This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2020
PHL 101L.R80: Introduction to Philosophy - Honors, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 110E.50: Introduction to Ethics (Online), Armond J. Duwell
PHL 110E.R01: Introduction to Ethics, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 110E.R02: Introduction to Ethics, Paul Muench
PHL 110E.R80: Introduction to Ethics (Honors), Paul Muench
PHL 233.R01: Introduction to Logic - Deduction, Bridget Clarke
PHL 261Y.R01: History of Ancient Philosophy, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 317E.B01: Law and Morality, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 317E.R80: Law and Morality (Honors), Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 407.R01: Epistemology, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 407.R80: Epistemology (Honors), Armond J. Duwell
PHL 407.R80: Epistemology (Honors), Armond J. Duwell
PHL 499.B01: History of Moral and Political Philosophy - Murdoch's Ethics, Bridget Clarke
PHL 501.R01: Philosophy of Technology - Science, Technology, and Culture, Albert Borgmann
PHL 502.B01: Topics in Value Theory - Animal Studies, Deborah Slicer
PSCI 210S.50: Introduction to American Government (Online), Robert P. Saldin
PSCI 230X.R01: Introduction to International Relations, Paul L. Haber
PSCI 327.R01: Politics of Mexico, Paul L. Haber
PSCI 349.09: Montana Government and Politics, Robert P. Saldin
PSCI 354.R01: Contemporary Issues in Political Theory and Constitutional Law, Ramona Grey
PSCI 420.R01: Experimental Offering - Politics of Polarization, Paul L. Haber
PSCI 431.R01: Politics of Global Migration, Peter Koehn
PSCI 457.R01: Classical and Medieval Political Philosophy, Ramona Grey
PSCI 457.R80: Classical and Medieval Political Philosophy (Honors), Ramona Grey
PSCI 557.R01: Political Science Theory Graduate Seminar, Ramona Grey
PSYX 100S.03: Introduction to Psychology, Jaynee Lin Bohart
PSYX 100S.50: Introduction to Psychology (Online), Jennifer Villa
PSYX 100S.R01: Introduction to Psychology, Stuart Hall
PSYX 100S.R02: Introduction to Psychology, Genna Marie Mashinchi
PSYX 120.50: Introduction to Research Methods (Online), Gabriella Ji
PSYX 120.R01: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods, Alivia Lauren Zubrod
PSYX 222.00: Psychological Statistics Lab, Gabriella Ji
PSYX 222.01: Psychological Statistics, Rachel L. Severson
PSYX 233.01: Fundamentals of Psychology of Aging, James Donald McFarland
PSYX 233.50: Fundamentals of Psychology of Aging (Online), Cali Anne Caughie
PSYX 250N.R01: Fundamentals of Biological Psychology, Stuart Hall
PSYX 270.50: Fundamentals of the Psychology of Learning (Online), Nora Uhrich
PSYX 280.R01: Fundamentals of Memory and Cognition, Yoohee Jang
PSYX 320.R01: Advanced Psychological Research Methods, Yoohee Jang
PSYX 330.50: Child Development (Online), Diana Maria Diaków
PSYX 330.R01: Child Development, Rachel L. Severson
PSYX 340.R01: Abnormal Psychology, Kelly Davis
PSYX 352.R01: Comparative Psychology, Allen Szalda-Petree
PSYX 360.R01: Social Psychology, Lucian G. Conway
PSYX 378.B01: Introduction to Clinical Psychology, Bryan Neil Cochran
PSYX 385.R01: Psychology of Personality, Hannes Heppner
PSYX 400.01: History and System in Psychology, Laura G. Kirsch
PSYX 500.01: Advanced History and Systems in Psychology, Laura G. Kirsch
