This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2002
LS 195.84: Ways of Knowing, Robert M. Pack
LS 195.85: Ways of Knowing, Lorina Quartarone
LS 306L.01: Introduction to Russian Literature II, Ludmilla Prednewa
LS 306L.01: Russian Literature II, Ludmilla Prednewa
LS 311L.01: Chinese Folktale, Zhen Cao
LS 320.01: Shakespeare, Ruth Vanita
LS 322.01: German Culture 1900-Present, Unknown
LS 322.01: German Culture - 1900 to Present, Unknown
LS 350.80: After the Holocaust - Literature, Human Values & the Uses of Memory, Michael M. Kreisberg
LS 359.01: Spanish-American Civilization Through Literature and Film, Clary S. Loisel
LS 359.01: Spanish-American Civilization Through Literature and Film, Clary S. Loisel
LS 395.02 Survey of Classical Literature, Lorina Quartarone
LS 395.02: Survey of Classical Literature, Lorina Quartarone
LS 395.03: Traditional Chinese Literature in English Translation, Timothy Bradstock
LS 395.80: Australia Through History, Literature, and Film, Phil R. Fandozzi
LS 495.01: Twentieth-Century Lesbian and Gay Fiction, Ruth Vanita
MBA 600.01: The Contemporary Organization, Clyde W. Neu and Gerald E. Evans
MBA 640.01: Human Resource Management, Maureen Fleming
MBA 645.01: Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management, Lynda Brown
MBA 645.02: Business Negotations, Fengru Li
MBA 681.01: Financial Management, Tony Crawford
MGMT 340.01: Management and Organizational Behavior, Fengru Li
MGMT 340.02: Management and Organizational Behavior, Fengru Li
MGMT 344.01: Human Resource Management, Lynda Brown
MGMT 348.01: Entrepreneurship, Jeffrey Shay
MGMT 368.01: International Business, Brumby McLeod
MGMT 368.02: International Business, Brumby McLeod
MGMT 368.03: International Business, Nilanjan Chatterjee
MGMT 440.01: Business and Society, Susan Anderson
MGMT 440.02: Business and Society, Susan Anderson
MGMT 446.01: Strategic Management, Richard T. Dailey
MGMT 461.01: Marketing Management, Nader H. Shooshtari
MGMT 480.01: Cross-Cultural Management, Aaron W. Andreason
MGMT 640.01: Human Resource Management, Lynda Brown
MGMT 645.01: MBA Communication for Business Success, Mary Ellen Campbell
MGMT 694.01: Entrepreneurship, Jeffrey Shay
MKTG 362.01: Consumer Behavior, Carol L. Bruneau
MKTG 362.02: Consumer Behavior, Carol L. Bruneau
MKTG 363.01: Marketing Communications, Mary Ellen Campbell
MKTG 363.02: Marketing Communications, Mary Ellen Campbell
MKTG 363.03: Marketing Communications, Nancy King
MKTG 366.01: Marketing Research, Brumby McLeod
MKTG 366.02: Marketing Research, Brumby McLeod
MKTG 369.01: Advertising Competition, Daniel Cahalan
MKTG 460.01: High Technology Marketing, Jakki J. Mohr
MKTG 461.01: Marketing Management, Carol L. Bruneau
MKTG 560.01: Principles of Marketing Statisitics, Nader H. Shooshtari
MS 102.01: Introduction to Military Science (Leadership), Steven R. Webster
MS 201.01: Introduction to Military Science, Mark Caffey
MS 203.01: Training for Ranger Challenge, Steven N. Carozza
MS 315.01: Drill and Conditioning, Mark Caffey
MS 401.01: Leadership and Management, Heather J. Ierardi
NAS 341.01: Contemporary Issues of American Indians, Neyooxet S. Greymorning
PHAR 110.01: Use and Abuse of Drugs, Rustem S. Medora
PHAR 324.01: Medicinal Plants, Rustem S. Medora
PHAR 341.01: Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Diana Lurie and Jerry Smith
PHAR 432.01: Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Todd Cochran
PHAR 443.01: Pharmacology and Toxicology, Howard Beall, Richard J. Bridges, Craig Johnston, and Keith Parker
PHAR 615.01: Molecular Pharmacology, Unknown
PHIL 100.01: Introduction to Philosophy, David Sherman
PHIL 105.01: Introduction to Existentialism, David Sherman
PHIL 119H.01: Philosophical Perspectives on Women in the Western Hemisphere, Ruth Vanita
PHIL 200.01: Ethics - The Great Traditions, Albert Borgmann
PHIL 200.02: Ethics - The Great Traditions, David K. Clark
PHIL 200.03: Ethics - The Great Traditions, Sean O'Brien
PHIL 200.50: Ethics - The Great Traditions, Deni Elliot
PHIL 200E.01: Ethics - The Great Traditions, Fred F. McGlynn
PHIL 200E.02: Ethics - The Great Traditions, Deborah Slicer
PHIL 201.01: Political Ethics, David K. Clark
PHIL 201E.01: Political Ethics, Thomas P. Huff
PHIL 210.01: Introduction to Logic - Deduction, Burke Townsend
PHIL 215.01: Philosophical Reasoning, Burke Townsend
PHIL 251.01: History of Ancient & Medieval Philosophy, R. E. Walton
PHIL 300.01: Systematic Ethics, Albert Borgmann
PHIL 323.01: Business and Ethics, Albert Borgmann
PHIL 427.01: Ethics and Environment II, Deborah Slicer
PHIL 427E.01: Environmental Ethics, Deborah Slicer
PHIL 441.01: Philosophy and Literature, Deborah Slicer
PHIL 443.01; Ethics and Public Affairs, Deni Elliot
PHIL 450.01: Classical Modern Philosophers, R. E. Walton
PHIL 465.01: Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, David Sherman
PHIL 480.01: Senior Seminar - Philosophy of Mind, Irene Appelbaum
PHIL 502.02: Poststructuralism, David Sherman
PHIL 504.01: Philosophy of Ecology, Deborah Slicer
PHIL 510.01: Philosophy Forum Colloquium, Albert Borgmann
PHIL 510.01: Philosophy Forum Colloquium, Albert Borgmann
PSC 100S.01: Introduction to American Government, James J. Lopach
PSC 100S.01: Introduction to American Government, James J. Lopach
PSC 100S.01: Introduction to American Government, Jonathan Tompkins
PSC 100S.02: Introduction to American Government, Forest L. Grieves
PSC 120.01: Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics, Peter Koehn
PSC 130.01: Introduction to International Relations, Louis Hayes
PSC 130E.01: International Relations, Forest L. Grieves
PSC 130E.01: International Relations, Paul Haber
PSC 150E.01: Introduction to Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSC 150E.01: Introduction to Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSC 150E.01: Introduction to Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSC 195.01: American Government, James J. Lopach
PSC 321H.01: Politics of Western Europe, Forest L. Grieves
PSC 325.01: Politics of Latin America, Paul Haber