This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2021
CSCI 240.01: Databases and SQL, Jeff James Arends
CSCI 291.01: Special Topics - Web Application Development, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 315E.01: Computers, Ethics, and Society, Robert Smith and Cheyenne L. Laue
CSCI 426.01: Software Design and Development I, Yolanda M. Reimer
CSCI 444.01: Data Visualization, Jesse V. Johnson
CSCI 447.01: Machine Learning, Douglas John Brinkerhoff
CSCI 451.01: Computational Biology, Travis J. Wheeler and Robert Smith
CSCI 491.01: Software Optimization, Oliver Serang
CSCI 491.50: Special Topics - Database Security (Online), Michael Lawrence Martin
CSCI 547.01: Machine Learning, Douglas John Brinkerhoff
CSCI 558.01: Introduction to Bioinformatics, Travis J. Wheeler and Robert Smith
CSCI 591.01: Software Optimization, Oliver Serang
CSD 320.01: Phonological Development & Phonetics, Amy M. Glaspey
CSD 320.50: Phonological Development & Phonetics - Online, Amy M. Glaspey
ECNS 201S.02: Principles of Microeconomics, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 202S.01: Principles of Macroeconomics, Jonathon David Knudson
ECNS 301.01: Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 313.01: Money and Banking, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 403.01: Introduction to Econometrics, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 491.01: Special Topics - Advanced Topics in Health Economics, Katrina L. Mullan
ECNS 511.01: Microeconomic Theory, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECP 247.B01: Hospital Clinical III, David H. McEvoy and Marcus O. Granger
ECP 250.B01: NREMT Exam Preparation, David H. McEvoy and Marcus O. Granger
ECP 251.B01: NTRMT Exam Preparation Lab, David H. McEvoy and Marcus O. Granger
EDEC 410.B01: Families, Communities, and Culture, Allison B. Wilson
EDEC 420.01: Implementing Standards and Assessment in Play-Based Environments, Allison B. Wilson
EDEC 434.01: Social Emotional Development and Child Guidance, Allison B. Wilson
EDEC 453.01: Early Childhood STEM, Allison B. Wilson
EDEC 530.50: Social and Emotional Development in Young Children, Allison B. Wilson
EDEC 540.50: Neuroscience and it's Impact on Child Development - Online, Jingjing Sun
EDLD 540.50: The Finance of Higher Education, Grace H. Gardner
EDLD 550.01: Foundations of Educational Leadership, William P. McCaw
EDLD 551.50: Foundations of Curriculum Leadership, Robert D. DoBell
EDLD 551.50: Foundations of Curriculum Leadership, Robert D. DoBell
EDLD 552.50: Supervision and Evaluation of Public Schools, William P. McCaw
EDLD 559.01: Public Relations for Principals - Online, Michael L. Perry
EDLD 559.50: Public Relations for Principals - Online, John Joseph Matt
EDLD 567.50: K-12 Leadership, William P. McCaw
EDLD 567.50: K-12 Leadership, William P. McCaw
EDLD 568.50: K-12 Curriculum Leadership, Jacob A. Francom
EDLD 583.50: Strategic Planning for Technology, Robert J. Watson
EDLD 585.50: Strategic Planning for Technology - Online, Roebrt Watsom
EDLD 595.50S: Comparative International Education - Online, Charles R. Turner
EDLD 620.01: Qualitative Research, William P. McCaw
EDLD 625.50: Quantitative Research, John Joseph Matt
EDLD 656.50: Economics of Education, William P. McCaw
EDLD 660.50: Adult and Continuing Education, Frances O'Reilly
EDLD 664.50: The Community College, Kevin C. Brockbank
