This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2020
ANTY 250S.01: Introduction to Archaeology, John E. Douglas
ANTY 254H.01: Archaeological Wonders of the World, Kelly J. Dixon
ANTY 323X.01: Native Peoples of Montana, Gregory R. Campbell
ANTY 353.01: Paleoindian Archaeology, Douglas H. Macdonald
ANTY 404.01: Anthropological Museology, Gregory R. Campbell
ANTY 413.01: Forensic and Mortuary Archaeology, Kirsten G. Mink
ANTY 415.01: Emergence of Modern Humans, Meradeth H. Snow
ANTY 433.01: Indigenous Global Health and Healing, Neyooxet Greymorning
ANTY 452.01: GIS in Archaeology, Ethan P. Ryan
ANTY 455.01: Artifact Analysis, C Riley Auge
ANTY 456.01: HIstorical Archaeology, Kelly J. Dixon
ANTY 476.01: Methods for Teaching Native Languages, Neyooxet Greymorning
ANTY 512.01: Advanced Forensic Anthropology, Randall R. Skelton
ANTY 513.01: Seminar in Bioarchaeology and Skeletal Biology, Kirsten G. Mink
ANTY 601.01: Seminar in Proposal Preparation and Research Design, Anna M. Prentiss
ANTY 602.01: Cultural Heritage Policy and Practice, Douglas H. Macdonald
BCH 480.B01: Advanced Biochemistry I, J. Lodmell
BCH 547.01: Experimental Molecular, Cellular, and Chemical Biology, Brent J. Ryckman
BCH 561.B01: RNA Structure and Function, J. Lodmell and Jean-Marc Lanchy
BIOB 101N.50: Discover Biology, Andrea T. Green
BIOB 101N.50: Discover Biology, Andrea T. Green
BIOB 101N.51: Discover Biology, Andrea T. Green
BIOB 101N.B00: Discover Biology, Andrea T. Green
BIOB 160N.00: Principles of Living Systems, H. Arthur Woods, Scott Miller, and Brandon Cooper
BIOB 160N.50B: Principles of Living Systems, Laurie A. Minns
BIOB 161.50B: Principles of Living Systems Lab, Laurie A. Minns
BIOB 161N.51B: Principles of Living Systems Lab, Laurie A. Minns
BIOB 170N.01D: Principles of Biological Diversity, Gregory D. Peters
BIOB 171N.01D: Principles of Biological Diversity Lab, Gregory D. Peters
BIOB 260.01B: Cellular and Molecular Biology, Laurie A. Minns
BIOB 260.02B: Cellular and Molecular Biology, James D. Driver
BIOB 260.R00: Cellular and Molecular Biology, Scott Samuels and Mark L. Grimes
BIOB 301.R01: Biology of Development, Ekaterina Voronina
BIOB 410.B01: Immunology, Scott A. Wetzel
BIOB 411.01: Immunology Laboratory, Scott A. Wetzel
BIOB 486.B01: Genomics, Jeffrey M. Good
BIOB 505.B01: OBE Core Course - Graduate Ecology and Evolution Core, Jeffrey M. Good, John L. Maron, and Bret W. Tobalske
BIOB 524.01: Physiological Plant Ecology, Anna Sala
BIOB 547.01: Experimental Molecular, Cellular, and Chemical Biology, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOB 594.R04: Seminar in Biology, Jim Elser, Matt Church, Brian Hand, Yang Kuang, Irakli Loladze, and Puni Jeyasingh
BIOE 370.R01: General Ecology, Robert Ogden Hall
BIOE 371.R00: General Ecology Laboratory, H. Maurice Valett, Holly Jackson, Scott Waller, Cole Wolf, Sarah Twoteeth, and Scott Debnam
BIOH 112.R01: Human Form and Function, Katie M. Holick
BIOH 365.R01: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions I, Laurie A. Minns
BIOH 366.01: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions I Laboratory, Victoria Gifford and Syd Ladas
BIOH 405.01: Hematology, Pamela K. Shaw
BIOH 441.01: CNS Diseases, Sarah J. Certel
BIOH 458.01: Neuroscience Research Techniques, Sarah J. Certel, Kasper Hansen, and Jesse C. Hay
