This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2020
HSTA 255.01: Montana History, Jeffrey M. Wiltse
HSTA 255.02: Montana History, Jeffrey M. Wiltse
HSTA 333.01: United States Military History -- World War II Seen through Modern Eyes, James V. Koch
HSTA 342H.50E: African American History to 1865, Patrick J. O'Connor
HSTA 370H.50: Women in America from the Colonial Era to the Civil War (Online), Anya Jabour
HSTA 385.R01: Families and Children in America, Anya Jabour
HSTA 391.01: COVID-19 and History - Disease and Disaster in Perspective, Leif M. Fredrickson
HSTA 391.50B: Special Topic - Covid-19 and History: Disease and Disaster in Perspective, Leif M. Fredrickson
HSTA 391.80: COVID-19 and History: Disease and Disaster in Perspective (Honors), Leif M. Fredrickson
HSTA 491.01: COVID-19 and History - Disease and Disaster in Perspective, Leif M. Fredrickson
HSTA 577.01: Law, Capitalism, and Democracy in U.S. History, Kyle G. Volk
HSTR 200.02: Introduction to Historical Methods, Claire Arcenas
HSTR 302H.R01: Ancient Greece, Scott Lawin Arcenas
HSTR 358.R01: Russia Since 1881, Robert H. Greene
HSTR 363.50D: Eastern Europe - Life and Death on the Eastern Front, 1939-1945, Robert H. Greene
HSTR 363.50S: Eastern Europe, Robert H. Greene
HSTR 391.50: Cold War Europe and the World, Gillian Beth Glaes
HSTR 391.R02: Europe and Refugees - A History, Gillian Beth Glaes
HSTR 400.01: History Research Seminar - Ideas and Movements in European and U.S. History, Richard Drake
IRSH 101.50: Elementary Irish I, Traolach B. O'Riordan
IRSH 102.00: Elementary Irish II, Traolach B. O'Riordan, Ellen Francis Corbett, and Cecily Maria Lynch
IRSH 202.01: Intermediate Irish II, Traolach B. O'Riordan
IRSH 202.01: Intermediate Irish II / MeanGhaeilge II, Traolach B. O'Riordan
IRSH 249.01: The History of Ireland and the Irish, Traolach B. O'Riordan
IRSH 249.01: The Irish - Pre-Norman Ireland, Traolach B. O'Riordan
IRSH 382.01: Rockin' Rebels - Popular Irish Music from Traditional to Punk, Erin Costello Wecker
JPNS 201.R01: Intermediate Japanese I, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 202.01M: Intermediate Japanese II, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 301.01: Advanced Japanese I, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 306.R01: Japanese for Business/Tour, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 312.R01: Japanese Literature Medieval to Modern in Translation - Religious Literature of Japan, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 392.R01: Independent Study - JPNS 306 Course Supplement, Michihiro Ama
LATN 101.B01: Elementary Latin I, Scott Lawin Arcenas
LATN 102.01: Elementary Latin II, Megan E. Bowen
LATN 202.01: Intermediate Latin II - Vergil, Matthew Steven Semanoff
LING 270S.50: Introduction to Linguistics, Irene Appelbaum
LING 375X.01: Linguistic Ecology and Language Endangerment, Leora Bar-el
LING 473.50: Language and Culture, Irene Appelbaum
LING 474.01: Historical Linguistics, Tully J. Thibeau
LING 489.01: Morphology, Tully J. Thibeau
LING 570.01: Graduate Seminar in Linguistics - Temporal / Aspectual Systems, Leora Bar-el
LING 573.50: Language and Culture, Irene Appelbaum
LING 574.01: Historical Linguistics, Tully J. Thibeau
LING 589.01: Morphology, Tully J. Thibeau
LIT 110L.01: Introduction to Literature, Rob Browning
LIT 110L.51D: Introduction to Literature, Henrietta Spencer Goodman
LIT 110L.80: Introduction to Literature - Literature and the Brain (Honors), Ashby Kinch
