This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2018
CSCI 464.01: Applications of Mining Big Data, Robert A. Smith
CSCI 491.00: ST: Advanced Client-Side Web Programming, Michael Cassens
CSCI 491.00: ST: Game Physics Engines, Jesse Johnson
CSCI 491.01: ST: Cyber Security, William A. Knight
CSCI 547.01: Machine Learning, Douglas John Brinkerhoff
CSCI 558.00: Introduction to Bioinformatics, Oliver Serang
CSCI 564.01: Applications of Mining Big Data, Robert A. Smith
CSCI 595.02: ST: Game Physics Engines, Jesse Johnson
CSCI 596.05: Independent Study, Oliver Serang
CSTN 261.01: Building Management, John R. Freer
CSTN 279.01: Commercial Construction, John R. Freer
CSTN 282.01: Green Building Concept & Design I, John R. Freer
CSTN 291.02: Green Building Practicum, John R. Freer
CSTN 299.01: Capstone - Carpentry, John R. Freer
CULA 101.01: Introduction to Food Service, Thomas L. Campbell
CULA 105.50: Food Service Sanitation, Aimee R.K. Elliot
CULA 157.01: Pantry and Garde Manger, Aimee R.K. Elliot
CULA 158.01: Short Order Cookery, Aimee R.K. Elliot
CULA 160.01: Soups, Stocks, & Sauces, Aimee R.K. Elliot
CULA 161.01: Meats & Vegetables, Aimee R.K. Elliot
CULA 165.01: Baking & Pastry, Jonah S. Elliott
CULA 270.01: Purchasing & Cost Controls, Katherine B. Dalessio
CULA 298.01: FSM Internship, Thomas L. Campbell
DANC 100A.01: Introduction to Modern Dance, Nicole Bradley Browning
DANC 108A.01: Dance Forms - Salsa, Jennifer A. Corbin
DANC 108A.02: Dance Forms - Tango, Lori Mitchell and Patrick J. Marsolek
DANC 108A.03: Dance Forms - Tap, Heather A. Adams
DANC 108A.04: Dance Forms - Ballroom, Martha Jane Newby
DANC 108A.05: Dance Forms - Swing/Jitterbug, Martha Jane Newby
DANC 108A.06: Dance Forms - Swing/Jitterbug, Martha Jane Newby
DANC 108A.07: Dance Forms - Salsa, Martha Jane Newby
DANC 110A.01: Introduction to Ballet, Linda L. Parker
DANC 115A.01: Introduction to Jazz Dance, Joy J. French
DANC 130A.50: Introduction to Dance, Heidi Jones Eggert
DANC 194.01: Freshman Seminar, Michele C. Antonioli
DANC 200A.01: Contemporary Modern II, Nicole Bradley Browning
DANC 210A.01: Ballet II, Linda Parker
DANC 215A.01: Jazz Dance II, Joy French
DANC 220A.01: Creative Practice I, Heidi Jones Eggert and Nicole Bradley Browning
DANC 225.01: Rehearsal & Performance, Nicole Bradley Browning
DANC 295.01: Student Teaching - Children's Dance, Laurel J. Sears
DANC 300.01: Contemporary Modern III, Laurel J. Sears
DANC 310.01: Ballet III, Michele C. Antonioli
DANC 325.01: Spirit Squad, Stacey L. Richards
DANC 329.01: Dance Stage Management Practicum, Heidi Jones Eggert
DANC 345.01: Teaching for the Disabled, Heidi Jones Eggert
DANC 392.01: Independent Study, Michele C. Antonioli
DANC 395.01: Studio - Pointe, Michele C. Antonioli
DANC 399.01: Junior Creat/Research Project, Heidi Jones Eggert
DANC 410.01: Ballet IV, Michele C. Antonioli
DANC 440.01: Dance Pedagogy, Michele C. Antonioli
DANC 492.01: Independent Study, Michele C. Antonioli
DANC 499.01: Senior Thesis/ Creative Project, Heidi Jones Eggert
DANC 595.01: Practicum - Grad Dance Studies, Nicole Bradley Browning
DANC 595.02: Practicum - Grad Dance Studies, Nicole Bradley Browning
DANCE 165A.01: Dance Forms - African, Tarn Ream
DDSN 113A.01: Technical Drafting, Brian J. Hoover
DDSN 114.01: Introduction to CAD, Steve Shen
DDSN 135.01: Solidworks, Steve Shen
ECNS 201S.01: Principles of Microeconomics, Ivan (Jon) Aliri
ECNS 201S.01: Principles of Microeconomics, Katrina Mullan
ECNS 201S.02: Principles of Microeconomics, Katrina Mullan
ECNS 201S.03: Principles of Microeconomics, Helen T. Naughton
ECNS 201S.04: Principles of Microeconomics, Jeffrey T. Bookwalter
ECNS 202S.01: Principles of Macroeconomics, Ivan Hector Aliri
ECNS 202S.01: Principles of Macroeconomics, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 202S.02: Principles of Macroeconomics, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 202S.02: Principles of Macroeconomics, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 301.01: Intermediate Mircoeconomics with Calculus, Jeffrey T. Bookwalter
ECNS 301.01: Intermediate Mircoeconomics with Calculus, Helen T. Naughton
ECNS 302.01: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 302.01: Intermediate Macroeconomics, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 320.01: Public Finance, Amanda E. Dawsey
ECNS 320.01: Public Finance, Amanda E. Dawsey
ECNS 403.01: Introduction to Econometrics, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 405.01: Game Theory, Amanda E. Dawsey
ECNS 431.01: International Trade, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 433.01: Economics of the Environment, Katrina Mullan
ECNS 451.01: Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 481.01: Communicating Economics, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 481.01: Communicating Economics, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 511.01: Microeconomic Theory, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 513.01: Macroeconomic Theory, Douglas Dalenberg
EGEN 201.01: Engineering Statics, Aaron M. Thomas
ENSC 105N.01: Environmental Science SERV, Leonard Broberg
ENSC 501.01: Scientific Approaches to Environmental Problems, Leonard Broberg
ENST 191.01: ST: Getting to Know EVST, Joshua H. Slotnick
ENST 201.01: Environmental Information Resources, Peter McDonough
ENST 201.01: Environmental Information Resources, Peter McDonough
ENST 225.01: Sustainable Communities, Neva Hassanein
ENST 230H.01C: Nature and Society, Ashley L. Preston
ENST 230H.01: Nature and Society, Daniel T. Spencer
ENST 335L.01: The Environmental Vision, Phil Condon
ENST 367.01: Environmental Politics and Policies, Robin Saha
ENST 373A.01: Nature Works, Phil Condon
ENST 382.01: Environmental Law, Leonard Broberg
ENST 391.80: ST: Energy and Climate Honors, Peter McDonough
ENST 396.00: Supervised Internship (PEAS), Joshua H. Slotnick
ENST 396.05: Supervised Internship: Native Plants, Rosalyn LaPier and Marilyn J. Marler
ENST 410.01: TEK of Native Peoples, Rosalyn LaPier