This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2019
M 132.02: Number and Operations for Elementary School Teachers, Richard A. Darnell
M 133.01: Geometry and Measurement for Elementary School Teachers, Bharath Sriraman
M 133.02: Geometry and Measurement for Elementary School Teachers, Matt B. Roscoe
M 151.02: Precalculus, Regina P. Souza
M 162.00: Applied Calculus, Leonid Kalachev
M 162.10: Applied Calculus, Lauren S. Fern
M 171.02: Calculus I, Karel M. Stroethoff
M 171.03: Calculus I, Richard D. Brown
M 172.01: Calculus II, Elizabeth A. Gillaspy
M 172.02: Calculus II, Nikolaus Vonessen
M 172.03: Calculus II, Kelly L. McKinnie
M 191.01: ST - M 115 Plus, Lauren S. Fern
M 191.02: ST - M 115 Plus, Lauren S. Fern
M 210.01: Introduction to Mathematical Software, Karel M. Stroethoff
M 221.01: Introduction to Linear Algebra, Javier P. Alvaro
M 221.02: Introduction to Linear Algebra, Javier P. Alvaro
M 234.01: Higher Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, Richard A. Darnell
M 234.02: Higher Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, Ke Wu
M 307.01: Introduction to Abstract Mathematics, Jennifer L. Brooks
M 326.01: Number Theory, Matt B. Roscoe
M 361.01: Discrete Optimization, Mark Kayll
M 412.01: Partial Differential Equations, Emily F. Stone
M 414.01: Deterministic Models, Leonid Kalachev
M 429.01: History of Mathematics, Bharath Sriraman
M 462.01: Theoretical Basics of Big Data Analytics and Real Time Computation Algorithms, Brian M. Steele
M 467.01: Data Science Projects, Brian M. Steele
M 472.01: Introduction to Complex Analysis, Elizabeth A. Gillaspy
M 500.50: Current Mathematical Curricula, Frederick Peck
M 562.01: Advanced Theoretical Big Data Analytics, Brian M. Steele
M 564.01: Topics in Analysis, Jennifer L. Brooks
M 567.01: Advanced Big Data Analytics Projects, Brian M. Steele
M 584.01: Topics in Combinatorics and Optimization, Cory T. Palmer
MCLG 110.01: Introduction to European Studies, Marton M. Marko and Clint Walker
MCLG 300.01: Language in the Real World - Introduction to Applied Linguistics, Pablo E. Requena
NASX 235X.01: Oral and Written Traditions of Native Americans, Martin I. Lopez and Kathryn Shanley
NASX 465.01: History of American Indian Affairs in the 19th Century, Wade M. Davies
NASX 475.01: Tribal Sovereignty, David R M Beck
NASX 494.01: Reading Seminar in Native American Studies, David Beck
PHL 110E.01: Introduction to Ethics, Bridget Clarke
PHL 110E.03: Introduction to Ethics, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 110E.50: Introduction to Ethics, Melodie Velasco Stenger
PHL 112E.01: Introduction to Ethics and Environment, Christopher J. Preston
PHL 210E.80: Moral Philosophy, Melodie Velasco Stenger
PHL 241N.01: History and Philosophy of Science, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 262Y.01: History of Modern Philosophy, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 262Y.80: History of Modern Philosophy, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 316.01: Heidegger and Contemporary Culture, Patrick M. Burke and Phil Fandozzi
PHL 391.80: ST - Applied Logic, Soazig Le Bihan
PHL 407.01: Epistemology, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 407.80: Epistemology, Armond J. Duwell
PHL 422.01: Environmental Philosophy, Christopher J. Preston
PHL 466.01: Aristotle, Matthew S. Strohl
PHL 467.01: NCCP - Nietzsche, Paul Muench
PHL 499.01: Senior Seminar, Deborah Slicer
PHL 510.01: Philosophy Forum Colloquium, Deborah Slicer and Albert Borgmann
PHSX 205N.02: College Physics I, Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 206N.01: College Physics I Laboratory, Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 206N.02: College Physics I Laboratory, Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 206N.04: College Physics I Laboratory, Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 217N.01: Fundamentals of Physics with Calculus II, David A. Macaluso
PHSX 218N.00: Physics Lab II w/Calculus, Jaylene R. Naylor
PHSX 301.01: Intro to Theoretical Physics, Eijiro Uchimoto
PHSX 320.01: Classical Mechanics, Braford L. Halfpap
PHSX 425.01: Electricity and Magnetism II, Eijiro Uchimoto
PHSX 456.01: General Relativity, Alexander P. Bulmahn
PSCI 191.01: ST - Global Public Health, Peter Koehn
PSCI 210S.01: Introduction to American Government, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 220S.01: Introduction to Comparative Government, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 227.01: Global Health Issues, Peter Koehn
PSCI 230X.01: Introduction to International Relations, Karen Adams
PSCI 250E.01: Introduction to Political Theory, Ramona Grey
PSCI 334.01: International Security, Karen Kaley
PSCI 336.01M: European Union, Eva Maggi
PSCI 342.01: Media, Public Opinion, and Polling, Christopher P. Muste
PSCI 348.01: US Multicultural Politics, Christopher P. Muste
PSCI 352.01: American Political Thought, Ramona Grey
PSCI 365.01: Public Policy Issues and Analysis, Jeffrey D. Greene
PSCI 440.02: Exp Off - Supreme Court, William P. McLauchlan
PSCI 443.01: Politics of Social Movements, Paul Haber
PSCI 448.50: Health Care Policy, Robert P. Saldin
PSCI 467.80: Advanced Nonprofit Administration, Keri A. McWilliams
PSCI 520.01: Comparative Government, Abhishek Chatterjee
PSCI 524.01: Management Skills, Peter Koehn
PSCI 540.01: American Government, Robert P. Saldin
PSYX 100S.01: Introduction to Psychology, Hannes Heppner
PSYX 100S.02: Introduction to Psychology, James D. McFarland
PSYX 100S.03: Introduction to Psychology, Phoebe S. Bean
PSYX 100S.04: Intro to Psychology, Cali Caughie
PSYX 100S.50: Introduction to Psychology, Oak Reed
PSYX 120.01: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods I, Kinsie Jean Dunham
PSYX 120.50: Introduction to Psychological Research Methods I, Susan Greene
PSYX 222.01: Psychological Statistics, Daniel Denis
PSYX 233.50: Fundamentals of the Psychology of Aging, Nora Grace Uhrich
PSYX 250N.02: Fundamentals of Biological Psychology, Robert S. Hall
PSYX 270.01: Fundamental Psychology of Learning, Alexandra Buscaglia
PSYX 270.50: Fundamental Psychology of Learning, Bethany Grace Gorter
PSYX 280.01: Fundamentals of Memory and Cognition, Yoohee Jang
PSYX 298.01: Service Learning Internship, David Schuldberg
PSYX 320.01: Research Methods III, Yoohee Jang
PSYX 330.01: Child Development, Rachel L. Severson