This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2020
STAT 216.00: Introduction to Statistics, Frederick Peck, Ian Derickson, and Kurt Swimley
STAT 341.01: Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Anastasia Marie Halfpap
STAT 421.B01: Probability Theory, Jonathan Mills Graham
STAT 451.R00: Statistical Methods I, David A. Patterson
WGSS 163L.B01: Historical and Literary Perspectives on Women, Elizabeth A. Hubble
WGSS 263S.50: Social and Political Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality (Online), Cris Jardon
WLDG 101.B00: Introductory Welding for Diesel, Phil Michael Patrick
WLDG 150.B01: Welding Layout Techniques, Brad Platts
WLDG 180.B01: SMAW and Oxyacetylene Welding, Zachary W. Reddig
WLDG 205.B01: Applied Metallurgy, Brad Platts
WLDG 210.B01: Pipe Welding - Integrated Lab, Zachary W. Reddig
WLDG 215.B01: GTAW - Integrated Lab, Brad Platts
WRIT 101.01: College Writing I, Sierra L. Pritchard
WRIT 101.02: College Writing I, Lia R. Mendez
WRIT 101.03: College Writing I, Zoey T. Greenberg
WRIT 101.04: College Writing I, Sam B. Robison
WRIT 101.05: College Writing I, Alina C. Cohen
WRIT 101.06: College Writing I, Luke G. Smith
WRIT 101.07: College Writing I, Claire C. Compton
WRIT 101.08: College Writing I, Paulina B. Jenney
WRIT 101.09: College Writing I, Katelyn E. Garcia
WRIT 101.11: College Writing I, Winthrop E. Knowlton
WRIT 101.50: College Writing I (Online), Amy E. Ratto-Parks
WRIT 101.50F: College Writing I, Miranda Ruby Morgan
WRIT 101.50H: College Writing I, Miranda Ruby Morgan
WRIT 101.B13: College Writing I, Emily Collins
WRIT 101.B15: College Writing I, Peter Zillmer
WRIT 101.B17: College Writing I, Madeline R. Tecmire
WRIT 101.B22: College Writing I, Amy H. Katz
WRIT 101.R12: College Writing I, Sabrina B. Black
WRIT 101.R14: College Writing I, Mirela Music
WRIT 101.R16: College Writing I, Christopher H. Nicholson
WRIT 201.01: Intermediate College Writing II - Humor and Rhetoric, Jesse T. Nee-Vogelman
WRIT 201.02: Intermediate College Writing II - Exploring Rhetoric through Contemporary Music, William A. Doehring
WRIT 201.03: Intermediate College Writing II - Rhetoric of Modern Catharsis, Alyx B. Chandler
WRIT 201.06: Intermediate College Writing II - Rhetoric and Music Writing, Liana E. Woodward
WRIT 201.50F: College Writing II, Kelly Renee Schirmann
WRIT 201.50: Intermediate College Writing II - Mind, Brain, and Rhetoric, Amy E. Ratto-Parks
WRIT 201.51: Intermediate College Writing II - Writing the Body: The Rhetoric of Health and Illness (Online), Erik Norbie
WRIT 201.R04: Intermediate College Writing II - Rhetoric and Radio, Joanna L. Keilp
WRIT 540.R01: Practicum and Mentorship in Teaching College Composition, Erin Costello Wecker
Submissions from 2019
AAST 141H.01: Black - From Africa to HIp=Hop, Tobin Miller Shearer
AAST 391.01: ST - Race, Inequality & Education, Eliot Graham
AAST 391.01: White Supremacy History and Defeat, Tobin Miller Shearer
AAST 391.50: Black Women: Race, Gender, and Sexuality, Rondee Gaines
ANTY 101H.02: Anthropology and the Human Experience, David G. Kerr
ANTY 101H.80: Anthropology and the Human Experience, David G. Kerr
ANTY 210N.01: Intro to Physical Anthropology, Kirsten Green
ANTY 250S.01: Intro to Archaeology, John E. Douglas
ANTY 323X.01: Native Peoples of Montana, Gregory R. Campbell
ANTY 326E.01: Indigenous Peoples & the Ethics of Development, Neyooxet Greymorning
