This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2020
COMX 415.50: Intercultural Communications - Online, Phyllis B. Ngai
COMX 424.B01: Risk, Crisis, and Communication, Joel O. Iverson
COMX 445.R01: Rhetorical Criticism and Theory, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 460.B01: Communication Research Methods, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 461.B00: Communication Research Seminar Lab, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 480.50: Health Communication - Online, Heather L. Voorhees
COMX 491.B01: "It Runs in the Family" - Health and Family, Heather L. Voorhees
COMX 555.R01: Seminar in Rhetorical Criticism and Theory, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 591.B01: Organizations and Communicating Community, Joel O. Iverson
CRWR 115L.01 - Montana Writers Live, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 212A.50F: Introduction to Nonfiction Workshop, Kelly Renee Schirmann
CRWR 310.01: Intermediate Fiction Workshop, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 311.01: Intermediate Poetry Workshop, Keetje Kuipers
CRWR 312A.01: Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 410.01: Advanced Fiction Workshop, Boris Fishman
CRWR 411.01: Advanced Poetry Workshop, Sean Hill
CRWR 510.01: Fiction Workshop, Boris Fishman
CRWR 511.01: Poetry Workshop, Keetje Kuipers
CRWR 512.01: Nonfiction Workshop, Judy Blunt
CRWR 595.01: Special Topic - After: Influences and imitations, Sean Hill
CSTN 120.B01: Carpentry Basics and Rough Framing, James M. Schafer
CSTN 122.B01: Beginning Carpentry Lab, Jared Walter Wilson and James M. Schafer
CSTN 171.B01: Site Work, Foundations, and Concrete, John R. Freer
CSTN 261.B01: Building Management, John R. Freer
CSTN 282.B01: Green Building Concepts and Design I, John R. Freer
CSTN 299.B01: Capstone - Carpentry Lab, Jared Walter Wilson
DST 128.B01: Engine Service I, James D. Headlee
DST 135.B01: Power Trains, James D. Headlee
DST 221.B01: Brakes, Suspension, and Undercarriage, James R. Harris
DST 225.B01: Hydraulics, James R. Harris
ECNS 201S.50: Principles of Microeconomics, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 201S.R01: Principles of Microeconomics, Jeffrey T. Bookwalter
ECNS 202S.B02: Principles of Macroeconomics, Jeffrey T. Bookwalter
ECNS 202S.R01: Principles of Macroeconomics, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 301.R01: Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 320.R01: Public Finance, Amanda E. Dawsey
ECNS 403.R01: Introduction to Econometrics, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 433.R01: Economics of the Environment, Katrina Mullan
ECNS 451.R01: Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 551.B01: Microeconomic Theory, Derek K. Kellenberg
EDU 331.R01: Literature and Literacy for Children, Charity N. Atteberry
ENSC 105N.01: Environmental Science, Katie E. Nelson
ENSC 501.01: Scientific Approaches to Environmental Problems, Leonard Broberg
ENSC 594.01: Graduate Seminar - Applied Ecology, Leonard Broberg
ENST 230H.01: Nature and Society in Western Society, Daniel T. Spencer
ENST 310.01: Environment Montana - A to Z, Neva Hassanein
ENST 335L.R01: The Environmental Vision, Phil Condon
ENST 367.R01: Environmental Politics and Policies, Robin Saha
ENST 391.01B: Special Topics - Zero Waste Communities, Sarah Blyth Lundquist
ENST 396.00: Supervised PEAS Internship, Caroline M. Stephens
ENST 420.50B: U.S. Environmental Movement, Brittany Palmer
ENST 489S.R01: Environmental Justice Issues and Solutions, Robin Saha
ENST 519.01: Foundations of Change, Neva Hassanein
ENST 570.01: Ethics and Restoration, Daniel T. Spencer
ENST 573.R01: Environmental Writing, Phil Condon
ENST 580.01: The Politics of Food, Neva Hassanein
ENST 590.00: Supervised PEAS Internship, Caroline M. Stephens
ENST 595.01: Environmental Justice Issues and Solution, Robin Saha
ENT 439.01: Studies in Young Adult Literature, Beverly Ann Chin
ENT 440.01: Teaching Writing, Beverly Ann Chin
ENT 544.01: Creative Drama in the English Class, Beverly Ann Chin
ENT 595.50S: Special Topics - Teaching Native American Texts in K-12 Classrooms, Dana Kay Haring
FILM 448.01: Documentary - Theory and Practice, Sean O'Brien
FILM 448.01: Documentary - Theory and Practice, Sean O'Brien
FRCH 101.50: Elementary French I (Online), Anna Kristen Lokowich
FRCH 101.B02: Elementary French I, Elizabeth A. Hubble
FRCH 102.01: Elementary French II, Elizabeth A. Hubble
FRCH 102.02: Elementary French II, Anna Kristen Lokowich
FRCH 102.03: Elementary French II, Anna Kristen Lokowich
FRCH 202.01: Intermediate French II, M. Ione Crummy
FRCH 310.01: French Literature and Culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance - Women and Women Authors in the Premodern World, Elizabeth A. Hubble
FRCH 494.01: Seminar/Workshop - Studies in French Prose, M. Ione Crummy
GBLD 194.01: Seminar - Afghanistan: Legend and History, Matthew Steven Semanoff
GEO 101N.B01: Introduction to Physical Geology, James W. Sears
GEO 107N.50: Natural Disasters (Online), Hilary R. Martens
GEO 201.01: Geologic Evolution and History of North America, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 224N.R00: General Science - Physics and Geoscience, Hilary R. Martens
GEO 315.01: Structural Geology, James W. Sears
GEO 318.R01: Earth's Changing Climate, Joel T. Harper
GEO 443.01: Principles of Sedimentary Petrology, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 508.01: Fundamentals of Graduate Academic Research, Joel T. Harper
GRK 102.01: Elementary Greek II, Matthew Steven Semanoff
GRMN 102.01: Elementary German II, Marton M. Marko and Anna M. Stoeffelbauer
GRMN 102.02: Elementary German II, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 102.03: Elementary German II, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 201.R02: Intermediate German I, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 202.01: Intermediate German II, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 301.R01: Studies in German Literature, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 302.01: Studies in German Language, Media, and Culture II, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 311.R01: Introduction to German Literature, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 352H.01: German Culture - Romanticism to the Present, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 453.01: German Literature Since Unification, Hiltrudis M. Arens
HEO 146.B01: Safety and Basic Controls, Lawrence S. Reinholz
HEO 148.B01: Operational Skill Building, Lawrence S. Reinholz
HEO 151.B01: Service and Maintenance, Lawrence S. Reinholz
HONR 370.R01: Pre-Law Seminar, Soazig Le Bihan
HSTA 101H.00: American History I, Claire Arcenas
HSTA 101H.50: American History I (Online), Kyle G. Volk
HSTA 101H.50B: American History I, Kyle G. Volk
HSTA 103H.B80: American History I (Honors), Claire Arcenas