This collection includes syllabi from several UM departments from 2021-2025.
Submissions from 2024
CULA 161.02: Meats and Vegetables, Wilbert P. Gahagan
CULA 162.01: Storeroom Management and Receiving Operations, Willbert P. Gahagan
CULA 165.02: Baking and Pastry, Melissa D. Nordberg
CULA 298.01: Internship, Wilbert P. Gahagan
DANC 100A.01: Introduction to Modern Dance, Brooklyn L. Draper
DANC 108A.01: Dance Forms - Ballroom, Martha J. Newby
DANC 108A.03: Dance Forms - Swing / Jitterbug, Martha J. Newby
DANC 108A.04: Dance Forms - Salsa, Martha J. Newby
DANC 108A.05: Dance Forms - Hip Hop, Katlyn G. Thompson
DANC 108A.06: Dance Forms - Neo-Tradicional Afro-Brazilian Dance, Julia L. Duarte and Heidi J. Eggert
DANC 108A.07: Dance Forms - Tap, Jeanine Hedstrom
DANC 110A.01: Introduction to Ballet, Tara V. McFarland
DANC 115A.01: Introduction to Jazz Dance, Tara V. McFarland
DANC 130A.50: Introduction to Dance, Laurel J. Sears
DANC 201.01: Contemporary Modern Technique II, Brooklyn L. Draper
DANC 210A.01: Ballet II, Faith H. Morrison
DANC 215A.01: Jazz Dance II, Katlyn G. Thompson
DANC 225.01: Rehearsal and Performance, Heidi J. Eggert
DANC 227.01: Community Dance Initiatives, Heidi J. Eggert
DANC 295.01: Student Teaching - Children’s Dance, Laurel J. Sears
DANC 300.01: Contemporary Modern III, Heidi J. Eggert
DANC 310.01: Ballet III, Faith H. Morrison
DANC 322.01: Dance Touring, Brooklyn L. Draper
DANC 325.01: Spirit Squad, Stacey L. Richards
DANC 327.01: Advanced Rehearsal and Performance, Heidi J. Eggert
DANC 345.01: New Visions Dance, Heidi J. Eggert
DANC 360L.01: World Dance, Faith H. Morrison
DANC 392.01: Independent Study, Brooklyn L. Draper and Heidi J. Eggert
DANC 400.01: Contemporary Modern IV, Heidi J. Eggert
DANC 406.01: Dance as a Healing Art, Brooklyn L. Draper and Heidi J. Eggert
DANC 492.01: Independent Study, Brooklyn L. Draper and Heidi J. Eggert
DANC 492.02: Independent Study, Brooklyn L. Draper and Heidi J. Eggert
DANC 498.01: Cooperative Education / Internship, Brooklyn L. Draper
DANC 595.01: Practicum - Graduate Dance Studies, Heidi J. Eggert
DDSN 113A.01: Technical Drafting, Brian Hoover
DDSN 114.01: Introduction to CAD, Brian Hoover
DDSN 166.01: Revit, Aaron Windels
DST 120.01: Electrical Systems, Alexander E. Carlson
DST 120.01: Electrical Systems, Alexander E. Carlson
DST 128.01: Engine Service I, Alexander E. Carlson
DST 135.01: Power Trains, Alexander E. Carlson
DST 225.01: Hydraulics, Lawrence S. Reinholz
DST 229.01: Engine Service II, Alexander E. Carlson
DST 229.01: Engine Service II, Lawrence S. Reinholz
DST 230.01: Air Conditioning, Alexander E. Carlson
DST 231.01: Fuel Systems, Alexander E. Carlson
DST 235.01: Advanced Power Trains, Alexander E. Carlson
ECNS 201S.01: Principles of Microeconomics, Carlton R. Galbreath
ECNS 201S.01: Principles of Microeconomics, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 201S.03: Principles of Microeconomics, Carlton R. Galbreath
ECNS 301.01: Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 313.01: Money and Banking, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 403.01: Introduction to Econometrics, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 410.01: Health Economics and Policy, Katrina L. Mullan