PSYX 501.R01: Teaching of Psychology, Lucian G. Conway
PSYX 520.R01: Advanced Psychological Statistics I, Daniel J. Denis
PSYX 522.R01: Multivariable Statistics, Daniel J. Denis
PSYX 525.01: Psychological Evaluation I, Gregory R. Machek
PSYX 531.01: Principles of Psychological Intervention, Bryan Neil Cochran
PSYX 534.R01: Applied Clinical Methods Practicum, Christine Fiore
PSYX 534.R02: Applied Clinical Methods Practicum, Duncan G. Campbell
PSYX 571.R01: Advanced Physiological Psychology, Nathan E. Insel
PSYX 580.R01: Principles and Practices of Professional School Psychology, Jacqueline A. Brown
PSYX 582.01: Behavioral Assessment and Intervention, Gregory R. Machek
PSYX 587.01: School Psychology Methods - First Year, Linda A. Maass
PSYX 587.02: School Psychology Methods, Linda A. Maass
PSYX 588.01: School Psychology Internship, Jacqueline A. Brown
PSYX 625.R01: Clinical Assessment, Leslie Neipert
RUSS 101.00: Elementary Russian I, Ona Renner-Fahey
RUSS 102.01: Elementary Russian II, Ona Renner-Fahey
RUSS 105HY.50: Introduction to Russian Culture (Online), Ona Renner-Fahey
RUSS 105HY.80: Introduction to Russian Culture (Honors), Ona Renner-Fahey
RUSS 202.01: Intermediate Russian II, Clint B. Walker
RUSS 301.B01: Russian - Oral and Written Expression I, Ona Renner-Fahey
RUSS 411.01: 19th Century Russian Authors, Clint B. Walker
RUSS 494.00: Seminar - Dostoevsky and World Culture, Clint B. Walker
SPNS 101.50: Elementary Spanish I (Online), Micaela Oria Downey
SPNS 101.B04: Elementary Spanish I, Dora LaCasse
SPNS 101.B05: Elementary Spanish I, Manolita López Connor
SPNS 101.R02: Elementary Spanish I, Manolita López Connor
SPNS 101.R03: Elementary Spanish I, Manolita López Connor
SPNS 101.R06: Elementary Spanish I, Clary S. Loisel
SPNS 101.R07: Elementary Spanish I, Alicia Gignoux
SPNS 102.01: Elementary Spanish II, Austin Vander Wel
SPNS 102.02: Elementary Spanish II, Austin Vander Wel
SPNS 102.03: Elementary Spanish II, Manolita López Connor
SPNS 102.04: Elementary Spanish II, Caroline E. Lonski
SPNS 102.06: Elementary Spanish II, Manolita López Connor
SPNS 102.07: Elementary Spanish II, Caroline E. Lonski
SPNS 102.50: Elementary Spanish II (Online), Micaela Oria Downey
SPNS 102.51: Elementary Spanish II (Online), Micaela Oria Downey
SPNS 201.B00: Intermediate Spanish I, Micaela Oria Downey and Jannine Montauban
SPNS 202.01: Intermediate Spanish II, Maria José Bustos-Fernández
SPNS 202.02: Intermediate Spanish II, Maria José Bustos-Fernández
SPNS 202.80: Intermediate Spanish II (Honors), Maria José Bustos-Fernández
SPNS 301.R01: Spanish - Oral and Written Expression in Cultural Contexts, Clary S. Loisel
SPNS 305.B01: Spanish Phonetics, Dora LaCasse
SPNS 315.01: Topics in Hispanic Culture, Jannine Montauban
SPNS 321.01: Advanced Practice in Spanish Conversation, Clary S. Loisel
SPNS 326.B01: Introduction to Contemporary Spanish Literature, Jannine Montauban
SPNS 331.01: Cultures and Societies of Latin America, Clary S. Loisel
SPNS 391.01: Special Topics - Variation in Spanish, Dora LaCasse
SPNS 408.01: Spanish - Advanced Composition and Conversation, Dora LaCasse
SPNS 432.01: Latin American Literature - Women Writers, Clary S. Loisel
SPNS 432.R01: Latin American Literature - Teaching Toward Hope: Human Rights Issues in Contemporary Latin American Cultural Studies, Clary S. Loisel
SRVY 108.B01: Basic Surveying I, Lawrence S. Reinholz