This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2021
EDU 520.50: Educational Research, Trent L. Atkins
EDU 588.50: Action Research in the Classroom, Gregory R. Friedman
ENSC 360.01: Applied Ecology, Ethan Alexander Smith
ENSC 501.01: Scientific Approaches to Environmental Problems, Len Broberg
ENSC 594.01: Applied Ecology, Ethan Alexander Smith
ENST 191.01: Special Topics - Getting to Know Environmental Studies, Daniel T. Spencer and Caroline Muir Stephens
ENST 201.01: Environmental Information Resources, Rosalyn Rae LaPier
ENST 230H.01: Nature and Society, Daniel T. Spencer
ENST 335L.01: The Environmental Vision, Mark E. Sundeen
ENST 367.01: Environmental Politics and Policies, Robin K. Saha
ENST 396.00: Supervised Summer PEAS Internship, Caroline Muir Stephens
ENST 410.01: Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples, Rosalyn Rae LaPier
ENST 472.R01: General Science - Conservation Education, Shauni M. Seccombe
ENST 494.01: Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture Education, Anthony Jason Mandala
ENST 513.01: Natural Resource Conflict Resolution, Shawn Matthew Johnson
ENST 521.01: Foundations in Environmental Education, Fletcher Brown
ENST 570.01: Ethics and Restoration, Daniel T. Spencer
ENST 573.01: Environmental Writing Seminar, Mark E. Sundeen
ENST 590.00: Supervised Summer PEAS Internship, Caroline Muir Stephens
ENST 595.01: Special Topics - Environmental Politics and Policies, Robin K. Saha
ENST 595.02S: Special Topics - Environmental Studies Foundations of Change, Robin K. Saha
ENT 439.01: Studies in Young Adult Literature, Beverly Ann Chin
ENT 544.01: Creative Drama in the English Class, Beverly Ann Chin
FILM 103.XH1: Introduction to Film, Matthew Kaler
FORS 130.00: Introduction to Forestry Field Skills, John M. Goodburn
FORS 201.00: Forest Biometrics, David L. Affleck and Enzo P. Martelli Moya
FORS 230.B01: Fire Management and Environmental Change, Carl A. Seielstad and Philp Higuera
FORS 241N.00: Dendrololgy, Edwin J. Burke
FORS 250.00: Introduction to GIS and Cartography, Kevin G. McManigal
FORS 250.R00: Introduction to GIS and Cartography, Kevin G. McManigal
FORS 320.B01: Forest and Resource Economics, Robert J. Sonora
FORS 330.B01: Forestry Ecology, Peter F. Kolb
FORS 331.B01: Wildland Fuel Management, Carl A. Seielstad
FORS 333.01: Fire Ecology, Kyra D. Wolf
FORS 340.00: Forest Products and Wood Science, Edwin J. Burke
FORS 341.B00: Timber Harvesting and Forest Roads, Elizabeth M. Dodson
FORS 342.01: Wood Anatomy, Properties, and Identification, Edwin J. Burke
FORS 347.B00: Multiple Resource Silviculture, John M. Goodburn
FORS 349.00: Practice of Silviculture, John M. Goodburn
FORS 350.R00: GIS Applications, Kevin G. McManigal
FORS 351.R01: Environmental Remote Sensing, Lloyd Queen and Valentin Hoff
FORS 435.01: Advanced Timber Harvesting, Elizabeth Dodson
FORS 440.01: Timber Stand Management / Service Learning, Elizabeth Dodson; Carl A, Seielstad; John Goodburn Dr.; and Andrew Larson
FORS 444.01: Applied Restoration and Utilization, Edwin J. Burke
FORS 481.R01: Forest Planning, Elizabeth M. Dodson
FORS 495.01: Wildland Prescribed Fire Practicum, Carl A. Seielstad
FORS 538.01: Statistical Models for Ecological Data Analysis, Solomon Z. Dobrowski
FORS 544.01: Wildland Prescribed Fire Practicum, Carl A. Seielstad
FORS 594.B01: Seedling Propagation, Artificial Regeneration, and Drought Resilience, Christopher R. Keyes and John M. Goodburn
FRCH 101.00: Elementary French I, M. Ione Crummy