BIOH 461.80: Tutoring Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions I - Honors, Laurie A. Minns
BIOH 480.80: Teaching Anatomy and Physiology I, Victoria Lee Gifford
BIOM 227.01: Vectors and Parasites, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOM 250N.01D: Microbiology for Health Sciences, James Michael Battisti
BIOM 360.01E: General Microbiology, James Michael Battisti
BIOM 427.B01: General Parasitology, James D. Driver
BIOM 428.01: General Parasitology Laboratory, James D. Driver
BIOM 494.01: Professional Seminar, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOM 594.01: Professional Seminar, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOO 320.B01: General Botany, Marilyn Marler
BIOO 335.01B: Rocky Mountain Flora, Gregory D. Peters
BIOO 340.B00: Biology and Management of Fishes, Lisa Eby
BIOO 475.00: Mammalogy, Jedediah Brodie
CHIN 101.01: Elementary Chinese I, Cao Zhen
CHIN 102.01: Elementary Chinese II, Cao Zhen
CHIN 201.01: Intermediate Chinese I, Cao Zhen
CHIN 202.01: Intermediate Chinese II, Cao Zhen
CHIN 313L.B01: Chinese Poetry in Translation, Cao Zhen
CHMY 104.00: Preparation for Chemistry, Lu Hu
CHMY 121N.00: Introduction to General Chemisty, Victoria Gifford
CHMY 123.00: Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry, Victoria Lee Gifford
CHMY 141N.00: College Chemistry I, Kent D. Sugden
CHMY 143N.00: College Chemistry II, Mark S. Cracolice
CHMY 222.00: Organic Chemistry I Lab, Orion B. Berryman
CHMY 223.01: Organic Chemistry II, Nicholas Wageling
CHMY 291.01: Chemistry in the Environment, Lu Hu
CHMY 311.00: Analytical Chemistry - Quantitative Analysis, Christopher P. Palmer
CHMY 373.B01: Physical Chemistry 1 - Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Xi Chu
CHMY 397.00: Teaching Chemistry, Mark S. Cracolice
CHMY 401.01: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Dong Wang
CHMY 421.00: Advanced Instrumental Analysis, Michael DeGrandpre
CHMY 485.01: Laboratory Safety, Kent D. Sugden
CHMY 542.01: Separation Science, Christopher P. Palmer
CHMY 562.01: Organic Structure and Mechanism, Orion B. Berryman
CHMY 630.01: Chemistry Seminar, Kendal Ryter
CJUS 125N.50: Fundamentals of Forensic Science, Katherine S. Baca
CJUS 488.01: Forensic Science, The Crime Lab, and Beyond, Randall R. Skelton
CLAS 180H.01: Environment and Nature in the Classical World, Megan E. Bowen
CLAS 252L.01: Greek Drama - Politics on Stage Classics, Megan E. Bowen
COMX 111A.50: Introduction to Public Speaking - Online, Margaret C. Brock
COMX 111A.B08: Introduction to Public Speaking, Rachelle K. Ginn
COMX 111A.B09: Introduction to Public Speaking, Miranda B. Henrich
COMX 111A.B13: Introduction to Public Speaking, Ashley M. Arsenault
COMX 111A.B14: Introduction to Public Speaking, Miranda B. Henrich
COMX 111A.B80: Introduction to Public Speaking - Honors, Elizabeth Sholey
COMX 240H.50: Introduction to Rhetorical Theory - Online, Steven J. Schwarze
COMX 312.B80: Forensics - Honors, Joel O. Iverson
COMX 351.50: Principles of Public Relations, Megan K. O'Rourke
COMX 380.R01: Gender and Communication, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 391.50: Social Media for Strategic Communication - Online, Megan K. O'Rourke
COMX 412.50: Communication and Conflict, Christina M. Yoshimura
COMX 414.50: Communication in Personal Relationships, Christina M. Yoshimura