This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2021
ARTZ 284A.01: Photography I - Technologies and Processes, Matthew Michael Hamon
ARTZ 284A.50: Photography I - Technologies and Processes, Matthew Michael Hamon
ARTZ 302A.01: Foundations of Visual Art Education, Steven Michael Krutek
ARTZ 302A.02: Foundations of Visual Art Education, Jennifer K. Combe
ARTZ 311.01: Drawing II, Sarah Ann Jones
ARTZ 311.50: Drawing II, Sarah Ann Jones
ARTZ 314A.01: Environmental Drawing, Steven Michael Krutek
ARTZ 321.01: Painting II - Contemporary Themes, Kevin J. Bell
ARTZ 331.01: Ceramics II - Handbuilding, Trey W. Hill
ARTZ 331.02: Ceramics II - Wheel Throwing, Julia M. Galloway
ARTZ 351.02: Sculpture II, Trey W. Hill
ARTZ 371.01: Printmaking II - Advanced Relief, James Bailey
ARTZ 385.01: The Art of Digital Photography, Matthew Michael Hamon
ARTZ 391.01: Special Topics - Digital Drawing, Sarah Ann Jones
ARTZ 494.01: Seminar - Professional Practices, Sarah Ann Jones
ARTZ 501.01: Graduate Critique Seminar, Jennifer K. Combe
ARTZ 507.01: Beyond Art School, Julia M. Galloway
ASTR 131N.01: Planetary Astronomy, Mark Andrew Reiser
ASTR 134N.01: Planetary Astronomy Lab, Mark Andrew Reiser
ASTR 363.01: Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics I, Nathan T. McCrady
ATEP 537.50S: Foundations of Research & Evidence Based Practice in Athletic Training, Shane P. Murphy
ATEP 546.B01: General Medical Assessment, Valerie J. Moody
ATEP 550.01: Practicum in Athletic Training III, James Paul Capp
ATEP 569.01: Clinical Anatomy Laboratory, James Paul Capp
ATEP 578.50: Organization and Administration in Athletic Training, Valerie J. Moody
ATEP 581.01: Therapeutic Interventions I, Valerie J. Moody
ATEP 599.01: Research Capstone in Athletic Training, Shane P. Murphy
BCH 380.00: Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Kent D. Sugden
BCH 480.01: Advanced Biochemistry I, Bruce E. Bowler
BCH 547.01: Experimental Molecular, Cellular, and Chemical Biology, Brent Jay Ryckman
BCH 561.01: RNA Structure and Function, John Stephen Lodmell and Jean-Marc Lanchy
BCH 584.01: Nucleic Acids, John Stephen Lodmell
BCH 694.01: Biochemistry and Biophysics Seminar, Brent Jay Ryckman
BFIN 322.02: Business Finance, Michael P. Size
BFIN 439.01: Financial Management II, Tony Crawford
BGEN 222.03: Business Models and Operations, Gerald E. Evans
BGEN 222.04: Business Models and Operations, Gerald E. Evans
BGEN 341.01: People, Process and Technology I, Peter Anzollitto
BGEN 341.50: People, Process and Technology I - Online, Kristen L. Govertsen
BGEN 360.50: International Business, Nader H. Shooshtari
BGEN 361.01: Business Law, Michael V. Harrington
BGEN 361.50: Business Law - Online, Michael V. Harrington
BGEN 499.00: Strategic Management, Sherry L. Likala
BIOB 101N.00: Discover Biology, Andrea Theresa Green
BIOB 160N.01: Principles of Living Systems, Art Woods and Brandon S. Cooper
BIOB 160N.02C: Principles of Living Systems, Jennifer A. Corbin
BIOB 260.00: Cellular and Molecular Biology, Mark Lindsay Grimes and James David Driver
BIOB 301.01: Developmental Biology, Ekaterina Voronina
BIOB 410.01: Immunology, Scott A. Wetzel
BIOB 411.01: Immunology Laboratory, Scott A. Wetzel
BIOB 486.01: Genomics, Jeffrey M. Good
