This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2018
COMX 111A.02C: Introduction to Public Speaking, Cassandra J. Hemphill
COMX 111A.03C: Introduction to Public Speaking, Cassandra J. Hemphill
COMX 115S.01C: Introduction to Interpersonal Communications, Jennifer L. Geist
COMX 115S.03C: Introduction to Interpersonal Communications, Allison M. Sullivan
COMX 115S.50C: Introduction to Interpersonal Communications, Allison M. Sullivan
COMX 140L.01C: Introduction to Visual Rhetoric, Kimberly S. Reiser
COMX 202S.01: Nonverbal Communication, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 204X.51: International and Development Communication, Phyllis B. Ngai
COMX 205Y.01: Deliberative Democracy, Cassandra J. Hemphill
COMX 210.01: Communication in Small Groups, Betsy Wackernagel Bach
COMX 212X.01C: Introduction to Intercultural Communication, Kimberly S. Reiser
COMX 212X.50C: Introduction to Intercultural Communication, Kimberly S. Reiser
COMX 219S.01: Survey of Children's Communication, Kimberly S. Reiser
COMX 220.01M: Organizational Communication, Gregory S. Larson
COMX 222.50: Professional Communication, David Airne
COMX 240H.01: Introduction to Rhetorical Theory, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 240H.01M: Introduction to Rhetorical Theory, Steven J. Schwarze
COMX 242.01: Argumentation, Steven J. Schwarze
COMX 250.50: Intro to Public Relations, Cheryl M. Galipeau
COMX 312.80: Forensics, Joel O. Iverson
COMX 349.01M: Communication, Consumption, and Climate, Steven J. Schwarze
COMX 351.50: Principles of Public Relations, Megan K. O'Rourke
COMX 380.01M: Gender and Communication, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 391.01: ST: Sports, Gender & Communication, David Airne
COMX 398.50: Internship, Gregory S. Larson
COMX 412.01: Communication and Conflict, Phyllis B. Ngai
COMX 413.01: Communication & Conflict Writing, Alan Sillars
COMX 414.01: Communication in Personal Relationships, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 414.01: Communication in Personal Relationships, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 415.50: Intercultural Communication, Phyllis B. Ngai
COMX 421.01M: Communication in Nonprofit Organizations, Joel O. Iverson
COMX 422.01: Communication and Technology, Gregory S. Larson
COMX 423.01: Organizational Communication and Training, Betsy Wackernagel Bach
COMX 424.01: Risk Crisis & Communication, Joel O. Iverson and David Airne
COMX 447.01: Rhetorical Construction of Women, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 449.01: Rhetoric of Women's Activism, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 460.01: Communication Research Methods, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 460.01: Research Methods, Alan Sillars
COMX 461.01: Communication Research Seminar, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 485.01: Communication and Health, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 511.01: Survey of Interpersonal Communication, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 555.01: Seminar in Rhetorical Criticism and Theories, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 594.01: COMX Proseminar, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 595.01: Special Topic: Organizations and Communicating Community, Joel O. Iverson
CRWR 115L.01: Montana Writers Live, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 210A.02: Intro to Fiction Workshop, Liana J. Imam
CRWR 211A.01: Introduction to Poetry Workshop, Aya Satoh
CRWR 211A.02: Introduction to Poetry Workshop, Anna E. Zumbahlen
CRWR 212A.01: Introduction to Nonfiction Workshop, Laura A. Blake
CRWR 310.01: Intermediate Fiction Workshop, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 310.02: Intermediate Fiction Workshop, Brian H. Groh
CRWR 311.01: Intermediate Poetry Workshop, Prageeta Sharma
CRWR 312A.01: Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 410.01: Advanced Creative Writing - Fiction, Kevin M. Canty
CRWR 410.01: Advanced Fiction Workshop, Kevin M. Canty
CRWR 411.01: Advanced Poetry Workshop, Stacy A. Szymaszek
CRWR 412.01: Advanced Creative Writing - Nonfiction, Judy Blunt
CRWR 491.01: ST: Women From the Sticks, Deirdre McNamer
CRWR 491.02: ST: Short Fiction Character Development, Kathleen M. Gadbow
CRWR 491.03: ST: Poet's Journals, Stacy A. Szymaszek
CRWR 510.01: Fiction Workshop, Kevin M. Canty
CRWR 510.01: Fiction Workshop, Deirdre McNamer
CRWR 511.01: Poetry Workshop, Henrietta Spencer Goodman
CRWR 511.01: Poetry Workshop, Melissa Kwasny
CRWR 512.01: Nonfiction Workshop, Judy J. Blunt
CRWR 514.01: Techniques of Modern Fiction, Kevin M. Canty
CRWR 515.01: Traditional Prosody, Prageeta Sharma
CRWR 595.01: ST: Food Writing, Judy J. Blunt
CSCI 100.00: Introduction to Programming, Michael Cassens
CSCI 100.00: Introduction to Programming, Michael Cassens
CSCI 105.01C: Computer Fluency, Steven L. Stiff
CSCI 105.50C: Computer Fluency, Steven L. Stiff
CSCI 106.01: Careers in Computer Science, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 108.00: Interdisciplinary Computing: Practical Computational Problem Solving, Robert A. Smith
CSCI 125.00: Computation in the Sciences, Oliver Serang
CSCI 135.00: Fundamentals of Computer Science I, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 135.00: Fundamentals of Computer Science I, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 136.00: Fundamentals of Computer Science II, Michael Cassens
CSCI 136.00: Fundamentals of Computer Science II, Michael Cassens
CSCI 136.01C: Fundamentals of Computer Science II, Steven L. Stiff
CSCI 172.01C: Intro to Computer Modeling, Cheyenne L. Laue
CSCI 172.50C: Intro to Computer Modeling, Xueying Shen
CSCI 172.50: Introduction to Computer Modeling, William A. Knight
CSCI 181.00: Web Design and Programming, Yolanda Reimer
CSCI 205.00: Programming Languages w/ C/C++, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 205.02: Programming Languages w/C/C++, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 215E.50: Social & Ethical Issue in CS, Mark J. Hanson
CSCI 215E.51: Social and Ethical Issues in CS, Mark J. Hanson
CSCI 232.00: Data Structures and Algorithms, Travis J. Wheeler
CSCI 240.01: Databases and SQL, Daniel Ross Lande
CSCI 315E.01: Computers, Ethics, and Society, William A. Knight
CSCI 332.01: Design/Analysis of Algorithms, Oliver Serang
CSCI 340.01: Database Design, Yolanda Reimer
CSCI 361.01: Computer Architecture, Jesse Johnson
CSCI 412.01: Game and Mobile App, Michael Cassens
CSCI 426.01: Advanced Programming Theory/Practice I, Yolanda Reimer
CSCI 427.01: Advanced Programming Theory/Practice II, Yolanda Reimer
CSCI 444.01: Data Visualization, Jesse V. Johnson
CSCI 447.00: Machine Learning, Douglas John Brinkerhoff
CSCI 451.00: Computational Biology, Oliver Serang