This collection includes syllabi from several UM departments from 2021-2025.
Submissions from 2024
THTR 591.50: Manga and Anime - History, Practice and Form, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 592.01: Independent Study, Michael D. Post
THTR 592.02: Independent Study - New Plays, Michael T. Legg
THTR 595.01: Practicum - Montana Rep, Michael T. Legg
THTR 690.01: Graduate Final Creative Project, Alessia Carpoca
THTR 690.02: Research, Bernadette Sweeney
THTR 695.01: Graduate Final Creative Project, Bernadette Sweeney
WGSS 363.01: Feminist and Queer Theory and Methods, Elizabeth A. Hubble
WGSS 491.01: Trans Identities across Western Cultures (and beyond), Elizabeth A. Hubble
WGSS 499.01: Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Capstone, Elizabeth A. Hubble
WILD 180.01: Careers in Wildlife Biology, Erim Gomez
WILD 240.01: Introduction to Biostatistics, Elizabeth G. Simpson
WILD 480.01: The Upshot - Applied Wildlife Management, Erim Gomez
WILD 492.02: Wildlife Senior Seminar, Victoria Dreitz
WLDG 117.01: Blueprint Reading & Welding Symbols, Daniel J. Pignotti
WLDG 145.01: Fabrication Basics, Daniel J. Pignotti
WLDG 187.01: Flux Core Arc Welding, Daniel J. Pignotti
WLDG 245.01: Metal Fabrication Design & Construction, Philip M. Patrick
WLDG 275.01: Gas Metal Arc Welding, Philip M. Patrick
WLDG 280.01; Welding Testing Certification, Philip M. Patrick
WLDG 285.01: Automation in Welding, Philip M. Patrick
WRIT 101.00: College Writing I, Unknown
WRIT 101.09: College Writing I Plus, David M. Barrett
WRIT 101.13: College Writing I, David M. Barrett
WRIT 101.19: College Writing I Plus, Jennifer A. Corbin
WRIT 101.20: College Writing I Plus, Jennifer A. Corbin
WRIT 101.50: College Writing I, Matthew Kaler
WRIT 101.V52: College Writing I Plus, Jessica M. Dougherty-McMichael
WRIT 101.V53: College Writing I Plus, Jessica M. Dougherty-McMichael
WRIT 101.V54: College Writing I Plus, Jessica M. Dougherty-McMichael
WRIT 101.V55: College Writing I Plus, Jessica M. Dougherty-McMichael
WRIT 121.50: Introduction to Technical Writing, Jennifer A. Corbin
WRIT 201.02: College Writing II - The Art of the Essay, Anthony G. Cardellini
WRIT 201.03: College Writing II - Braiding Essays, Anna O. Edwards
WRIT 201.05: College Writing II - Rhetoric and the Essay - Reading to Write, Norma S. Barksdale
WRIT 201.06: College Writing II - Noticing to Writing, Emily E. Bober
WRIT 201.07: College Writing II - Composition, Caroline G. Patterson
WRIT 201.XH1: College Writing II - Advanced Composition - Rhetoric, Persuasive Writing, & Narrative Identities, Matthew Kaler
WRIT 291.01: Mouse Rhetorics: Reading and Writing Disney, Erin C. Wecker
Submissions from 2023
AAST 141H.01: Black - From Africa to Hip-Hop, Tobin Shearer Miller
ACTG 201.01: Principles of Financial Accounting, Edward J. Guay
ACTG 201.02: Principles of Financial Accounting, Steven Mitsuda
ACTG 201.03: Principles of Financial Accounting, Steven Mitsuda
ACTG 201.04: Principles of Financial Accounting, Steven Mitsuda
ACTG 201.50: Principles of Managerial Accounting, Edward J. Guay
ACTG 202.00: Principles of Managerial Accounting, Elizabeth Kohl
ACTG 305.01: Corporate Reporting I, Terri Herron
ACTG 321.01: Accounting Information Systems I, Alexa D. Rauser
ACTG 401.02: Federal Income Taxation, Leah Diehl