ANTY 330X.01: Native peoples of the Greater South West, Gregory R. Campbell
ANTY 352X.01 Archaeology of Montana, Douglas Macdonald
ANTY 354H.01: Mesoamerican Prehistory, Jean T. Larmon
ANTY 408.01: Advanced Anthropological Statistics, Randall R. Skelton
ANTY 413.01: Forensic and Mortuary Archaeology, Kirsten Green
ANTY 415.01: Emergence of Modern Humans, Meradeth H. Snow
ANTY 418.01: Evolution and Genetic Variation in Human Populations, Meradeth H. Snow
ANTY 422.01: Mind, Culture and Society, G. G. Weix
ANTY 431.01: Ethnographic Field Methods, G. G. Weix
ANTY 452.01: GIS in Archaeology, Ethan P. Ryan
ANTY 455.01: Artifact Analysis, Cynthia R. Auge
ANTY 456.01: Historical Archaeology, Nikki Manning
ANTY 476.01: Methods for Native Languages, Neyooxet Greymorning
ANTY 512.01: Advanced Forensic Anthropology, Randall R. Skelton
ANTY 513.01: Seminar - Bioarchaeology & Skeletal Biology, Kirsten G. Mink
ANTY 522.01: Medical Anthropology, Gilbert Quintero
ANTY 601.01: Research Design and Proposal Prep, Anna M. Prentiss
ANTY 602.01: Cultural Heritage Policy & Practice, Douglas MacDonald
ARAB 102.01: Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II, Khaled Huthaily
ARAB 202.01: Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II, Khaled Huthaily
ASTR 135N.02: Star, Galaxies, and the Universe Lav, Andrew Ware, Eric D. Dennison, and Ashlesha Khatiwada
ASTR 135N.03: Star, Galaxies, and the Universe Lab, Eric D. Dennison, Andrew Ware, Logan Robinette, and Chris Totzauer
ASTR 135N.04: Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe Lab, Andrew Ware, Eric D. Dennison, Jaz Dierenfield, and Travis Griffin
ASTR 135N.05: Stars, Galaxies and the Universe Lab, Eric D. Dennison and Andrew Ware
ASTR 142N.80: The Evolving Universe, Nathan T. McCrady
ASTR 353.01: Galactic Astrophysics, Nathan T. McCrady
BCH 110.01: Intro Biology for Biochemists, Scott Samuels
BCH 111.01: Intro Biology for Biochemists Lab, Scott Samuels
BCH 547.01B: Experimental Molecular, Cellular, and Chemical Biology, Brent J. Ryckman
BCH 561.01: RNA Structure & Function, John Stephen Lodmell
BCH 694.01: Biomolecular Structure & Dynamic Seminar, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOB 101N.50: Discover Biology, Andrea T. Green
BIOB 101N.51: Discover Biology, Andrea T. Green
BIOB 160N.01: Principles of Living Systems, Mark L. Grimes
BIOB 170N.01: Principles of Biological Diversity, Erick Greene
BIOB 226N.03: General Science - Earth & Life Science Lab, Andrea T. Green
BIOB 272.00: Genetics and Evolution, Douglas J. Emlen
BIOB 375.01: General Genetics, James D. Driver
BIOB 467.01: Molecular Analysis of Development, Ekaterina Voronina
BIOB 480.01: Conservation Genetics, Andrew Whiteley
BIOB 483.01: Phylogenics and Evolution, Scott R. Miller
BIOB 491.01: Watershed Science Education & Practicum, Dalit Guscio
BIOB 491.03: ST - Using R for Biostatistics, Alex V. Kumar
BIOB 491.80: Watershed Science Education & Practicum, Dalit Guscio
BIOB 547.01A: Experimental Molecular, Cellular, and Chemical Biology, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOB 567.01: Molecular Analysis of Development, Ekaterina Voronina
BIOB 595.07: ST - Ecological Models and Data, Robert O. Hall
BIOB 596.06: IS - Topics in Virology, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOE 172N.01: Introductory Ecology, H. Maurice Valett