This collection includes theses, dissertations, and professional papers from the University of Montana Department of Psychology. Theses, dissertations, and professional papers from all University of Montana departments and programs may be searched here.
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
A confirmatory factor analytic study of the major sources of variance in the MMPI-2, Bryan David Peltier
Attitudes and experience of social support in post college adults, Lovinia M. Plimpton
Attributions of purpose and meaningful activity: A study of positive development following loss, Craig Ravesloot
Disinhibition of restraint : a comparison of the Restraint Scale and the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire, Pamela S. Ridgway
Malingered performance on four measures of neuropsychological malingering the California Verbal Learning Test and the effects of coaching, Fredric E. Rose
Future self-concept and preventative health behavior, John David Wimberly
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Locus of control of reinforcement and the learning of personal superstitions, Guy Dean Bateman
Prediction accuracy perceived discrepancy of desires actual discrepancy of desires and predicted desire for partner discrepancy in distressed and nondistressed married couples, Robert H. Bodholdt
Social factors reconsidered in the development of behavioral disorders in Attention-deficit Hyperactivity disordered children, Kevin R. Cesar
Decreasing problematic behaviors in dementia inpatients: The effects of flexible schedules and staff training, Connie M. Cross-Becker
Effect of different force requirements on the partial reinforcement extinction effect: A running wheel study, Robert Foss
Effects of effort and magnitude of reinforcement on the running response in rats, Andrea M. Karkowski
Study of the Velten Mood Induction Procedure and the measurement of mood, Mark David Lessard
Effects of situation level of processing and individual differences on calibration of comprehension, Margaret L. Mjoness
Social support: The effect of self complexity and the perceived ability to reciprocate, Colleen Murphy-Southwick
Construct validity of the Stockard-Johnson Measure of Sex Differences as a measure of expressiveness and instrumentality, Anne M. Murtagh
The effects of stimulating and sedative music upon children, Amy E. Paris
Feeding competition in Rhesus monkeys: The transfer of behavioral competition to a computer task paradigm, Shannon L. Pinkston
Sociocultural psychological and behavioral predictors of AIDS-risk behavior in a college sample, Mark A. Simpson
A comparison of differing session lengths within a closed economy, Ann C. Szalda-Petree
The effects of expert testimony on the trials of battered women who kill their batterers, Cheryl R. Van Denburg
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Splitting and mood congruent recall of previously self-referenced trait adjectives: Is there a relationship?, Elizabeth Bell
Normative study of the Portland Digit Recognition Test| An assessment of the effects of motivation on neuropsychological evaluations, Tami M. Eldridge
Family characteristics as perceived by hypothetically psychosis-prone college students, Thomas C. Hamburgen
Pausing time allocation and constraint on output, Nora N. Kametani
Caffeine : expectancy and pharmacological effects, Sandra C. Lotshaw
Ego development and psychological adjustment, Richard G. Rasulis
Exploratory study of underresearched aspects of sexual abuse in a college population, Anne Christine Stermock
Optimal time vs distance: A study of optimal foraging theory, Ann C. Szalda
Information processing nonverbal sensitivity and social problem-solving in schizophrenia, Rosemary Toomey
Economic status education and attribution of responsibility for spouse abuse, Cheryl R. Van Denburg
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Measurement of life skills, Carol S. Blum
Nonverbal sensitivity of emotionally disturbed adolescents in decoding facial body and vocal cues of emotion, Bonnie M. Brekke
Racial differences on the Cognitive Laterality Battery and coevolution of thers+ gene for sequential processing, Sherry Dingman
Attributions affect and self-efficacy: Validation of the Abstinence Violation Effect with abstinent slip-abstinent and relapsed smokers, Andrew B. Forsyth
Intervention for increasing exercise adherence, Lisa Lynette Franseen
Relationships between motivations goal attainment expectancies and coping and substance use and binge eating in college students, Stephanie B. Karwacki
Effects of clinical practice on the psychologist: Perceived stress short-term effects of treating depressed clients and ways of coping, Michael Murtagh
Base Rates for the Occurrence of Articulated Profiles on the Personality Research Form and the Minnesota Mltiphasic Personality Inventory, Kathleen Norris
Simultaneous contrast in rats using an automated running wheel, Allen Dwayne Petree
Integration of impression management and socially desirable responding: Variables that determine who we say we are, Craig H. Ravesloot
Effects of imagery and valence of information on improving memory in dysphoric college students, Fredric E. Rose
Exploration of the concern for dieting factor of the Revised Restraint Scale with an overweight sample, Merna Heinrich Terry
Predicting learning and memory skills in college student drinkers, Angelique G. Tindall
Phenomenal characteristics of remembering and imagining positive neutral and negative life experiences, Joseph D. White