ACTG 410.01: Cost Management Accounting I, Elizabeth Kohl
ACTG 610.V60: Accounting and Data Analytics, Alexa D. Rauser
ACTG 631.V60: Advanced Tax, Kenton D. Swift
ACTG 641.V60: Current Topics in Assurance, Terri Herron
ACTG 675.V60: Contemporary Accounting Problems, Alexa D. Rauser
ANTY 101H.01: Anthropology and the Human Experience - Introduction to Anthropology, David G. Kerr
ANTY 101H.02: Anthropology and the Human Experience - Introduction to Anthropology, David G. Kerr
ANTY 101H.80: Anthropology and the Human Experience - Honors, David G. Kerr
ANTY 122S.01: Race and Minorities, Gregory R. Campbell
ANTY 150X.01: Archaeology of Yellowstone, Douglas MacDonald
ANTY 210N.50: Introduction to Biological Anthropology, Randall R. Skelton
ANTY 213N.01: Introduction to Biological Anthropology Lab, Matthew P. Rhode
ANTY 213N.02: Introduction to Biological Anthropology Lab, Matthew P. Rhode
ANTY 213N.03: Introduction to Biological Anthropology Lab, Matthew P. Rhode
ANTY 250S.50: Introduction to Archaeology, John Douglas
ANTY 310.01: Human Variation, Meradeth H. Snow
ANTY 312.50: Human Evolution, Randall R. Skelton
ANTY 412.01: Osteology, Matthew P. Rhode
ANTY 414.01; Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology, Randall R. Skelton
ANTY 451.50: Cultural Resource Management, Douglas MacDonald
ANTY 454.01: Lithic Technology, Anna M. Prentiss
ANTY 510.01: Seminar on Human Variation and Evolution, Meradeth H. Snow
ANTY 515.01: Theory and Methods in Bioanthropology, Randall R. Skelton
ANTY 553.01: Evolutionary Archaeology, Anna M. Prentiss
ANTY 595.01: Special Topics - Art and Cultural Property, Cathay Y.N. Smith
ANTY 600.01: Issues in Cultural Heritage, Gregory R. Campbell
ARAB 101.50: Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I, Khaled Y. Huthaily
ARAB 201.50: Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I, Khaled Y. Huthaily
ARAB 305.50: The Arab World, Khaled Y. Huthaily
ARTH 150H.50: Introduction to Art History, Jerod G. Peitsmeyer
ARTH 201H.01: Art of World Civilization II, Jerod G. Peitsmeyer
ARTH 250L.01: Introduction to Art Criticism, Jerod G. Peitsmeyer
ARTH 333H.01: Architectural History I - Pre-History to 1850, Michael T. Monsos
ARTH 445.50: History of Photography, Valerie L. Hedquist
ARTH 553H.01: History of Architectural Design, Pre-History to 1850, Michael T. Monsos
ARTZ 108A.01: Visual Language - 3-D Design, Bradley D. Allen
ARTZ 214.50: Illustration, Jennifer K. Combe
ARTZ 271A.02: Printmaking I - Screenprinting, James Bailey
ARTZ 302A.02: Foundations of Visual Art Education, Jennifer K. Combe
ARTZ 314A.01: Environmental Drawing, Steven Krutek
ARTZ 371.01: Printmaking II - Relief, James Bailey
ARTZ 391.50: Special Topics - Socially Engaged Art, Jennifer K. Combe
ARTZ 507.01: Beyond Art School, James Bailey
ASTR 131N.01: Planetary Astronomy, Mark A. Reiser
ASTR 131N.01: Planetary Astronomy, Mark A. Reiser
ASTR 134N.00: Planetary Astronomy Lab, Mark A. Reiser, Alexander S. West, and Faith C. Jensen
ASTR 134N.01: Planetary Astronomy Lab, Mark A. Reiser
ASTR 363.01: Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics I, Deborah Good
BCH 380.00: Biochemistry, Klara Briknarova
BCH 480.01: Advanced Biochemistry I, Bruce E. Bowler
BCH 547.01: Experimental Mollecular, Cellular & Chemical Biology, Brent J. Ryckman