Montana Rural Institute
Montana Voices Amplified: A Parent’s Perspective: How I am Successfully Homeschooling my Child, Tracy Gulledge Street and University of Montana Rural Institute
Montana Voices Amplified: A Parent’s Perspective: How to Advocate without Alienating Team Members, Elizabeth Hill and University of Montana Rural Institute
America at a glance: How do working-age adults with travel-limiting disabilities get around?, University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2019
Least Restrictive Approaches to Supporting Individuals as Decision Makers, University of Montana Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities
Submissions from 2018
Stephen Hawking as accidental ambassador for assistive technologies, Martin E. Blair
Life starts at home: Exploring how housing impacts participation for people with disabilities, RTC: Rural and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2017
Data Limitations in the American Community Survey: The Impact on Rural Disability Research, Lillie Greiman and University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability in America: Employment Rates, University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability in America: Out of the Labor Force with a Disability (2015), University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability in America: People with an Independent Living (IL) Difficulty (2015), University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability in America: People with a Self-Care Difficulty (2015), University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability in America: People with Cognitive Difficulty (2015), University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability in America: People with Disabilities in Poverty (2015), University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability in America: People with Hearing Difficulty (2015), University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability in America: People with Mobility Difficulty, University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability in America: People with Vision Difficulty (2015), University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability in America: Unemployed with a Disability (2015), University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability in America: Veterans with Disabilities (2015), University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability Rate among Females in America by County, University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability Rate among Males in America by County, University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability Rates across America (2015), University of Montana Rural Institute
OMB Rural and Urban County Classifications, University of Montana Rural Institute
Prevalence of Disability: Individual and Household Context, Christiane von Reichert and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2016
Transportation and Geographical Challenges, Martin E. Blair, C. Feeley, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2015
Significant data limitations prevent an accurate analysis of the distribution of CILs: Recommendations for change, Lillie Greiman, Tom Seekins, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2014
Map Facts: Disability in Rural America, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Lillie Greiman, and University of Montana Rural Institute
The Geography of Disability in America: On Rural-Urban Differences in Impairment Rates, Christiane von Reichert, Lillie Greiman, Andrew Myers, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2013
What is unavailable, insufficient, or inappropriate transportation?, University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2012
Overview of Rural America: Past, Present, and Future, Brian Dabson, Nancy Arnold, Tom Seekins Ph.D., and University of Montana Rural Institute
Community Development, Cornelia Flora, Nancy Arnold, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Overview of Rural Health, Vincent Francisco, Craig Ravesloot Ph.D., and University of Montana Rural Institute
Registered Dietitians' Service to Group Homes for Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Kathleen Humphries, L. Rosenzweig, P. Cushing, R. Licitra, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Overview of Economic Development, Don Macke, Nancy Arnold, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Disability and Rehabilitation in Rural America: A Synopsis of the State of the Science 2012, University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2011
Accessibility Report Card for Missoula, Montana: Missoula's GPA is 3.32 – Earning a "B", University of Montana Rural Institute
Filling the Gaps in Accessible Transportation, University of Montana Rural Institute
Transportation's Section 5310: Where are we going?, University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2010
The New Freedom Initiative Transportation Program, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Alexandra Enders, Grace Silvia, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2009
A Review of FTA Section 5310 Program's State Management Plans: A Legacy Program in Transition, Alexandra Enders, Tom Seekins Ph.D., and University of Montana Rural Institute
Developing Methods and Measures to Assess Progress in Achieving Access Goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act: A Case Study of Small Towns in Montana, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Nancy Arnold, Catherine Ipsen, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2008
Rural Public Access and the Americans with Disabilities Act: Measuring Progress in Hamilton, Montana, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Catherine Ipsen, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2007
State by State Comparison: 3 Ways to Count Rural People with Disabilities, Alexandra Enders, Zach Brandt, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Faith Based Organizations: Potential Partners in Rural Transportation, University of Montana Rural Institute
Models of Rural Transportation for People with Disabilities, Tom Seekins Ph.D. and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2006
Involving People with Disabilities as Members of Advisory Groups, Lisa Brennan, Meg Traci, Diana Spas, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Rural Independent Living and Physical Therapy: Exploring Collaborations, Craig Ravesloot Ph.D. and University of Montana Rural Institute
Faith Based Organizations and Rural Transportation, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Andrea Hartsell, Diana Spas, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Progress Toward Equity in Rural Transportation: An Update on SAFETEA-LU, Tom Seekins Ph.D. and University of Montana Rural Institute
Use of Section 5310 Transportation Resources in Urban and Rural America: A Baseline Assessment, Tom Seekins Ph.D. and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2005
Update on the Demography of Rural Disability Part Two: Non-Metropolitan and Metropolitan, Alexandra Enders, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Zach Brandt, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Update on the Demography of Rural Disability Part One: Rural and Urban, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Alexandra Enders, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2002
Civic Leadership by People with Disabilities, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Joyce Brusin, Karen Rimel, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2001
Rural Independent Living: Model Outreach Strategies, Tom Seekins Ph.D. and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 2000
A Guide for Personal Testimony: The Art of Using Your Personal Experiences to Influence Policy Decisions, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Stephen B. Fawcett, and University of Montana Rural Institute
A Guide to Writing Letters to Public Officials: Contributing to Important Decisions Affecting You and Others, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Stephen B. Fawcett, and University of Montana Rural Institute
A Guide to Writing Letters to the Editor: Expressing Your Opinion to the Public Effectively, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Stephen B. Fawcett, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 1999
Centers for Independent Living: Rural & Urban Distribution, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Bill Innes, Alexandra Enders, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Inequities in Rural Transportation, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Diana Spas, Maryann Hubbard, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 1998
Estimating the Cost for Achieving Universal Access to Centers for Independent Living, 1998, Tom Seekins Ph.D., Bill Innes, Alexandra Enders, Maryann Hubbard, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Rural Transportation, Diana Spas, Tom Seekins, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 1997
Meaningful Activity and Adaptation to Spinal Cord Injury: An Empirical Investigation of a Cognitive-Existential Measure, Craig Ravesloot Ph.D. and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 1996
Making Transportation Work for People with Disabilities in Rural America: The Supported Volunteer Rural Transportation Voucher Program, Brad Bernier, Tom Seekins, Kitty Herron, and University of Montana Rural Institute
Submissions from 1995
Accessible Rural Housing Options: Mobile Homes and Manufactured Housing, University of Montana Rural Institute
Rural Transportation: Using Vouchers to Improve Access, University of Montana Rural Institute