FRCH 101.50: Elementary French I, Anna Kristen Lokowich
GBLD 194.07: From Seeds to Sovereignty: Agriculture Past, Present, and Future, Caroline M. Stephens
GDSN 149A.50: Digital Imaging I, Jordan Alec Costello
GDSN 231.50: Graphic Design Applications, Hailey Christine Faust
GEO 101N.01: Introduction to Physical Geology, Natalie Bursztyn
GEO 101N.50A: Introduction to Physical Geology, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 102N.00: Introduction to Physical Geology Lab, Natalie Bursztyn
GEO 107N.50: Natural Disasters (Online), Hilary R. Martens
GEO 201.01: Geologic Evolution of North America, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 224N.00: General Science - Physics and Geoscience, Natalie Bursztyn
GEO 390.01: Getting Started in Research, Hilary R. Martens
GEO 421.01: Hydrology, Marco P. Maneta
GEO 488.01: Snow, Ice, and Climate Change, Joel T. Harper
GEO 508.01: Fundamentals of Academic Research, Joel T. Harper
GEO 572.01: Advanced Hydrogeology, Payton Gardner
GPHY 111N.R01: Introduction to Physical Geography, David D. Shively
GPHY 112N.R00: Introduction to Physical Geography Laboratory, David D. Shively
GPHY 121SX.RH1: Human Geography, Bruce C. Bradford
GPHY 141SX.B01: Geography of World Regions, Sarah J. Halvorson
GPHY 284.00: Introduction to GIS and Cartography, Kevin G. McManigal
GPHY 284.R00L Introduction to GIS and Cartography, Kevin G. McManigal
GPHY 335.01: Water and Sustainability, Sarah J. Halvorson
GPHY 338.01: Mountains and Society, Keith W. Bosak
GPHY 400.01: Geography Undergraduate Capstone, Sarah J. Halvorson
GPHY 481.01: Advanced Cartographic Design, Kevin G. McManigal
GPHY 487.01: Remote Sensing and Raster GIS & Laboratory, Anna E. Klene
GPHY 488.R02: GIS Applications, Kevin G. McManigal
GPHY 489.01: Remote Sensing and Raster GIS & Laboratory, Anna E. Klene
GPHY 587.01: Digital Image Analysis and Modeling/GIS Laboratory, Anna E. Klene
GPHY 589.01: Digital Image Analysis and Modeling/GIS Laboratory, Anna E. Klene
GRMN 101.01: Elementary German I, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 101.03: Elementary German I, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 201.02: Intermediate German I, Hiltrudis Arens
GRMN 301.01: Studies in German Language, Media, and Culture I, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 491.01: Special Topics - German Journeys in Literature and Film, Marton M. Marko
HEE 302.B01: Methods of Instructional strategies in Elementary Physical Education, Gregory R. Friedman
HONR 391.83: Special Topics - Timberline to Tidepool: Water in Montana and the Columbia Basin, Robert S. Stubblefield
HSTA 255.01: Montana History, Jeffrey M. Wiltse
HSTA 255.X02: Montana History, Jeffrey M. Wiltse
HSTA 307Y.01: The American Revolution and Founding Era, Claire H.R. Arcenas
HSTA 347.01: Voodoo, Muslim, Church - Black Religion, Tobin Miller Shearer
HSTA 370H.50: Women in America - Colonial Period to Civil War, Anya Jabour
HSTA 374.01: Doing Local History - Missoula, Leif M. Fredrickson
HSTA 382.01: History of American Law, Michael S. Mayer
HSTA 501.01: Readings in Early American History, Claire H.R. Arcenas
HSTA 595.01: Special Topics - Gender, Society, and Politics, Anya Jabour
HSTR 101H.00: Western Civilization I, John A. Eglin
HSTR 200.02: Introduction to Historical Methods, Mehrdad Kia
HSTR 230H.50: Colonial Latin America, Joann C. Pavilack
HSTR 337.01: The History of Capitalism in Latin America, 1492 to the Present, Joann C. Pavilack