BIOB 506.01: OBE Core Course, Winsor Hayes Lowe, Jeffrey M. Good, and Bret William Tobalske
BIOB 547.01: Experimental Molecular, Cellular, and Chemical Biology, Brent Jay Ryckman
BIOE 370.01: General Ecology, William J. Roach
BIOE 371.00: General Ecology Lab, Holly Reading Jackson
BIOE 403.01: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Bret William Tobalske
BIOE 403.02: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Erin Keller and Hila Tzipora Chase
BIOE 406.01: Behavior and Evolution, Douglas J. Emlen
BIOE 409.00: Behavior and Evolution Discussion, Douglas J. Emlen
BIOH 112.01: Human Form and Function I, Andrea Theresa Green
BIOH 280.01: Molecules to Mind - Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Katie M. Holick and Michael Kavanaugh
BIOH 365.01: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Human Professions I, Bret William Tobalske
BIOH 405.01: Hematology, Denise P. Higgins
BIOH 480.80: Teaching Anatomy and Physiology I (Honors), Audrey Vail Broffman and Carley R. Carpenter
BIOM 227.01: Vectors and Parasites, Brent Jay Ryckman
BIOM 360.01: General Microbiology, Michael F. Minnick
BIOM 361.00: General Microbiology Lab, Michael F. Minnick
BIOM 427.01: General Parasitology, James David Driver
BIOM 428.01: General Parasitology Laboratory, James David Driver
BIOM 450.01: Microbial Physiology, Patrick Robert Secor
BIOM 451.01: Microbial Physiology Lab, Patrick Robert Secor
BIOM 460.01: Ecology of Infectious Diseases, Angela D. Luis
BIOM 594.01: Professional Seminar, Brent Jay Ryckman
BIOO 320.01: General Botany, Larry Hufford
BIOO 340.00: Biology and Management of Fishes, Lisa A. Eby
BIOO 475.00: Mammalogy, Jedediah Farrell Brodie
BIOO 475.01: Mammalogy Lab, Jedediah Farrell Brodie and Angela Hornsby
BIOO 475.02: Mammalogy Lab, Jedediah Farrell Brodie and Angela Hornsby
BIOO 475.03: Mammalogy Lab, Jedediah Farrell Brodie and Angela Hornsby
BIOO 475.04: Mammalogy Lab, Jedediah Farrell Brodie and Angela Hornsby
BIOS 594.01: Systems Ecology Graduate Student Seminar, Benjamin P. Coleman
BMGT 420.01: Leadership and Motivation, Sherry L. Likala
BMGT 444.01: Management Communication (a.k.a. Business Negotiation), Fengru Li
BMGT 448.50: Entrepreneurship, Kristen L. Govertsen
BMGT 495.V50: Montana World Trade Center International Business Practicum, Brigitta K. Miranda-Freer
BMGT 640.V60: Organizational Behavior, Theresa M. Floyd
BMIS 270.01: MIS Foundations for Business / Introduction to MIS, David R. Firth
BMIS 270.02: MIS Foundations for Business / Introduction to MIS, David R. Firth
BMIS 270.50: MIS Foundations for Business - Online, Clayton A. Looney
BMIS 326.01: Introduction to Data Analytics, Jason H. Triche
BMIS 365.01: Business Application Development, Shawn F. Clouse
BMIS 372.00: Information Infrastructures, Jason H. Triche
BMIS 373.01: Business Systems Analysis & Design, Reda M. Haddouch
BMIS 471.01: Fundamentals of Network & Security Management, Shawn F. Clouse
BMIS 476.01: Integrated Project Management for Information Systems, Shawn F. Clouse
BMIS 479.01: Consulting, David R. Firth
BMIS 625.V60: Text Mining of Unstructured Data, John W. Chandler
BMKT 325.50: Principles of Marketing, Amanda K. Miller
BMKT 445.50: Marketing and Applied Business Statistics, Simona Stan
BMKT 460.01: Marketing of Hi-Tech Products and Innovations, Jakki J. Mohr