This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2021
PTRM 310.01: Natural Resource Interpretation and Communication, Elena A. Bigart
PTRM 380.R01: Recreation Administration and Leadership, Jonathan D. Dorman
PTRM 451W.01: Tourism and Sustainability, Keith W. Bosak
PTRM 484.01: PTRM Capstone, Jennifer Thomsen
PUBH 520.01: Fundamentals of Biostatistics, Jonathon David Knudson
RUSS 101.00: Elementary Russian I, Ona Renner-Fahey and Ekaterina Leonova
RUSS 105Y.50: Introduction to Russian Culture, Ona Renner-Fahey
RUSS 105Y.80: Introduction to Russian Culture, Ona Renner-Fahey
RUSS 201.01: Intermediate Russian I, Clint B. Walker
RUSS 306L.01: Evil and the Supernatural in Russian Literature, Clint B. Walker
RUSS 306L.80: Evil and the Supernatural in Russian Literature, Clint B. Walker
RUSS 491.01: Special Topics - Russia: Then and Now, Ona Renner-Fahey
SOCI 101S.01: Introduction to Sociology, Jacobs Wayne Hammond
SOCI 101S.02: Introduction to Sociology, Timothy J. Nichols
SOCI 202.01: Social Statistics, Jacobs Wayne Hammond
SOCI 211S.01: Introduction to Criminology, Jackson Malone Bunch
SOCI 211S.H1: Introduction to Criminology, Lee R. Oly
SOCI 220S.01: Race, Gender and Class, Daisy Rooks
SOCI 306.01: Sociology of Work, Daisy Rooks
SOCI 318.01: Sociological Research Methods, Jacobs Wayne Hammond
SOCI 391.01: Special Topics - Social Problems, Jacobs Wayne Hammond
SOCI 491.01: Special Topics - Sociology of Punishment, James Tuttle
SOCI 496.03: Sociology Internship - Public Service, James Tuttle
SOCI 498.01: Sociology Internship - Public Service, James Tuttle
SOCI 562.01: Quantitative Methods, Jackson Malone Bunch
SOCI 590.01: Sociology Internship, James Tuttle
SPNS 101.01: Elementary Spanish I, Clary S. Loisel
SPNS 101.03: Elementary Spanish I, Clary S. Loisel
SPNS 101.04: Elementary Spanish I, Dora L. LaCasse
SPNS 101.05: Elementary Spanish I, Clary S. Loisel
SPNS 101.06: Elementary Spanish I, Manolita López Connor
SPNS 101.08: Elementary Spanish I, Manolita López Connor
SPNS 201.00: Intermediate Spanish I, Jannine Montauban
SPNS 315.01: Topics in Hispanic Culture, Jannine Montauban
SPNS 391.01: Special Topics - Accents of the Spanish Speaking World, Dora L. LaCasse
STAT 216.00: Introduction to Statistics, Frederick Peck, Ian G. Derickson, Jared Gibbs, Jakob Bailey Oetinger, and Riley Patrick Watt
STAT 341.01: Probability and Statistics, David A. Patterson
STAT 421.01: Probability Theory, David A. Patterson
STAT 451.00: Statistical Methods I, Jon Mills Graham
WILD 105N.01: Wildlife and People, Erim Gomez
WILD 170.00: Fish and Wildlife Interest Group, Erim Gomez
WILD 180.01: Careers in Wildlife Biology, Erim Gomez
WILD 180.R01: Careers in Wildlife Biology, Erim Gomez
WILD 240.80: Introduction to Biostatistics - Honors, Victoria J. Dreitz
WILD 291.00S: Special Topics: Fisheries Techniques, Andrew R. Whiteley
WILD 346.01: Wildlife Physiological Ecology, Creagh W. Breuner
WILD 370.00: Wildlife Habitat Conservation, Marcel P. Huijser
WILD 370.R00: Wildlife Habitat Conservation & Management, Erim Gomez