Does time of day of measurement influence responses on alcohol expectancy scales?, Bradley D. Woldt
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Jungian complex and emotional response, Philip M. Alex
Rural multidisciplinary pain center follow-up study: Evaluation with a no-treatment comparison group, James Allen
A study of sensation-seeking and personality in an extreme-risk sport population, Joseph E. Biron
Forensic hypnosis: Hypnotic susceptibility and incidental memory, Duncan A. Chambers
An investigation of complementarity in pre-interactional choice, Scott Cramton
Alcoholism and antisocial personality disorder: Related discrete personality variables?, Dudley Dana
Variations in amount of focusing instructions and task duration in a mood-elevating imagery task: Effects upon quality and intensity of mood, Claudia J. French
Sexual offending and victimization: Prevalence and reactions of adolescent and adult sex offenders and college students, Bonnie Rae Nussbaum
Effects of self-monitoring relevance strategies and normative information on attitude-behavior consistency, Stephen C. Peck
Empathy and ego development: Foray in the development of affectivity, Richard G. Rasulis
The relationship between traditional psychometric test scores and the determination of criminal responsibility and competency to stand trial, Susan J. Sachsenmaier
The effect of mood states on eating behavior among restrained and unrestrained eaters, Naomi J. Smith
Anger and aggression control for incarcerated offenders, Barbara Louise Stone
Knowledge and opinion regarding mental health service providers: The effect of academic degree information, Debra L. Warner
Consumer preferences for mental health service providers in a community sample, Danette Marie Wollersheim
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Acquisition and long-term retention of a simple motor skill: Experiments and principles, Douglas Ammons
The effectiveness of a stroke education program on family relationships, Deborah S. Baldwin
General functioning among Adult Children of Alcoholics: Predictors of positive outcomes, Sarah M. Baxter
Dyadic preference questionnaire: Exploring attribution prediction accuracy and perceived similarity in distressed and nondistressed married couples, Robert H. Bodholdt
Acceptability of alternative parenting techniques to four different parent populations, Brenda K. Holland
Repetition-priming effects in Alzheimer's disease, Elizabeth Vinson Kohlstaedt
Investigation of response bias in the Chapman scales, Bryan David Peltier
Effect of sex-appropriate task description on the tendency to self-handicap, Kendell C. Thornton
Memory remediation : evaluation of a computer-assisted cognitive retraining program, Angelique G. Tindall
Judgment and recognition of emotion in the hypothetically psychosis-prone, Rosemary Toomey
Intentional evidence and deliberation: Effects on mock jurors' perceptions, Robert A. Velin
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Proverb interpretation in a schizotypal population, James Allen
Long-term retention of a simple motor skill., Douglas Ammons
Acceptability of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy: Evaluations of adult inpatients and multidisciplinary staff, John C. Andre
An Experiment on the influence of structured instructions on jury decision making, Thomas Breitenbucher
Relationship between independent living skills and psychosis-proneness, Carol Blum Critchfield
Effects of target speed and number of revolutions of practice on rotary pursuit performance of adult females: Measuring procedural intelligence, Sherry Dingman
Mother-offspring relations in a captive troop of savanna baboons, Nancy E. England
Nonverbal emotional communication in an anhedonic population, Claudia J. French
Blaming the victim versus blaming the perpetrator: A reexamination of causal attribution in wife abuse, Jane L. Harris
Stress coping and social support in individuals hypothesized to be at high-risk for psychotic disorders, Stephanie B. Karwacki
Juridic decisions: The impact and perceived relevance of intentional evidence, Holly K. Krueger
The effects of stress on internal/external locus-of-control with varying levels of control, Rita Sommers-Flanagan
Relation between child and parent verbal behavior in parent-child dyadic interactions and their relation to ratings of conduct disorder, Debra L. Warner
Adult judgments of the adoptability of children as a function of psychopathology label and sex, Danette Marie Wollersheim
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Anger as a defense against fear, Duncan A. Chambers
The relationship between television viewing and marital quality, Kenneth Allen Cogswell
Circumplex-balance model of personal adaptation and psychopathology, Scott Cramton
Alcoholism as a discrete personality variable| Implications for its heritability and treatment, Dudley Dana
A personal construct theory approach to exploration of maternal perception of clinic-referred and non-clinic children, William P. Paul
Perceived causal attribution of drinking antecedents in American Indian and Caucasian 9th graders 11th graders and college freshman, Grace Powless Sage
Schematic effects of explanation on subjective likelihood estimates: An investigation of self-reference versus other-reference and familiarity, DeeAnn R. Sheets
Attitudes of children toward orthopedically handicapped peers observed in success versus failure situations, Barbara Louise Stone
Consumer preferences for mental health professionals: The implications of fee and title information, Dennis J. Woody