LIT 110L.R03: Introduction to Literature - Montana Literature, Brady Harrison
LIT 246L.B01: Genres, Themes, and Approaches - The North American Short Story, Quan M. Ha
LIT 319E.R01: Talking to God - The Bhagavad-Gita, Ruth Vanita
LIT 327.R01: Shakespeare, Ruth Vanita
LIT 522.03: Seminar on Comparative Literature - The Contemporary Novel, Brady Harrison
LIT 522.B01: Seminar on Comparative Literature - Virginia Woolf and Samuel Beckett, Robert E. Baker
M 105.50: Contemporary Mathematics, Lauren Sara Fern and Shurong Li
M 105.R01: Contemporary Mathematics, Lauren Sara Fern
M 115.00: Probability and Linear Math, Lauren Sara Fern
M 115.R16: Probability and Linear Math Plus, Lauren Sara Fern and Deborah Ann Pearlman
M 115.R17: Probability and Linear Math Plus, Lauren Sara Fern and Deborah Ann Pearlman
M 121.R05: College Algebra Plus, Lauren Sara Fern
M 132.B01: Numbers and Operations for Elementary School Teachers, Matt B. Roscoe
M 132.B02: Numbers and Operations for Elementary School Teachers, Frederick Peck
M 133.01: Geometry and Measurement for K-8 Teachers, Bharath Sriraman
M 133.B02: Geometry and Measurement for K-8 Teachers, Bharath Sriraman
M 151.B01: Pre-Calculus, Ryan Patrick Wood
M 151.R02: Pre-Calculus, Regina P. Souza
M 162.50: Applied Calculus (Online), Caleb Huber and Lauren Sara Fern
M 162.R00: Applied Calculus, Leonid Kalachev
M 171.00: Calculus I, Karel M. Stroethoff, Ian Russell Gonzales, Samuel Joseph Lippert, Scott Payne, and Eric Benjamin Wagner
M 171.50: Calculus I (Online), Kelly McKinnie
M 172.02: Calculus II, Caleb B. Huber
M 172.R01: Calculus II, Nikolaus Vonessen
M 191.R05: Special Topics - M 105 Plus, Lauren Sara Fern
M 221.01: Introduction to Linear Algebra, Javier Perez-Alvaro
M 225.R02: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Cory T. Palmer
M 234.B01: Higher Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, Ke Wu
M 273.01: Multivariable Calculus, Johnathan M. Bardsley
M 307.R01: Introduction to Abstract Mathematics, Elizabeth A. Gillaspy
M 362.01: Linear Optimization, Mark Kayll
M 363.B01: Linear Optimization Laboratory, Mark Kayll
M 381.R01: Advanced Calculus I, Elizabeth A. Gillaspy
M 391.01: Special Topics - Topics in Ordinary Differential Equations, Eric Chesebro
M 431.R01: Abstract Algebra I, Nikolaus Vonessen
M 439.B01: Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry, Matt B. Roscoe
M 440.01: Numerical Analysis, Johnathan M. Bardsley
M 461.B01: Data Science Analytics, Javier Perez-Alvaro
M 485.R01: Graph Theory, Cory T. Palmer
M 511.B01: Applied Mathematical Methods I, Emily F. Stone
M 524.B01: Topics in Algebra - A Second Course in Elementary Number Theory, Kelly L. McKinnie
M 531.B01: Introduction to Topology, Eric Chesebro
M 540.B01: Numerical Methods for Computational and Data Science, Johnathan M. Bardsley
M 561.B01: Advanced Data Science Analytics, Javier Perez-Alvaro
M 582.B01: Optimization, Mark Kayll
M 605.50: Learning Theories in Mathematics, Bharath Sriraman
MCH 101.B01: Introduction to Manufacturing Process, Jeffrey J. John
MCH 114.B00: Related Metals Processes - WEL I, Brad Platts
MCH 120.B01: Blueprint Reading and Interpretation for Machining, Jeffrey J. John
MCH 129.B01: Machine Quality Control and Precision Measurements, Jeffrey J. John
MCH 132.B01: Introduction to Manual Engine Lathes, Jeffrey J. John
MCH 134.B01: Introduction to Manual Mills, Jeffrey J. John
PHL 101L.R01: Introduction to Philosophy, Matthew S. Strohl