This collection includes syllabi from several UM departments from 2021-2025.
Submissions from 2024
CRWR 310.01: Intermediate Fiction Workshop, Norma S. Barksdale
CRWR 310.01: Intermediate Fiction Workshop, Erin A. Saldin
CRWR 311.01: Intermediate Poetry Workshop, Brian A. Blanchfield
CRWR 312A.01: Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop, Robert S. Stubblefield
CRWR 410.01: Advanced Creative Writing - Fiction, Emily A. Ruskovich
CRWR 410.01: Advanced Fiction Workshop, Emliy A. Ruskovich
CRWR 411.01: Advanced Poetry Workshop, Sean Hill
CRWR 412.01; Advanced Nonfiction Workshop, Robert S. Stubblefield
CRWR 412.01: Advanced Nonfiction Workshop, Kelly R. Schirmann
CRWR 480.01: Fiction Capstone, Robert S. Stubblefield
CRWR 491.01: Book Arts Practicum, David A. Axelrod
CRWR 510.01: Fiction Workshop, Emliy A. Ruskovich
CRWR 510.02: Fiction Workshop, Maxim T. Loskutoff
CRWR 510.02: Fiction Workshop, Robin H. McLean
CRWR 511.01: Graduate Poetry Workshop, Sean Hill
CRWR 511.01: Poetry Workshop, Brian A. Blanchfield
CRWR 512.01: Graduate Nonfiction Workshop, Toni L. Jensen
CRWR 512.01: Nonfiction Workshop, Christopher D. Dombrowski
CRWR 513.01: Techniques of Nonfiction, Brian A. Blanchfield
CRWR 514.01: Techniques of the Novel, Robin H. McLean
CRWR 515.01: Traditional Prosody, Donald L. Hill
CRWR 591.02: Fictional Frontiers - Studies in Fiction, Maxim T. Loskutoff
CRWR 595.02: Hybrid Genres and Other Feral Forms, Christopher Dumbrowski
CSCI 150.00: Introduction to Computer Science, Zedong Peng
CSCI 150.00: Introduction to Computer Science, Zedong Peng
CSCI 150.01: Introduction to Computer Science, Jeffrey J. Arends
CSCI 150.50: Introduction to Computer Science, Jeffrey J. Arends
CSCI 151.00: Interdisciplinary Computer Science I, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 151.00: Interdisciplinary Computer Science I, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 152.00: Interdisciplinary Computer Science II, Samuel J. Luther
CSCI 152.01: Interdisciplinary Computer Science II, Sam J. Luther
CSCI 172.01: Introduction to Computer Modeling, Cheryl M. Galipeau
CSCI 172.01: Introduction to Computer Modeling, Cheryl M. Galipeau
CSCI 172.50: Introduction to Computer Modeling, Cheryl M. Galipeau
CSCI 172.51: Introduction to Computer Modeling, Jeffrey J. Arends
CSCI 181.50: Web Design and Programming, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 215E.01: Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science, Cheyenne L. Laue
CSCI 215E.01: Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science, Cheyenne L. Laue
CSCI 215E.50: Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science, Victor C. Valgenti
CSCI 215E.51: Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science, Victor C. Valgenti
CSCI 232.01: Intermediate Data Structures and Algorithms, Douglas J. Brinkerhoff
CSCI 232.01: Intermediate Data Structures and Algorithms, Anh Nguyen
CSCI 240.01: Databases and SLQ, Jeffrey J. Arends
CSCI 258.01: Web Application Development, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 291.02: Game Programming, Sam J. Luther
CSCI 315E.01: Computers, Ethics and Society, Sam J. Luther
CSCI 315E.01: Computers, Ethics and Society, Samuel J. Luther
CSCI 322.01: Advanced Web Application Development, Samuel J. Luther
CSCI 323.01: Software Science, Zedong Peng
