This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2019
CSCI 480.01: Applied Parallel Computing Techniques, Travis J. Wheeler
CSCI 491.01M: ST - Database Security, Michael L. Martin
CSCI 564.01: Applications of Mining Big Data, Robert A. Smith
CSCI 580.01: Applied Parallel Computing Techniques, Travis J. Wheeler
CSCI 591.01M: ST - Database Security, Michael L. Martin
ECNS 201S.01: Principles of Microeconomics, Ivan H. Aliri
ECNS 201S.02: Principles of Microeconomics, Ivan H. Aliri
ECNS 202S.01: Principles of Macroeconomics, Jeffrey T. Bookwalter
ECNS 202S.02: Principles of Macroeconomics, Ivan H. Aliri
ECNS 301.01: Intermediate Mircoeconomics with Calculus, Jeffrey T. Bookwalter
ECNS 302.01: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 313.01: Money and Banking, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 325.01: Economics of Sports, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 445.01: International Environment Economics and Climate Change, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 450.01: Advanced Topics in Economic Development, Katrina Mullan
ECNS 481.01: Communicating Economics, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 513.01: Macroeconomic Theory, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 560.01: Advanced Econometrics, Amanda E. Dawsey
ENSC 470.01: Agroecology, Ethan Smith
ENST 230H.01: Nature and Society, Peter McDonough
ENST 310.01: Environment Montana - A to Z, Rosalyn Rae La Pier
ENST 373A.01: Nature Works, Phil Condon
ENST 382.01: Environmental Law, Leonard Broberg
ENST 396.06: Supervised Internship - Native Plants, Rosalyn Rae La Pier
ENST 476.01A: Environmental Citizen SVC/LRN, Robin Saha
ENST 480.01: Food Justice and Sustainability, Neva Hassanein
ENST 555.01: Research Methods for Social Change, Neva Hassanein
ENST 590.06: Supervised Internship - Native Plants, Rosalyn Rae La Pier
ENST 594.03: Grad Seminar - Environmental Law for Non-Lawyers, Leonard Broberg
ENST 594.05: Seminar - Environment Health in Native American Communities, Rosalyn Rae La Pier
ENST 594.06: Environmental Policy - Legislative Process, Robin Saha
ENST 595.01: Environmental Leadership Series, Robin Saha
ENT 441.01: Teaching Reading and Literature, Leanne M. Deschamps
ENT 548.50: Portfolios & Assessment in English Language Arts, Dana K. Haring
ERTH 303N.50: Weather and Climate, Anna E. Klene
FILM 300.01: History of Film, Tobin W. Addington
FILM 365.01: Latin American Civilization Through Literature and Film, Clary S. Loisel
FILM 365.01: Latin American Civilization Through Literature and Film, Clary S. Loisel
FRCH 102.01: Elementary French II, Elizabeth A. Hubble
FRCH 102.02: Elementary French II, Anna Kristen Lokowich
FRCH 102.03: Elementary French II, Anna Kristen Lokowich
FRCH 202.01: Intermediate French II, M. Ione Crummy
FRCH 313.01: Literature and Culture III - French and Francophone Literatures and Cultures of the 20th Century, Elizabeth A. Hubble
FRCH 350.01: French Civilization and Culture, M. Ione Crummy
FRCH 430.01: Studies in French Drama, M. Ione Crummy
GEO 101N.01: Introduction to Physical Geology, Julia A. Baldwin
GEO 107N.50: Natural Disasters, Hilary Martens
GEO 191N.01: ST - Geology of National Parks, James W. Sears
GEO 211.01: Earth's History and Evolution, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 309.01: Sedimentation and Stratigraphy, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 420.01: Hydrogeology, William P. Gardner
GEO 488.01: Snow, Ice and Climate, Joel T. Harper
GEO 585.01: Topic - Hydrologic Modleing, Marco P. Maneta Lopez
GEO 595.01: ST - Numeracy: The Power of Numbers, Rebecca O. Bendick Kier
GH 191.01: ST: Elementary Hindi I, Ekta Gupta
GH 191.02: ST - Elementary Hindi I, Ekta Gupta
GH 326.01: Stories East and West, Ruth Vanita
GPHY 111N.01: Intro to Physical Geography, Rebecca A. Kranitz
GPHY 112N.01: Introduction to Physical Geography Lab, Anna E. Klene
GPHY 121S.01: Human Geography, Rebecca A. Kranitz
GPHY 141S.01: Geography of World Regions, Sarah Halvorson
GPHY 338.01: Mountains & Society, Sarah Halvorson
GPHY 433.01: Community Resilience, David D. Shively
GPHY 560.01: Seminar in Planning, David D. Shively
GRK 101.01: Elementary Greek I, Hayden W. Ausland
GRMN 102.01: Elementary German II, Magdalena A. Bechter
GRMN 102.02: Elementary German II, Elizabeth Graff Ametsbichler
GRMN 102.03: Elementary German II, Elizabeth Graff Ametsbichler
GRMN 106H.50: Introduction to German Culture and Civilization, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 202.01: Intermediate German II, Hiltrudis Arens
GRMN 302.01: German Oral and Written Expression II, Hiltrudis Arens
GRMN 351H.01: German Culture - Beginnings to Romanticism, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 451.01: 20th Century German Literature to 1945, Hiltrudis Arens
HSTA 102H.01: American History II, Michael S. Mayer
HSTA 104H.80: Honors American History II, Michael S. Mayer
HSTA 320.01: Birth of Modern US, Jeffrey M. Wiltse
HSTA 347.01: Voodoo, Muslim, Church - Black Religion, Tobin Miller Shearer
HSTA 371H.01: Women in America - Civil War to Present, Anya Jabour
HSTA 461.01: Research in Montana History, Jeffrey M. Wiltse
HSTA 594.02: Graduate Research Seminar, Anya Jabour
HSTA 595.01: ST - Race, Religion and Radicalism in US History, Tobin Shearer
HSTR 102H.01: Western Civilization II, Robert H. Greene
HSTR 104H.80: Honors Western Civilization II, Robert H. Greene
HSTR 200.01: Introduction: Historical Methods, Michael S. Mayer
HSTR 200.02: Introduction to Historical Methods, Robert H. Greene
HSTR 264H.01: Islamic Civilization - Modern Era, Mehrdad Kia
HSTR 272E.01: Terrorism - Violence in the Modern World, Richard Drake
HSTR 291.80: ST - Honors Terrorism Seminar, Richard Drake
HSTR 300.01: Writing for History, John A. Eglin
HSTR 350.01: Modern Britain, John A. Eglin
HSTR 353.01: Modern France, Gillian Beth Glaes
HSTR 368.01: Iran Between Two Revolutions, Mehrdad Kia
HSTR 369.01: Twentieth Century American West, Leif M. Fredrickson
IRSH 391.01: ST - Rockn' Rebels: Irish Music, Erin C. Wecker
JPNS 102.01: Elementary Japanese II, Brian Dowdle
JPNS 102.02: Elementary Japanese II, Shoichi Ueda
JPNS 202.01: Intermediate Japanese II, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 302.01: Advanced Japanese, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 392.01: IS - Supplementary Intermediate Japanese, Michihiro Ama
JRNL 100H.01: Media History and Literacy, Lee M. Banville