EDLD 667.50: American College Professor, Frances O'Reilly
EDLD 673.01: Leadership Across Cultures, Liqin Tang
EDLD 677.00: Globalization in Education, Liqin Tang
EDLD 680.V50: Politics of International Programs, Charles R. Turner
EDLD 682.50: Cross-Cultural Competence, Liqin Tang
EDLD 682.51: Cross-Cultural Competence, John Joseph Matt
EDSP 405.50: Assessment of Students with Exceptionalities, Trent L. Atkins
EDSP 426.50: Introduction to Secondary Transition and Community Supports, Morgen J. Alwell
EDSP 454.50: Advanced Academic Interventions, Craig S. Buscher
EDSP 456.01: Introduction to Methods for Low Incidence Disabilities, Morgen J. Alwell
EDSP 461.50: Positive Behavior Supports, Morgen J. Alwell
EDSP 462.50: Special Education Law, Policy and Practice, Trent L. Atkins
EDSP 526.50: Introduction to Secondary Transition and Community Supports, Morgen J. Alwell
EDSP 556.01: Methods of Low Incidence Disabilities, Morgen J. Alwell
EDU 202.01: Early Field Experience, Erin O'Reilly
EDU 202.R01: Early Field Experience, Erin A. O'Reilly
EDU 221.01: Educational Psychology and Measurements, Erin O'Reilly
EDU 221.R01: Educational Psychology and Measurements, Erin A. O'Reilly
EDU 222.01: Educational Psychology and Child Development, Jeb S. Puryear
EDU 222.R01: Educational Psychology and Child Development, Jeb Stuart Puryear
EDU 331.01: Literacy and Literature for Children, Elisa Schroeder
EDU 331.R01: Literature and Literacy for Children, Charity N. Atteberry
EDU 331.R01: Literature and Literacy for Children, Erin A. O'Reilly
EDU 338.01: Academic Interventions, Molly Blakely
EDU 338.R01: Academic Interventions, Molly R. Blakely
EDU 339.00: Teaching and Assessing PK-8 Language Arts, Elisa M. Schroeder
EDU 339.01: Teaching and Assessing PK-8 Language Arts, Stephanie Reid
EDU 339.R01: Teaching and Assessing PK-8 Language Arts, Stephanie F. Reid
EDU 340.01: Classroom Management, Scott Richard Hohnstein
EDU 340.03: Classroom Management, Scott Richard Hohnstein
EDU 340.50: Classroom Management, Scott Richard Hohnstein
EDU 340.R01: Classroom Management, Scott R. Hohnstein
EDU 345.50: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Molly R. Blakely
EDU 345.50: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Scott Richard Hohnstein
EDU 346.02: Exceptionalities, Scott R. Hohnstein
EDU 346.R01: Exceptionalities, Scott R. Hohnstein
EDU 360.51: Promoting Well-Being P-12 Classrooms, Bonnie Sue Spence
EDU 370.50: Integrating Technology into Education, Bonnie Sue Spence
EDU 395.R05: Clinical Field Experience, Erin A. O'Reilly
EDU 397.02: Methods for Pre-K through Third Grade Early Literacy, Anya M. Muggli
EDU 397.B01: Methods- PK-4 Early Numeracy, Bonnie S. Spence
EDU 407E.50: Ethics and Policy Issues, Erin A. O'Reilly
EDU 407E.R01: Ethics and Policy Issues, Matthew V. Schertz
EDU 432.R01: Literature and Literacy for Young Adults, Stephanie F. Reid
EDU 438.50: Literacy Assessment, Diagnostics, and Instruction, Craig S. Buscher
EDU 481.R01: Content Area Literacy SERV, Scott R. Hohnstein
EDU 497.R01: Methods 5-8 Mathematics, Georgia A. Cobbs
EDU 497.R02: Teaching Elementary Social Studies, Matthew V. Schertz
EDU 497.R04: Grades 4-8 Reading Methods, Anya M. Muggli
EDU 501.50: Curriculum Design,. Implementation, & Evaluation, Jeb Stuart Puryear
EDU 510.50: Developmental and Learning Sciences, Jingjing Sun
EDU 514.50: Education Across Cultures, Bonnie Sue Spence