This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2018
ENST 430.01: Culture & Agriculture, Joshua H. Slotnick
ENST 476.01A: Environmental Citizen SVC/LRN, Robin Saha
ENST 480.01: Food, Agriculture, Environment, Neva Hassanein
ENST 489S.01: Environmental Justice Issues and Solutions SERV, Robin Saha
ENST 494.01: Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture Education, Anthony Jason Mandala
ENST 530.01: The Greening of Religion, Daniel T. Spencer
ENST 535.01: Local Climate Solutions, Robin Saha
ENST 555.01: Research Methods for Social Change, Neva Hassanein
ENST 560.01: Environmental Impact Analysis, Leonard Broberg
ENST 570.01: Ethics and Restoration, Pedro Marques and Daniel T. Spencer
ENST 573.01: Environmental Writing, Phil Condon
ENST 580.01: The Politics of Food, Neva Hassanein
ENST 594.02: Graduate Seminar: Publishing Next Step, Phil Condon
ENST 595.02: Supervised Internship: Native Plants, Rosalyn Rae La Pier and Marilyn J. Marler
ENST 595.03: ST: Environmental Justice: Issues & Solution, Robin Saha
ENST 595.04: ST: Conservation without Borders, Leonard Broberg
ENT 439.01: Studies in Young Adult Literature, Leanne M. Deschamps
ENT 440.01: Teaching Writing, Beverly A. Chin
ENT 441.01: Teaching Reading and Literature, Leanne M. Deschamps
ENT 544.01: Creative Drama English Class, Beverly A. Chin
ENT 547.50: Advanced Teaching Strategies for Writing & Reading, Dana K. Haring
FILM 103L.01: Introduction to Film, Tobin W. Addington
FILM 308.80: Russian Cinema and Culture, Clint B. Walker
FILM 320.01: Shakespeare and Film, Robert Browning
FILM 391.01: ST: Film & the Problem of Evil, Robert Browning
FILM 447.01: Film Theory, Sean O'Brien
FRCH 101.03: Elementary French I, M. Ione Crummy
FRCH 101.04: Elementary French I, Anna Kristen Lokowich
FRCH 102.01: Elementary French II, Alice Guerrin
GEO 101N.01: Introduction to Physical Geology, James W. Sears
GEO 102N.00: Intro to Physical Geology Lab, James W. Sears
GEO 103N.01: Introduction to Environmental Geology, William P. Gardner
GEO 103N.01: Introduction to Environmental Geology, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 104N.02: Introduction to Environmental Geology Lab, William Payton Gardner
GEO 104N.03: Introduction to Environmental Geology Lab, William Payton Gardner
GEO 104N.05: Introduction to Environmental Geology Lab, William Payton Gardner
GEO 105N.50: Oceanography, Nancy W. Hinman
GEO 107N.50: Natural Disasters, Hilary Martens
GEO 107N.50: Natural Disasters, Hilary Martens
GEO 211.01: Earth's History and Evolution, James R. Staub
GEO 211.01: Earth's History and Evolution, James R. Staub
GEO 225.01: Earth Materials, Julia A. Baldwin
GEO 304E.80: Science and Society Honors, Rebecca O. Bendick Kier
GEO 305.01: Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology, Julia A. Baldwin
GEO 309.01: Sedimentation and Stratigraphy, James R. Staub
GEO 315.01: Structural Geology, James W. Sears
GEO 320.01: Global Water, Nancy W. Hinman
GEO 391.01: ST: Surface Processes, Andrew C. Wilcox and William P. Gardner
GEO 420.01: Hydrogeology, William P. Gardner
GEO 433.01: Global Tectonics, Rebecca O. Bendick Kier
GEO 443.01: Principles of Sedimentary Petrology, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 460.01: Process Geomorphology, Andrew C. Wilcox
GEO 540.01: The Food-Energy-Water Nexus, Andrew C. Wilcox
GEO 542.01: Food-Energy-Water Seminar, Alisa A. Wade
GEO 572.01: Advanced Hydrogeology, William P. Gardner
GEO 582.01: Topics in Structure & Geophysics, Hilary Martens
GEO 585.01: Topics: Hydrologic Modleing, Marco P. Maneta
GEO 595.01: ST: Food-Energy-Water Field, Alisa A. Wade
GEO 595.02: ST: Model Water-Energy-Food System, Marco P. Maneta Lopez
GEO 595.03: ST: Dynamics of a Changing Climate System, Joel T. Harper
GH 151L.01: Introduction to Western Humanities Antiquity, Ruth Vanita
GH 191.01: ST: Elementary Hindi I, Ekta Gupta
GH 316E.01: Talking to God: Bhagavad Gita, Ruth Vanita
GH 391L.01: ST: Goddesses, Ruth Vanita
GPHY 111N.01 Introduction to Physical Geography, Rebecca A. Kranitz
GPHY 112.02: Introduction to Physical Geography Lab, Anna E. Klene
GPHY 112N.01: Introduction to Physical Geography Lab, Anna E. Klene
GPHY 121S.01: Human Geography, Rebecca A. Kranitz
GPHY 121S.01: Human Geography, Christiane vonReichart
GPHY 141S.01: Geography of World Regions, Sarah Halvorson
GPHY 284.00: Introduction to GIS and Cartography, John N. Dibari
GPHY 317.01: Geomorphology, Rebecca A. Kranitz
GPHY 335.01: Water Policy, Sarah Halvorson
GPHY 338.01: Mountains & Society, Laura Bess Caplins
GPHY 385.01: Field Techniques, Sarah Halvorson
GPHY 400.01: Geography Capstone, David D. Shively, Sarah Halvorson, Anna E. Klene, and Christiane vonReichart
GPHY 421.01: Sustainable Cities, David D. Shively
GPHY 465.01: Planning Principles & Processes, David D. Shively
GPHY 486.01: Transport, Planning & GIS, Christiane vonReichart
GPHY 487.01: Raster GIS, Anna E. Klene
GPHY 488.00: Applications of GIS, John N. Dibari
GPHY 489.00: Cartography/GIS Laboratory, Anna E. Klene
GPHY 500.01: Geography Graduate Colloquium, David D. Shively
GPHY 504.01: Research Design in the Geographical Sciences I, Sarah Halvorson
GPHY 505.01: Research Design in Geographical Sciences II, Sarah Halvorson
GPHY 564.01: Planning Design, David D. Shively
GPHY 587.01: Image Analysis & Modeling, Anna E. Klene
GPHY 589.01: Cartography/GIS Laboratory, Anna E. Klene
GRMN 101.02: Elementary German I, Elizabeth Graff Ametsbichler
GRMN 101.03: Elementary German I, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 101.04: Elementary German I, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 102.01: Elementary German II, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 106H.50: Introduction to German Culture and Civilization, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 201.02: Intermediate German I, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 202.01: Intermediate German II, Elizabeth Ametsbichler
GRMN 301.01: German Oral and Written Expression I, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 302.01: German Oral and Written Expression II, Hiltrudis Arens
GRMN 317L.01: Introduction to Multicultural Literature in Contemporary Germany, Hiltrudis Arens
GRMN 340L.01: Nature and the Environment in German Literature and Film, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 352H.01: German Culture 1900 to the Present, Elizabeth Graff Ametsbichler