CSCI 332.01: Advanced Data Structures and Algorithims, Lucia G. Williams
CSCI 340.01: Database Design, Addison W. Boyer
CSCI 370.01: Sports Analytics, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 391.01: Mobile Application Development, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 398.05: Internship, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 426.01: Software Design and Development I, Yolanda M. Reimer
CSCI 427.01: Software Design and Development II, Yolanda M. Reimer
CSCI 432.01: Advanced Algorithm Topics, Lucia G. Williams
CSCI 444.01: Data Visualization, Jesse V. Johnson
CSCI 447.01: Machine Learning, Lucy L. Owen
CSCI 451.01: Computational Biology, Lucia G. Williams
CSCI 461.01: Internet of Things, Anh Nguyen
CSCI 477.01: Simulation and Modeling, Douglas J. Brinkerhoff
CSCI 491.01: Programming for Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Jesse V. Johnson
CSCI 491.01: Special Topics - Embedded Systems, Anh Nguyen
CSCI 491.03: Special Topics - Advanced Software Engineering, Zedong Peng
CSCI 532.01: Advanced Algorithm Topics, Lucia G. Williams
CSCI 547.01: Machine Learning, Lucy L. Owen
CSCI 558.01: Introduction to Bioinformics, Lucia G. Williams
CSCI 561.01: Internet of Things, Anh Nguyen
CSCI 591.01: Advanced Software Engineering, Zedong Peng
CSCI 591.01: Programming for Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Jesse V. Johnson
CSCI 591.02: Special Topics - Embedded Systems, Anh Nguyen
CSD 109.01: SLPeeps - A First Year Guide to Communication Sciences and Disorders, Coille A. Putman
CSD 110.01: Introduction to Speech, Language, and Audiology, Jennifer K. Schoffer Closson
CSD 110.50: Introduction to Speech, Language, and Audiology Online, Jennifer K. Schoffer Closson
CSD 210.50: Speech and Language Development - Online, Coille A. Putman
CSD 222.01: Introduction to Audiology, Anoop Basavanahalli Jagadeesh
CSD 261.51: Introduction to Speech-Language Pathology Assistants, Coille Putman
CSD 330.50: Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Swallowing Mechanisms, Jane E. Reynolds
CSD 396.01: Inclusive Campus-Based Practices for Neurodiverse Persons / Service Learning, Jennifer K. Schoffer Closson
CSD 430.01: Senior Capstone, Danielle K. Fahey
CSTN 120.01: Carpentry Basics & Rough-In Framing, Edward B. Priest
CSTN 122.01: Beginning Carpentry Lab, Edward B. Priest
CSTN 142.01: Interior & Exterior Finish Carpentry, Jared Walt Wilson
CSTN 143.01S: Intermediate Carpentry Lab, Jared Walt Wilson
CSTN 171.01: Site Work, Foundations, & Concrete, Edward B. Priest
CSTN 191.01: Woodworking I, Jared Walt Wilson
CSTN 191.02: Woodworking 2, Jared Walt Wilson
CSTN 191.03: Woodworking 3, Jared Walt Wilson
CSTN 205.01: Advanced Carpentry, Jared Walt Wilson
CSTN 206.01: Advanced Carpentry Lab, Jared Walt Wilson
CSTN 261.01: Building Management, Allison Dowd
CSTN 282.01: Green Building Concept & Design I, John R. Freer
CSTN 286.01: Advanced Wood Buildings, John R. Freer
CSTN 291.01: Special Topics-Interior Finishes, John R. Freer
CSTN 299.01: Carpentry Capstone Lab, John R. Freer
CULA 101.01: Introduction to Knife Skills and Butchery, Willbert P. Gahagan
CULA 105.50: Food Service Safety and Sanitation, Willbert P. Gahagan
CULA 157.02: Pantry and Garde Manger, Wilbert P. Gahagan
CULA 160.01: Soups, Stocks, Sauces, Willbert P. Gahagan