This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2019
BIOE 428.00: Freshwater Ecology, Winsor H. Lowe
BIOE 447.01: Ecosystem Ecology, Benjamin P. Colman
BIOH 113.01: Human Form and Function II, Andrea T. Green
BIOH 280.01: From Molecules to Mind - Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Christopher M. Comer and Nathan Insel
BIOH 370.00: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions II, Laurie A. Minns
BIOH 370.80: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions II, Laurie A. Minns
BIOH 380.01: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience, Darrell A. Jackson
BIOH 457.80: Cadaver Dissection II, Laurie A. Minns
BIOH 462.01: Principles of Medical Physiology, Laurie A. Minns
BIOH 463.80: Human Anatomy and Physiology II Tutor, Laurie A. Minns
BIOL 435.01: Comparative Animal Physiology, Art Woods
BIOM 227.01: Vectors and Parasites, James D. Driver
BIOM 250N.01: Microbiology for Health Sciences, James D. Driver
BIOM 402.01: Medical Bacteriology and Mycology, Michael F. Minnick
BIOM 403.01: Medical Bacteriology and Mycology Lab, Michael F. Minnick
BIOM 410.01: Microbial Genetics, William Holben
BIOM 411.01: Experimental Microbial Genetics Lab, William Holben
BIOM 415.01: Microbial Diversity Ecology & Evolution, Matthew Church
BIOM 435.01: Virology, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOM 491.01: ST - Host-Microbe Interactions, Brandon Cooper
BIOM 502.01: Advanced Immunology, Scott A. Wetzel
BIOM 535.01: Advanced Virology, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOM 594.01: Professional Seminar, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOO 105N.00: Introduction to Botany, Edwin J. Burke
BIOO 335.00: Rocky Mountain Flora, Lila Fishman
BIOO 335.02: Rocky Mountain Flora Lab, Lila Fishman
BIOO 433.01: Plant Physiology, Anna Sala
BIOO 434.02: Plant Physiology Lab, Anna Sala
BIOO 470.00: Ornithology, Zachary A. Cheviron
BIOS 534.01: Integrated Systems Ecology, John S. Kimball
BIOS 595.01: ST - Systems Ecology Seminar, Diana L. Six
CCS 303N.50: Weather and Climate, Anna E. Klene
CHIN 102.01: Elementary Chinese II, Zhen Cao
CHIN 202.01: Intermediate Chinese II, Wei Tao
CHIN 313L.01: Chinese Poetry in Translation, Zhen Cao
CHIN 391.01L: ST - Chinese Culture Through Films, Zhen Cao
CHMY 121N.00: Introduction to General Chemistry, Brittany Danielle Busby
CHMY 122.01: Introduction to General Chemistry Lab, Brittany Danielle Busby
CHMY 122.02: Introduction to General Chemistry Lab, Brittany Danielle Busby
CHMY 123.00: Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry, Brooke Martin
CHMY 141N.00: College Chemistry I, Kent D. Sugden
CHMY 142N.01: College Chemistry I Lab, Earle R. Adams
CHMY 142N.02: College Chemistry I Lab, Earle R. Adams
CHMY 142N.03: College Chemistry I Lab, Earle Adams
CHMY 142N.04: College Chemistry I Lab, Earle R. Adams
CHMY 143N.00: College Chemistry II, Mark S. Cracolice
CHMY 144N.01: College Chemistry II Lab, Mark S. Cracolice
CHMY 223.01: Organic Chemistry II, Orion B. Berryman
CHMY 291.01: ST - Chemistry in the Environment, Lu Hu
CHMY 371.01: Physical Chemistry - Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy, Xi Chu
CHMY 397.01: Teaching Chemistry, Mark S. Cracolice
CHMY 421.00: Advanced Instrument Analysis, Michael DeGrandpre
CHMY 568.01: Organometallic Chemistry, Dong Wang
CHMY 595.01: ST - Mass Spectroscopy, Christopher P. Palmer
CHMY 595.02: ST - Chemistry in the Environment, Lu Hu
CJUS 125N.50: Fundamentals of Forensic Science, Katherine S. Jackson
CLAS 251L.01: The Epic, Matthew S. Semanoff
COMX 115S.01: Introduction to Interpersonal Communications, Christina M. Yoshimura
COMX 202S.01: Nonverbal Communication, Christina M. Yoshimura
COMX 204X.50: International and Development Communication, Phyllis B. Ngai
COMX 311.01: Family Communication, Christina M. Yoshimura
COMX 312.80: Forensics, Joel O. Iverson
COMX 352.50: Public Relations Portfolio, Lucy A.C. Beighle
COMX 380.01: Gender and Communication, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 415.02: Intercultural Communication, Phyllis B. Ngai
COMX 421.01: Communication in Nonprofit Organizations, Betsy Wackernagel Bach
COMX 424.01M: Risk, Crisis, and Communication, Joel O. Iverson
COMX 425.01M: Communication in Health Organizations, Joel O. Iverson
COMX 445.01: Rhetorical Criticism and Theory, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 460.01: Research Methods, Christina M. Yoshimura
COMX 491.01: ST - Organization and Identity, Gregory S. Larson
COMX 491.03: ST - Feminism and Film, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 493.80: SA - Experiences of Human Strength and Virtue, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 561.01: Qualitative Research Methods, Betsy Bach
CRWR 210A.01: Intro to Fiction Workshop, Jesse D. Durovey
CRWR 210A.02: Intro to Fiction Workshop, Kylie M. Westerlind
CRWR 211.01: Intro to Poetry Workshop, Riley R. Woods
CRWR 212A.01: Intro Nonfiction Workshop, Jennifer A. Sheets
CRWR 234.01: The Oval - Literary Magazine, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 310.02: Intermediate Fiction Workshop, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 312A.01: Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 411.01: Advanced Poetry Workshop, Joanna Klink
CRWR 412.01: Advanced Creative Writing - Nonfiction, Bryan R. Disalvatore
CRWR 510.01: Fiction Workshop, Deirdre McNamer
CRWR 511.01: Poetry Workshop, Joanna Klink
CRWR 512.01: Nonfiction Workshop, Bryan R. Disalvatore
CRWR 513.01: Techniques of Nonfiction, Judy Blunt
CRWR 514.01: Techniques of Modern Fiction, Deirdre McNamer
CRWR 515.01: Traditional Prosody, Stacy A. Szymaszek
CRWR 595.02: ST - Lives of Writers, Stacy A. Szymaszek
CSCI 100.00: Introduction to Programming, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 135.00: Fundamentals of Computer Science I, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 136.00: Fundamentals of Computer Science II, Marshall B. Pierce
CSCI 205.01: Programming Languages w/C/C++, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 332.01: Design/Analysis of Algorithms, Oliver Serang
CSCI 361.01: Computer Architecture, Jesse Johnson
CSCI 391.03: ST - Game Design/Programming, Michael Cassens
CSCI 427.01: Advanced Programming Theory/Practice II, Yolanda Reimer
CSCI 460.01: Operating Systems, Douglas Raiford
CSCI 464.01: Applications of Mining Big Data, Robert A. Smith