This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2002
FREN 401.01: Applied Linguistics, Oliver W. Rolfe
FREN 408.01: Advanced Composition and Conversation, Sigyn Minier
FREN 494.01: Le Romantisme Français, M. Ione Crummy
FREN 595.01: Le Mouvement Romantique, M. Ione Crummy
GEOG 101.01: Human Geography, Christiane von Reichert
GEOG 102N.01: Introduction to Physical Geography, Eric Edlund
GEOG 103.01: World Regional Geography, Sarah J. Halvorson
GEOG 112.01: Landforms, Water and Soils, Mark Jensen
GEOG 277S.01: Geography of Africa, Jeffrey Allman Gritzner
GEOG 295.01: Peoples and Cultures of Central and Southwest Asia, Sarah J. Halvorson, Jeffrey Allman Gritzner, and Dennis O'Donnell
GEOG 351.01: Geography of South America, Carlos A. Baied
GEOG 366.01: Geography of China, Evan Denney
GEOG 385.01: Field Techniques in Geography, Eric Edlund
GEOG 395.01: Global Hot Spots, Carlos A. Baied
GEOG 410.01: Migration and Population Change - Special Focus - Population Loss on the Northern Plains, Christiane von Reichert
GEOG 421S.01: Towns and Rural Settlement, Paul Wilson
GEOG 425.01: The Human Role in Environmental Change, Carlos A. Baied
GEOG 446N.01: Biogeography, Eric Edlund
GEOG 479.01: Rural, Town and Regional Planning, Unknown
GEOG 500.01: Geography Graduate Colloquium, Paul Wilson
GEOG 579.01: Graduate Seminar in Planning, Sarah J. Halvorson
GEOG 586.01: GIS in Human Geography Laboratory, Paul Wilson
GEOG 588.01: GIS in Human Geography, Paul Wilson
GEOL 100.01: General Geology, Christine Brick
GEOL 100.01: General Geology, Derek Sjostrom
GEOL 100.02: General Geology, Graham R. Thompson
GEOL 101.01: General Geology Laboratory, Christine Brick
GEOL 101.01: General Geology Laboratory, Derek Sjostrom
GEOL 102.01: Roadside Geology, Donald W. Hyndman
GEOL 105.01: Oceanography, Nancy W. Hinman
GEOL 109.01: environmental Geoscience, Graham R. Thompson
GEOL 130.01: Geology Field Methods, Marc S. Hendrix
GEOL 130.01: Geology Field Methods, Marc S. Hendrix
GEOL 207.01: Geological Hazards and Disasters - Understanding, Prediction, Avoidance, Prevention, Donald W. Hyndman
GEOL 226.01: Mineralogy and Petrology, Graham R. Thompson
GEOL 301.01: Environmental Geology, Christine Brick
GEOL 306.01: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Donald W. Hyndman
GEOL 311.01: Paleobiology, George D. Stanley
GEOL 320.01: Global Water Cycle, Nancy W. Hinman
GEOL 330.01: Structural Geology, Derek Sjostrom
GEOL 432.01: Architecture of Sedimentary Deposits, Marc S. Hendrix
GEOL 437.01: Seismology and Magnetics, Steven D. Sheriff
GEOL 438.01: Gravity and Electromagnetics, Steven D. Sheriff
GEOL 502.01: Graduate Thesis Project, Graham R. Thompson
GEOL 520.01: Optical Mineralogy, Donald W. Hyndman
GEOL 525.01: Igneous Petrology, Donald W. Hyndman
GEOL 528.01: Analysis of Sedimentary Basins, Marc S. Hendrix
GEOL 555.01: Structure of the Crust, Steven D. Sheriff
GEOL 570.01: Advanced Aqueous Geochemistry, Nancy W. Hinman
GEOL 571.01: Advanced Aqueous Geochemistry II, Nancy W. Hinman
GEOL 572.01: Advanced Hydrogeology, William W. Woessner
GEOL 575.01: Clay and Shale, Graham R. Thompson
GEOL 580.01: X-Ray Diffraction Techniques in Mineral and Rock Analysis, Graham R. Thompson
GEOL 583.01: Advanced Topics in Paleo–Reefs and Mass Extinction, George D. Stanley
GEOL 585.01: Surface-water Groundwater Interaction - A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, William W. Woessner
GEOL 595.01: River Restoration, Johnnie N. Moore
GERM 102.01: Elementary German II, Unknown
GERM 202.01: Intermediate German II, Hiltrudis Arens
GERM 202.02: Intermediate German II, Hiltrudis Arens
GERM 302.01: Oral and Written Expression II, Unknown
GERM 304.01: German Culture 1900-Present, Unknown
GERM 304.01: German Culture - 1900 to Present, Unknown
GERM 312.01: Introduction to German Poetry and Drama, Unknown
GERM 395.01:Study Abroad in Germany and Austria, Dennis R. McCormick
GERM 452.01: 20th Century Literature since 1945, Hiltrudis Arens
GRK 212.01: Second Year Greek -Homeric Poetry, Hayden W. Ausland
HIST 295.01: Peoples and Cultures of Central and Southwest Asia, Sarah J. Halvorson, Jeffrey Allman Gritzner, and Dennis O'Donnell
HIST 300.03: The Historian's Craft - Classical Greek Historiography, Hayden W. Ausland
HIST 302.01: Greek Social History, Hayden W. Ausland
IS 370.01: Database Management Systems, Gerald E. Evans
IS 370.02: Database Management Systems, Gerald E. Evans
IS 371.01: Business Applications Development, Belva Cooley
IS 495.01: Advanced Network Administration, Ken Burrington
IS 495.02: Development of E-Commerce Systems, Shawn F. Clouse
IS 495.03: Fundamentals of Network Administration, Ryan Wright
JPNS 102.01: Elementary Japanese II, Toshie Nono
JPNS 102.02: Elementary Japanese II, Charles Cabell
JPNS 102.03: Elementary Japanese II, Yuka Tachibana
JPNS 202.01: Intermediate Japanese II, Yuka Tachibana
JPNS 432.01: Postwar Japanese Literature, Charles Cabell
LAT 102.01: Elementary Latin II, Linda W. Gillison
LAT 102.02: Elementary Latin II, Lorina Quartarone
LAT 212.01: Latin Readings - Vergil's Aeneid, Lorina Quartarone
LAT 300.01: Tacitus - Agricola, Linda W. Gillison
LAT 402.01: Advanced Prose Composition, John Hay
LS 151L.01: Introduction to the Humanities, Joanne Charbonneau
LS 151L.02: Introduction to the Humanities, Daniel T. Spencer
LS 151L.03: Introduction to the Humanities, K. M. Wiering
LS 151L.04: Introduction to the Humanities, Paul A. Dietrich
LS 151L.05: Introduction to the Humanities, K. M. Wiering
LS 151L.80: Introduction to the Humanities, Michael M. Kreisberg
LS 151L.85: Introduction to the Humanities, Phil R. Fandozzi
LS 152L.01: Introduction to the Humanities, Paul A. Dietrich
LS 152L.01: Introduction to the Humanities II, Judith Johnson
LS 152L.05: Introduction to the Humanities, Unknown
LS 152L.06: Introduction to the Humanities, Michael M. Kreisberg
LS 152L.07: Introduction to the Humanities, Judith Johnson
LS 160L.01: Classical Mythology, Linda W. Gillison
LS 161H.85: Introduction to Asian Humanities, Anthony Tribe
LS 195.80: Ways of Knowing, Daniel T. Spencer and Ron Perrin