This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2002
C&I 316.01: Children's Literature and Critical Reading, Carolyn J. Lott
C&I 316.02: Children's Literature and Critical Reading, Carolyn J. Lott
C&I 352E.01: Ethics and Consumer Economics, Audrey Peterson
C&I 367.01: Early Childhood Practicum - Learning and Belonging (LAB) School, Jarita Taylor and Deborah Carstensen
C&I 367.02: Early Childhood Practicum - Learning and Belonging (LAB) School, Jarita Taylor and Deborah Carstensen
C&I 402.01: Elementary Mathematics Curriculum and Methods, Deborah Johnson
C&I 402.02: Elementary Mathematics Curriculum and Methods, Deborah Johnson
C&I 403.01: Teaching Social Studies - K-8, Stephanie Wasta
C&I 403.02: Teaching Social Studies - K-8, Stephanie Wasta
C&I 404.01: Teaching Science in the Elementary School, Lisa M. Blank
C&I 404.02: Teaching Science in the Elementary School, Lisa M. Blank
C&I 407E.01: Ethics and Policy Issues, Audrey Peterson
C&I 410.01: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 410.02: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 410.03: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Karen L. Kelly
C&I 421.01: Issues in Early Intervention, Richard Vandenpol and Stacia Jepson
C&I 426.01: Teaching Science in the Middle and Secondary School, Fletcher Brown
C&I 430.01: Teaching Mathematics in the Middle and Secondary School, David R. Erickson
C&I 433.01: Basic Diagnosis and Correction of Reading and Writing, Rhea A. Ashmore
C&I 457.01: Assessment and Instruction of the Exceptional Learner, Karen L. Kelly
C&I 479.50: Reference and Media Technology, Sally Brewer
C&I 480.01: Collection Development, The Curriculum, and Technology, Carolyn J. Lott
C&I 494.19: CO-TEACH Preschool Program, Richard Vandenpol and Stacia Jepson
C&I 496.16: First-Year Peer Advisors, Carol Bates
C&I 496.17: Advanced Peer Advising / Returning Advisors, Carol Bates
C&I 508: Sociology of Education, Stephanie Wasta
C&I 518.01: Inclusion and Collaboration, Karen L. Kelly
C&I 521.01: Foundations in Environmental Education, Fletcher Brown
C&I 533.01: Advanced Diagnosis and Correction of Reading and Writing, Rhea A. Ashmore
C&I 570.01: Instructional Technology Foundations, Sally Brewer
C&I 595.01: Partnerships for Diversity - Perspectives on the Lives of People with Severe Disabilities, Timm Vogelsberg, Richard l. Kiefer-O'Donnell, and Marsha R. Katz
C&I 595.02: Partnerships for Diversity Program - Positive Approaches to Challenging Behavior, Gail Mcgregor
CS 101.01: Introduction to Programming, Wadw Humiston
CS 111.01: Computer Literacy, Theodore F. Cosart
CS 111.50: Computer Literacy - Online, Michael Cassens
CS 131.01: Fundamentals of Computer Science, Michael O'Conner
CS 131.02: Fundamentals of Computer Science, Michael O'Conner
CS 132.01: Fundamentals of Computer Science II, Michael O'Conner
CS 171.01: Communicating Via Computers, Raj Mohan Rao
CS 171.02: Communicating Via Computers, Michael L. Morgan
CS 171.50: Communicating Via Computers - Online, Sherri McWilliams
CS 172.01: Introduction to Computer Modeling, Nora McDougall
CS 172.02: Introduction to Computer Modeling, John Demme
CS 172.03: Introduction to Computer Modeling, Kate Trimble
CS 172.50: Introduction to Computer Modeling - Online, Trish Duce
CS 181.50: Electronic Publishing and the World Wide Web - Online, Joseph Armetta
CS 221.01: Introduction to C and C++ Programming, Michael Cassens
CS 231.01: Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming I, Douglas Lawrence
CS 331.01: Data Structures in JAVA, Jesse Johnson
CS 344.01: Operating Systems, Trish Duce
CS 441.01: Advanced Programming - Theory and Practice, Joel Henry
CS 457.01: Introduction to Machine Learning, David Opitz
CS 471.01: Scientific Computing with Geophysical Applications, Donald Morton
CS 495.04: Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life, Alden H. Wright
CS 555.01: Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life, Alden H. Wright
CS 557.01: Machine Learning, David Opitz
DRAM 314.01: Acting III, Greg Johnson
ENLT 320.01: Shakespeare, Ruth Vanita
ENLT 359.01: Spanish-American Civilization Through Literature and Film, Clary S. Loisel
ENLT 495.01: Twentieth-Century Lesbian and Gay Fiction, Ruth Vanita
EVST 101.01: Environmental Science, Vicki J. Watson
EVST 167H.01: Nature and Society, Phil Condon
EVST 360.01: Applied Ecology, Vicki J. Watson
EVST 420.01: The U.S. Environmental Movement(s), Neva Hassanein
EVST 425.01: The Human Role in Environmental Change, Carlos A. Baied
EVST 427.01: Ethics and Environment II, Deborah Slicer
EVST 427E.01: Environmental Ethics, Deborah Slicer
EVST 495.01: Sustainable Communities Lecture Series, Tracy Mumma and Michael Kustudia
EVST 501.01: Scientific Approaches to Environmental Problems, Steven Allison-Bunnell
EVST 504.01: Philosophy of Ecology, Deborah Slicer
EVST 521.01: Foundations in Environmental Education, Fletcher Brown
EVST 540.01: Watershed CPR (Conservation, Preservation, Restoration), Vicki J. Watson
EVST 555.01: Research Methods for Social Change, Neva Hassanein
EVST 573.01: Environmental Writing, Phil Condon
EVST 594.01: Montana Wilderness Process, Leonard Broberg
EVST 594.02: Environmental History - Issues and Activism, Tom Roy
EVST 594.04: Comparative Conservation Strategies - Canada/US, Leonard Broberg
EVST 595.02: Sustainable Communities Seminar, Tracy Mumma and Michael Kustudia
FIN 228.01: Personal Financial Planning and Investement, Bruce A. Costa
FIN 301.01: Financial Statement Analysis, Keith Jakob
FIN 410.01: The D.A. Davidson Student Investment Fund, Unknown
FIN 420.01: Investments, Keith Jakob
FIN 420.02: Investments, Keith Jakob
FIN 429.01: Financial Management I, Bruce A. Costa
FIN 429.02: Financial Management I, Bruce A. Costa
FIN 473.01: Multinational Financial Management, Timothy A. Manuel
FLLG 100.01: Introduction to Latin American Studies, Maria Jose Bustos Fernandez
FLLG 160L.01: Classical Mythology, Linda W. Gillison
FLLG 302.01: Greek Social History, Hayden W. Ausland
FLLG 306L.01: Russian Literature II, Ludmilla Prednewa
FLLG 331.01: German Culture - 1900 to Present, Unknown
FLLG 359.01: Spanish-American Civilization Through Literature and Film, Clary S. Loisel
FLLG 380L.01: Chinese Folktale, Zhen Cao
FLLG 395.02: Survey of Classical Literature, Lorina Quartarone
FLLG 395.03: Traditional Chinese Literature in English Translation, Timothy Bradstock
FLLG 501.01: Research Methods and Criticism and Theory, Christopher C. Anderson
FREN 102.04: Elementary French II, Emilie L. Methy
FREN 202.01: Intermediate French II, Sigyn Minier
FREN 302.02: French Civilization for Study Abroad Students, Christopher Anderson
FREN 312.01: Survey of French Literature - 18th Century through 20th Century, Sigyn Minier