This collection includes theses, dissertations, and professional papers from the University of Montana Department of Counselor Education, Department of Educational Leadership, and Department of Teaching and Learning. Theses, dissertations, and professional papers from all University of Montana departments and programs may be searched here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1953
An abstract of Idaho Supreme court decisions affecting education, John William Crowley
Business education facilities in large high schools, Maurice Francis Egan
Study of the testing program of the Greeley Elementary Public School Butte Montana, Herman William Eggebrecht
An evaluation of an experimental remedial reading program in the Gettsburg South Dakota public school, Willard E. Ellis
The training experience and activities carried on by certified principals in South Dakota high schools having an enrollment of 25 to 200, Willard Joseph Foerster
A follow-up survey of the high school graduates of Grass Range Montana 1920-1952, George Charles Gaynor
A program of wide reading on individual interest and ability level in fifth grade of Whittier School Missoula Montana, Florence Whitmore Gerdes
A study of the sanitary conditions in the school lunch programs of six Ravalli county town schools for the 1950-51 school year, Russell Dean Giesy
The Opinions of selected Montana teachers regarding their supervisors, Robert William Gormley
A Study of the Effect of the North Dakota Reorganization Plan on the Fullerton School District Dickey County, Lynn Gulmon
The development of the parent-teacher conference as a method of reporting pupil progress in the Marmarth North Dakota public school, Henry D. Hammer
Factors Montana teachers believe affect their efficiency and happiness, Ernest Herman Hofmann
Appraisal of the teaching of English at Twin Bridges High School, Thomas Dexter Hudson
A Survey of selected factors of Montana State University graduates teaching their first year in Montana schools 1948-1952, Noreen Barbara Ingle
Teaching combinations in Montana public high schools fall 1952, Ronald B. Jackson
Development of a system of financial reporting for the public schools of McHenry County North Dakota, Ray F. Jacobsen
Proposed plan for furthering adult education in family relationships and homemaking, Betty M. Janssen
Study of adult attitudes toward children in Missoula Montana, George Calvin Jenkins
Plan for integrating conservation with chemistry in Montana high schools, Bruce Dean Johnson
A survey and evaluation of current practices in teaching school band in certain Montana elementary public schools, Rolf Charles Johnson
The development of school district number one of Missoula County Montana 1870-1910, Richard Francis Keefe
Methods of utilizing the eighth grade study guide in the third class districts of Yellowstone County Montana, Marvin N. Klampe
Survey of supervised summer playground recreation in Montana, 1953, Deane William Kleinhans
Study of the leisure-time activities of 618 Montana high school freshmen, Jerome M. Kovis
Problems reported by the certificated personnel of the Billings Public Schools during the school year 1952-1953, Adrian Jule Langstaff
A Study of hidden tuition in Powell County High School, Walen Francis Lilly
Music handbook for the small high school, Alta Hallock Lucius
Study of the administrative activities of district superintendents in Ravalli County Montana, Ronald Boyd Mattson
Manual for use in Montana high school yearbook production, Edward B. McCurdy
Critical study of Montana public health unit number one as it involves the child and the school, Robert Willis Morin
Intramural program for male students of grades seven through twelve in the Polson public schools, Royal L. Morrison
Environmental factors affecting South Dakota teachers, Dale M. Mottle
Developing a physical education program in the primary grades in Cornelius Hedges School Kalispell Montana, James Ray Myers
School board handbook for third class districts in Montana, Carlton Elwood Naugle
Survey of general science in the junior high school grades in Montana, Eldon Merle Nedds
The present and proposed Golden Glen (Edgeley) N. Dak. school district, Oscar Theodore Paulson
Planning a testing program for the elementary schools of Forsyth Montana, Emile Louis Perey
Study of the physical requirements compensation experience training and responsibilities of school bus drivers, Robert Duane Peterson
Study of eighth grade spelling in the Lincoln School Livingston Montana, Frederick Lloyd Posey
Planning facilities, equipment, administration, and presentation of a physical education program for the secondary schools of Montana, Lawrence Harrison Potter
The use and evaluation of audio-visual aids within the Edgerton Grade School in Kalispell Montana, Robert H. Racicot
Subjects taught in combination with science by Montana public secondary school teachers during the 1952-53 school year with a partial analysis of the preparation of science teachers, Stanley Floyd Rathman
Study of student councils of large elementary schools in Montana, George Arthur Scheltens
Study of the financial advisability of reorganizing the independent school district Veblen South Dakota, Harold Victor Settje
A survey of the attitudes of the Hot Springs community towards its schools, Willard John Smith
The application of the kinesthetic technique to retarded readers in the self-contained classroom, Paul Vincent Stelsel
Proposed school board policies for the Stevensville Montana public schools, Harry M. Tamplin
An Evaluation of in-service training activities in selected western Montana elementary schools, William Joseph Taylor
