This collection includes syllabi from several UM departments from 2021-2025.
Submissions from 2024
BIOH 291.01: Cadaver Dissection, Lucas Whitcher
BIOH 365.01: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions I, Bret W. Tobalske
BIOH 366.00: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions I Laboratory, Samantha E. Powers and Derik Butts
BIOH 370.01: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions II, Bret W. Tobalske
BIOH 371.00: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions II - Lab, Bret W. Tobalske
BIOH 481.80: Teaching Anatomy and Physiology II - Honors, Samantha E. Powers
BIOM 250N.01: Microbiology for the Health Sciences, Amanda L. Andreas
BIOM 250N.XH1: Microbiology for the Health Sciences, Eric Gren
BIOM 251N.00: Microbiology for the Health Sciences Lab, Amanda L. Andreas
BIOM 251N.H11: Microbiology for the Health Sciences Lab, Joseph M. Ruffatto
BIOM 327.01: Vector-Borne Diseases: Public Health Perspectives, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOM 360.01; General Microbiology, Michael F. Minnick
BIOM 361.00: General Microbology Laboratory, Michael F. Minnick
BIOM 402.01: Pathogenic Microbes, Michael Minnick
BIOM 415.01: Microbial Diversity, Ecology and Evolution, Matthew Church
BIOM 427.01: General Parasitology, Christopher S. Peterson
BIOM 428.01: General Parasitology Laboratory, Christopher S. Peterson
BIOM 435.01: Virology, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOM 460.01: Ecology of Infectious Diseases, Angela D. Luis
BIOM 535.01: Advanced Virology, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOM 594.01: MBS Professional Seminar, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOM 594.01: Molecular and Biomedical Sciences Professional Seminar, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOO 105N.00: Introduction to Botany, Anna Sala
BIOO 105N.01: Introduction to Botany Lab, Harris Sloan and Natalie J. Dietz
BIOO 335.00: Rocky Mountain Flora, Lila Fishman
BIOO 340.00: Biology of Management of Fishes, Lisa A. Eby and Jeremy M. Brooks
BIOO 470.00: Ornithology, Zachary A. Cheviron
BIOO 470.03: Ornithology Lab, Sophia L. Fitzgerald
BIOO 470.04: Ornithology Lab, Linnea N. Shaefer
BIOO 470.05: Ornithology Lab, Sophia L. Fitzgerald
BIOO 475.00: Mammology, Jeffrey M. Good
BMGT 235.01: Management, Carlton R. Galbreath
BMGT 245.50: Customer Service Management, Cheryl M. Galipeau
BMGT 298.00: Business Intership, Michelle Schwartz
BMGT 298.02: Business Internship, Cheryl M. Galipeau and Carlton R. Galbreath
BMGT 299.01: Capstone Entrepreneurship, Carlton R. Galbreath
BMGT 329.01: Human Resource Management, Theresa M. Floyd
BMGT 420.01: Leadership and Motivation, James Walker
BMGT 444.02: Leading Teams & Conflict Management, Theresa M. Floyd
BMGT 467.01: Global Operations and Supply Chain Management, Simona Stan
BMGT 498.00: Business Internship, Michelle Schwartz
BMGT 498.01: Internship, Michelle Schwartz
BMIS 270.01: MIS Foundations for Business, Patricia Akello
BMIS 270.02: MIS Foundations for Business, Patricia Akello
BMIS 270.50: MIS Foundations for Business - Introduction to MIS, David R. Firth
BMIS 279.51: MIS Foundations for Business, David R. Firth
BMIS 298.01: Business Internship, Michelle Schwartz
BMIS 326.01: Introduction to Data Analytics, Jason H. Triche
BMIS 326.02: Introduction to Data Analytics, Jason H. Triche
BMIS 365.01: Business App Development, Bryan I. Hammer
BMIS 373.01: Business System Analysis and Design, Reda M. Haddouch
BMIS 472.01: Cybersecurity Management Capstone, Shawn F. Clouse
BMIS 476.01: Integrated Project Management for Information Systems, Shawn F. Clouse
BMIS 479.50: Introduction to Consulting, David R. Firth
BMIS 498.01: Business Internship, Michelle Schwartz
BMIS 498.01: Internship, Michelle Schwartz
BMIS 575.V60: Fundamentals of Consulting, David R. Firth
BMKT 112.01: Applied Sales, Carlton R. Galbreath
BMKT 191.50: Digital Marketing & Sales, Katharine M. Shippen
BMKT 255.50: Marketing, Katharine M. Shippen
BMKT 298.01: Business Internship, Michelle Schwartz
BMKT 325.50: Principles of Marketing (Online), Tina Begay
BMKT 337.01: Consumer Behavior, Jesse King
BMKT 337.02: Consumer Behavior, Jesse King
BMKT 413.01: Sports Marketing, Margaret Keiper
BMKT 420.01: Integrated Online Marketing, Erin E. Giefer
BMKT 483.B01: Data Media Execution, Emily J. Plant
BMKT 498.01: Business Internship, Michelle Schwartz
BMKT 498.01: Internship, Michelle Schwartz
BMKT 673.V63: Advanced Applied Modeling, John W. Chandler
BMKT 694.V61: Digital Media Execution, Emily J. Plant
BMKT 694.V62: Global Operations and Supply Chain Management, Simona Stan
CAPP 154.50: MS Word, Cheryl M. Galipeau
CAS 140X.50: Addictions and Diversity, Katie Smith
CAS 140X.50: Addictions and Diversity, Katie Smith
CAS 231N.50: Pharmacology and Addictions, Mary B. McHugh
CAS 242.50: Fundamentals of Substance Abuse and Addiction, Katie Smith
CAS 243.50: Substance Use Counseling I, Aaron B. Anciaux
CAS 248.V50: Substance Abuse Counseling II, Paul M. Taylor
CAS 252.50: Gambling and Gaming Disorders in Addiction Counseling, Katie Smith
CAS 254.50: Co-Occurring Disorders- Assessment & Treatment Planning, Katie Smith
CAS 260.50: Addiction Assessment, Documentation, and Treatment Planning, Kaylee V. Blackwell
CAS 261.60: Advanced Addiction Assessment, Documentation and Treatment Planning, Kaylee V. Blackwell
CHIN 101.01: Elementary Chinese I, Zhen Cao
CHIN 102.01: Elementary Chinese II, Zhen Cao
CHIN 201.01: Intermediate Chinese I, Zhen Cao
CHIN 202.01: Intermediate Chinese II, Zhen Cao
CHIN 380.01: Chinese Folktales, Zhen Cao
CHIN 391.01: Chinese Culture Through Films, Zhen Cao
CHMY 121N.00: Introduction to General Chemistry, Eric A. John
CHMY 121N.H51: Introduction to General Chemistry - Hamilton, Lily A. Apedaile
CHMY 122.01: Introduction to General Chemistry Lab, Eric A. John
CHMY 122N.H50: Introduction to General Chemisty Lab - Hamilton, Lily A. Apedaile
CHMY 123.H50: Introduction to Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Julia Michelle Kotler
CHMY 123.XH1: Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry, Julia Michelle Kotler
CHMY 123.XH2: Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry, Julia Michelle Kotler
CHMY 124.00: Introduction to Organic & Biological Chemistry Laboratory, Brooke D. Martin
CHMY 141N.00: College Chemistry I, Michael Kayne
CHMY 141N.00: College Chemistry I, Kent D. Sugden
CHMY 142N.00: College Chemistry I Laboratory, Mark Cracolice