ECNS 433.01: Economics of the Environment, Katrina L. Mullan
ECP 200.B01: Transition to Paramedic Care, David H. McEvoy and Marcus O. Granger
ECP 201.B01: Paramedic Fundamentals, David H. McEvoy and Marcus O. Granger
ECP 202.B01: Paramedic Fundamentals Laboratory, David H. McEvoy and Marcus O. Granger
ECP 207.B01: Cardiology, David H. McEvoy and Marcus O. Granger
ECP 208.B01: Cardiology Laboratory & ACLS, David H. McEvoy and Marcus O. Granger
ECP 247.B01: Hospital Clinical III, Marcus O. Granger and David H. McEvoy
ECP 250.B01: NREMT Exam Preparation, Marcus O. Granger and David H. McEvoy
ECP 251.B01: NREMT Exam Preparation Laboratory, Marcus O. Granger and David H. McEvoy
EDU 494.01: Seminar: Applied Research & Reflective Practice, Michael J. Ruybalid
EDU 592.01: Seminar: Applied Research & Reflective Practice, Michael J. Ruybalid
ELEE 201.01: Circuits I for Engineering, Paul H. Janzen
ENSC 105N.01: Environmental Science, Andrea M. Caires
ENST 188.01: Getting to Know Environmental Studies, Robin K. Saha
ENST 230H.01: Nature and Society, Paul J. Guernsey
ENST 231H.01: Nature and Society, Ashley J. Preston
ENST 231H.02: Nature and Society, Ashley L. Preston
ENST 335L.01: Literature of the Earth, Mark E. Sundeen
ENST 367.01: Environmental Politics and Policies, Robin K. Saha
ENST 396.00: Supervised Internship (PEAS), Caroline M. Stephens
ENST 410.01: Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples, Ruth A. Plenty Sweetgrass-She Kills-De La Cruz
ENST 480.01: Food Justice and Sustainability, Margiana Petersen-Rockney
ENST 489S.01: Environmental Justice Issues & Solutions, Paul J. Guernsey
ENST 491.01: Food and Farming on a Hot Planet, Neva Hassanein
ENST 494.01: Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture Education, Anthony Jason Mandala
ENST 515.01: Collaborative Skills for Natural Resource Leaders, Shawn M. Johnson, Klaus Sitte, and Travis D. Anklam
ENST 570.01: Ethics and Restoration, Seamus R. Land
ENST 573.01: Environmental Writing, Mark E. Sundeen
ENST 580.01: The Politics of Food, Margiana Petersen-Rockney
ENST 589S.01: Environmental Justice Issues & Solutions, Paul J. Guernsey
ENST 595.00: Foundations of Change, Neva Hassanein
ENST 595.01: Supervised Internship (PEAS), Caroline M. Stephens
ENT 439.01: Studies in Young Adult Literature, Neil H. Massey
ENT 445.01: Teaching Reading and Literature, Jeffrey B. Ross
ENT 595.01: Advanced Strategies for Teaching Writing, Jeffrey B. Ross
ERTH 101N.01: Earth Systems Science, Natalie Bursztyn
ERTH 101N.01: Earth Systems Science, Natalie Bursztyn
ERTH 101N.50: Earth Systems Science - Online, Natalie Bursztyn
ERTH 103N.00: Earth Systems Science Lab, Natalie Bursztyn
ERTH 103N.00: Earth Systems Science Laboratory, Natalie Bursztyn
ERTH 103N.50: Earth Systems Science Lab, Natalie Bursztyn
ERTH 194.01: Getting to Know Earth, Water, and Climate, Natalie Bursztyn
ERTH 303N.01: Weather and Climate, Anna E. Klene
FORS 202.00: Forest Mensuration, Solomon Z. Dobrowski
FORS 230.01: Fire Management & Environmental Change, Carl A. Seielstad and Phlip Higuera
FORS 232.01: Forest Insects and Disease, Richard G. Everett