WILD 410.01: Wildlife Policy, Martin Nie
WILD 470.01: Conservation of Wildlife, Angela D. Luis
WILD 470.01: Conservation of Wildlife Populations, Colby Anton
WILD 480.01: The Upshot - Applied Wildlife Management, Erim Gomez
WILD 485.01: Aquatic Invertibrate Ecology, Diana L. Six
WILD 494.01: Senior Wildlife Seminar, Chad J. Bishop
WILD 494.B01: Senior Wildlife Seminar, Chad Bishop
WILD 542.R01: Statistical Applications in Wildlife Biology, Paul Lukacs
WILD 563.R01: Advanced Topics in Habitat Ecology, Mark Hebblewhite
WILD 594.01: Analysis of Selected Problems in Wildlife Biology and Conservation, Hugh S. Robinson
WILD 594.R01: Wildlife Biology Graduate Seminar -, Hugh S. Robinson
WLC 410.01: Methods in Teaching Foreign Language, Dora L. LaCasse
WRIT 101.01C: College Writing I, Jennifer A. Corbin
WRIT 101.01: College Writing I, Richard Harrison White
WRIT 101.02: College Writing I, Hubble Stark
WRIT 101.03: College Writing I, Marko Christopher Capoferri
WRIT 101.04C: College Writing I, Jennifer A. Corbin
WRIT 101.05: College Writing I, Cheyenna Michelle Watson
WRIT 101.06: College Writing I, Abigail Laura Nordstrom
WRIT 101.07: College Writing I, Kalani N. Padilla
WRIT 101.08: College Writing I, Christopher Paul Patalano
WRIT 101.09C: College Writing I Plus, Jennifer A. Corbin
WRIT 101.09: College Writing I, Mark Abram Schoenfeld
WRIT 101.10: College Writing I, Austin Gregory Hagwood
WRIT 101.11: College Writing I, Silas Miller
WRIT 101.13: College Writing I, Sarah Marie DeMond
WRIT 101.14: College Writing I, Abigail Cassidy Lynes
WRIT 101.15: College Writing I, Taylor Nicole Tewksbury
WRIT 101.16: College Writing I, Allison Rose Levy
WRIT 101.17: College Writing I, Austin Smith
WRIT 101.19: College Writing I, Gabriella Ann Graceffo
WRIT 101.20: College Writing I, Alexandra Fiege Ore
WRIT 101.21: College Writing I, Izabela Dinora Garcia-Arce
WRIT 101.22: College Writing I, Alyssa Witbeck Alexander
WRIT 101.50C: College Writing I (Online), Jennifer A. Corbin
WRIT 101.XH1: College Writing I, Matthew Kaler and Katharina Werner
WRIT 201.03: College Writing II, Alina Cerisse Cohen
WRIT 201.04: College Writing II, Sierra Lynn Pritchard
WRIT 201.05: College Writing II, Sabrina Bridget Black
WRIT 201.07: College Writing II, Sam McPhee
WRIT 201.XH1: College Writing II, Matthew Kaler
WRIT 540.R01: Practicum and Mentorship - Teaching College Level Composition, Erin Costello Wecker
Submissions from 2020
AAST 141HX.50B: Black - From Africa to Hip-Hop, Tobin Miller Shearer
AAST 291.50: Special Topics - Human Rights and Mass Incarceration, Alhaji Conteh
AAST 310.50: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Tobin Miller Shearer
AAST 391.01: Race, Inequality & Education, Eliot J. Graham
ANTY 101H.80: Anthropology and the Human Experience, David Garry Kerr
ANTY 104.50: Ancient Migrations, Randall R. Skelton
ANTY 141H.01: The Silk Road, Ardeshir Kia
ANTY 210N.01: Introduction to Physical Anthropology, Kirsten G. Mink
ANTY 220S.50: Culture and Society, Kimber Haddix McKay
ANTY 241H.01: Central Asian Cultures and Civilizations, Ardeshir Kia