The development of a guidance program for the Elgin North Dakota high school, Barton Eugene Thompson
Integrated conservation program for the upper elementary grades, Hubert Horatio Wagner
A survey of the opinions of pupils and teachers concerning their high school at Ronan Montana, Russell Walter Wasley
Comparative study of ten Montana schools' hot lunch practices with recommendations for the East Elementary School Laurel Montana, Elmon Charles Wruck
Proposed plan for cooperative education in certain Ravalli County communities, Toivo J. Ylinen
A study of the use of selected public schools in Missoula county for community and group activities, Herbert John York
The problems of grading physical education, Joseph A. Zile
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
An analysis of Montana's public school enrollments 1930-1950 and projected enrolments 1951-1960, Warren Duane Adams
A comparative study of Negro and white educational opportunities in Richmond Kentucky, John William Ballard
Extraclass activities program in the Billings Montana junior high school, Lloyd Vernon Bergstrom
Educational survey of the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, Whiteriver, Arizona, Lawrence W. Capps
Study of the education program of the Montana farmers union, William A. Coe
A program for physical education in the fourth fifth and sixth grades recommended for the schools in Kalispell, Dayton William Denton
An educational survey of the Taber Canada school division no. 6, Samuel Aubrey Earl
A survey of the graduates from the Hot Springs Montana High School for the years 1946-1950 inclusive, Earl Fisher
A follow-up of the 1942-1951 high school graduates of Ronan Montana, Stuart Elmer Fitschen
Some educational guidance aspects of the current orientation week program for entering male students at Montana State University, George Robert Hahn
High school district reorganization in western Hill County, Howard Woodrow Hammond
A follow-up study of the graduates of Libby Montana High School for the years 1946-1950, Raymond Hokanson
Equipment needs for a biology course in the small Montana high school, Layton Francis Jones
Organization administration and evaluation of a driver education and training course in Sidney Public High School, Rudolph Paul Koch
Status of industrial arts teaching in Montana high schools with enrollments of from forty to one hundred fifty students in 1950, Gordon Gerhard Lallum
A Comparison of the results of the Kuder Preference Record given to 104 students as freshmen and again as juniors in the Helena High School, Eugenia Livingston
Evaluation of the methods used in selecting social studies textbooks for grades one through eight at Lewistown Montana, Steve Matthew Matosich
Some aspects of driver education and its relationship to Montana high schools, Franklin G. Matsler
Survey and evaluation of resource materials available for teaching the biological and physiological aspects of sex education in the junior and senior high school, Dale Floyd McFarlane
Handbook of information for teachers in the public schools of Hosmer South Dakota, Edwin Obenauer
A Plan to improve the audio-visual program in the elementary schools of Missoula Montana, George Olson
School district reorganization in Sully County South Dakota, Wilfred Charles Pape
Survey of racial attitudes in three communities Kern county California, George G. Perkins
A survey of Montana's public school building needs and financing ability, Paul Oliver Picton
A manual of vocational and educational training opportunities in the United States Air Force, Burritt Hollister Pond
A Plan for improving reporting practices in the grade schools of Hamilton Montana, Wilford George Poppie
Status of foreign language education in the public high schools of Montana, Glenn Stewart Reznor
The development of evaluative criteria for grades seven and eight, William Charles Ross
Liability of Montana school districts and their employees for pupil injury, Stewart Hamilton Smith
Trends in group vocational guidance 1900 to 1952, Kathleen E. Walker
A Study of certain qualifications of chief administrators of Montana high schools, Jesse Claude White
Radio stations for Montana high schools, Parks Whitmer
Intensity of the discipline problem in the upper elementary school throughout Western Montana, John Albert Winchell
Theses/Dissertations from 1951
The Geraldine public schools building program Geraldine Montana, George Balogh
Analysis of the effect of the state tax system on the minimum foundation program for education in Montana, Selmer Herbert Berg
Development of the parochial school system of the diocese of Marquette, Howard John Brown
A survey of techniques in the use of projected audio-visual teaching aids in twelve selected schools, John Bisland Cage
A digest of information pertaining to the requirements for licenses in certain occupations in Montana, Harold Everson Colvin
Evaluation of the American council on education psychological examination and the cooperative English test as guidance instruments at Montana State University, Joseph Robert Crowley
Program of teacher training in business education for Puerto Rico, Antonio De La Luz
Codification of the rulings of the Montana State board of education April 1925-April 1951, Gerald Bernard Effing
Lay participation in the elementary schools of Billings Montana, Arthur Byron Guthrie
A description of the administration of a planned reading program in the public schools of Culbertson Montana, James Robert Guthrie
Proposed plan for reorganization of the educational system of the state of Montana, John Farb Helding
Analysis of the education services and facilities in Yellowstone National Park, Wallace James Hennessy